Had amazing success today
Bought a 8mm x 10m PP rope for 6€ today at a hardware store
Practiced partial suspension for the first time today
Main objective was just reaching unconsciousness
[Warning: This isn't my final setup. I plan on going into the woods]
Reference images in Spoiler
- Slipknot
- Bottom of neck
- Knot on left/right side
Held the end of the rope with the hands, so that I let go automatically after unonsciousness
Bent my upper body forward, leaning into the noose, above the bag of cloth for cushioning, to apply pressure
Had success with the knot position on left and right side of the neck (tested on the right side only once so far)
I believe the way I am positioned in this setup, creates a torque, that mainly covers the area where the carotids are located, depended on the knot position(right/left)
That's probably why the knot position is important?
Because I can create unonsciousness pretty consistenly now
At first I didn't feel anything, thinking it isn't going to work.
But around 5 seconds after applying the pressure I immediately got a feeling that this must be it.
I didn't black out, but lost all of my control and sunk to the floor, my whole body started cramping and got consumed by a feeling of euphoria or something that is probably experienced during an orgasm.
I don't know which of these describe it better, because I never felt something so amazing before.
No surprise that
erotic asphyxiation is a thing, I could get addicted to that feeling.
The longest I held onto the rope was close to a minute. (Was close to ruining my pants, because it felt so good

I couldn't keep up a consistent pressure, because of those cramps and this insane sensation that flooded me.
I didn't hold onto it for a minute, because I wanted to.
I couldn't control myself anymore, lost basically my senses/thoughts, only could observe.
It took a few seconds, to regain the control over my body.
The experience is pretty much as shown in the syncope video.
Buying a rope is definitely worth it.
I was struggling for a week, using a belt, with unsatisfying results, not even getting remotely close to what I experienced today.(In hindsight this struggle helped me in the right direction.)
When I had success on attempts, the feeling of unconsciousness was achieved in around ~5seconds and I didn't feel any head thumping.
So whenever you get to the point of the head thumping or it takes too long (should take ~10max.),
try adjusting the setup.
- Shift the knot
- Try moving the noose further down the neck
- Apply more pressure(Wasn't too uncomfortable for me, didn't use any padding. I'm kinda skinny, but work out regularly, not sure if that matters)
Hope it helps someone with a more peaceful exit
And I hope I covered the most important things