Deleted member 65988

If someone has a pre-existing sensitivity to nausea and vomits all of their glasses it seems reasonable that SN might fail because of that. Yes, a lot of people vomit and die anyway, but I know the user in question called an ambulance and that is why he is alive. It isn't uncommon to see advice on here to call an ambulance if you vomit all of your prepared glasses, or for some reason can't drink more.
I agree, @アホペンギン did say the main reason they survived is due to extreme nausea they suffer from so it isn't out of the question to assume they didn't hold down sn long enough in their system to accumulate to a lethal amount despite ingesting way over the usual lethal amount that would've definitly killed most people who dont have such an issue. What also helped was calling for help but the amount of sn that was in their system, whatever amount it was, could've been enough to kill them or cause more damage thus it also helped that it was cleaned out from their stomach after that.

A user sometime ago did vomit enough sn out before it could be completely ingested and even said "this is not going to kill me" before passing out and waking up a few hours later but that was due to the taste of it. Sentientcreature had the same issue who stated "But the fact that I threw it up immediately probably means that it's because of the taste and not its effects upon ingestion".
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Aug 8, 2023
Another SN scaremongering thread without actual evidence? Peaceful pill handbook is the master. Folks should not trust posts from anonymous users here, everyone including authorities can make up so called fake attempts to scare people.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Most throw up within ten minutes so I'm not sure when to call the ambulance. If everyone did that when they vomit no one would die.

This site is mostly a site to scaremonger now. Hopefully it appears that mods do take action now against predatory males looking for vulnerable girls and women. And I'm glad they took down the "MYTH OF SN" scare thread.
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Deleted member 65988

Most throw up within ten minutes so I'm not sure when to call the ambulance. If everyone did that when they vomit no one would die.

This site is mostly a site to scaremonger now.
That is a good point although I suppose people will say to call the ambulance when the symptoms of sn are too much to bear

Deleted member 65988

"take 500mg oxazepam in a drink after SN"
thats crazy imo, theres better alternatives…
Yeah, it isn't out of question to say that Peacefull pill is off the mark in many things but it is catered to elderly individuals first and foremost, not younger people in their 20-40s.
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Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
I'm way past the point in life of sugar coating what I say on a suicide forum so I'm saying this:
having a "sensitive stomach" sounds like total BS as an excuse for why SN failed. I'm just saying the total crap that I read on here now is sickening. When I read that I thought it was ridiculous and it must be from a new account trying to defend someone failing at SN as a pro lifer. Sure enough, a brand new account.

Jst slf 2 cents

In all fairnss = pssble fr thre 2 b dffrnce betwn sme1 throwng up whn bdy = recgnisng poisn aftr cple of mintes & a bdy rejectng smethng immedi8tly b4 n.e absorptn cn tke plce bcse of a gastro conditn

Slf agree tht scre-mongrng = an issu & slf & othr mods r workng on smethng 2 combt ths

Thre = nevr n.e wy 2 knw whthr or nt ppl on internt r b-ing honst bt = also imprtnt 2 recgnise tht 1 persn xpernce wth SN in xpceptnl circmstncs ds nt transl8 2 hw tht wld b fr th/ avrge usr of SN eithr & also ds nt sggst genrl unreliablty of SN as a methd
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Jun 7, 2023
Most throw up within ten minutes so I'm not sure when to call the ambulance. If everyone did that when they vomit no one would die.

This site is mostly a site to scaremonger now. Hopefully it appears that mods do take action now against predatory males looking for vulnerable girls and women. And I'm glad they took down the "MYTH OF SN" scare thread.
You call an ambulance when you throw all of the glasses up, or when you vomit and cannot drink more. It is not gospel, however. You don't have to call an ambulance. Many haven't and have successfully CTB'd, my best friend included.
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Deleted member 65988

And I'm glad they took down the "MYTH OF SN" scare thread.
Why did they take it down anyway?
You don't have to call an ambulance. Many haven't and have successfully CTB'd, my best friend included.
Did your best friend ctb in this case or not? Apologies if it is something you'd rather not say.
Jst slf 2 cents

In all fairnss = pssble fr thre 2 b dffrnce betwn sme1 throwng up whn bdy = recgnisng poisn aftr cple of mintes & a bdy rejectng smethng immedi8tly b4 n.e absorptn cn tke plce bcse of a gastro conditn

Slf agree tht scre-mongrng = an issu & slf & othr mods r workng on smethng 2 combt ths

Thre = nevr n.e wy 2 knw whthr or nt ppl on internt r b-ing honst bt = also imprtnt 2 recgnise tht 1 persn xpernce wth SN in xpceptnl circmstncs ds nt transl8 2 hw tht wld b fr th/ avrge usr of SN eithr & also ds nt sggst genrl unreliablty of SN as a methd
You are absolutely right Dot. It is possible for the body to reject something immediately before absorption can take place because of a gastrointestinal condition or recognizing it is a poison after a few mins.

Unfortunately, a lot of people look at failure threads of SN and use that as a way to conclude that it would be that way for them because of their overall fear of something going wrong should they attempt plus others use the same failure threads as a way to state that SN is "slow and unreliable" but how does one instance translate to general unreliability of the method.
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Jun 7, 2023
Did your best friend ctb in this case or not? Apologies if it is something you'd rather not say.
It's okay. Yes, she did successfully CTB despite throwing it up. I do not know if she drank a second glass or not, but she said she couldn't. She's also confirmed dead, as I have seen her obituary.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
That's a good point. You can swallow it and then instantly vomit, or you can swallow it and in 4 or 5 minutes vomit which is what most do.

"Oxazepam has a slower onset of action (30-60 minutes) than some other benzodiazepines (such as diazepam)." odd they would recommend that.

If someone manages to drink a 2nd glass, and most don't or can't bear to do that, they usually are gone. At least that seemed to be the case in the vary rare times someone did that.
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Deleted member 65988

It's okay. Yes, she did successfully CTB despite throwing it up. I do not know if she drank a second glass or not, but she said she couldn't. She's also confirmed dead, as I have seen her obituary.
Greatly sorry for your loss, I couldn't imagine how I'd feel if I lost someone i cared about like this.
Oh, I just realized it's Lokabe you are talking about.
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‘People can be dead before they’ve even died’
Jan 23, 2023
I really feel we need to not criticise other people's attempts. They are going through enough, they come and explain as much as they can recall about their attempt despite probably struggling even more since the attempt didn't succeed.

Also, there are many many medical conditions like those that cause vomiting which can and will interfere with absorption of what's ingested, SN included. I feel it's so important to just show each other compassion and support not to make people feel even worse. Let's not accuse people of things we do not know about like 'アホペンギン''s medical problems
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I do not live for others to understand me...
Sep 13, 2023
I mean would going out like that be a painless death...cause he said he woke up with stomache pain....so maybe if he took more the first time be wouldn't have felt anything....that's a method I'm willing to try. Just gotta find it first
Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I feel bad wasting my time reading all this crap. I feel like an idiot.
He didn't leave; he was banned. It takes a couple of days to self-ban a SaSu account.
Why was he banned?
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
He said he vomited for four hours. He must have meant he was dry heaving for four hours. I have dry heaved for five or ten minutes to the point of exhaustion. Dry heaving for four hours? Hard to imagine and again hard for me to believe.
Then he said he was in a coma for 20 hours. So some SN MUST have been absorbed.
So after the vomiting for four hours he went into a coma in the hospital?
And why would he be transferred to another hospital if he was in a coma?

Here are the things he claimed happened to him:
1. he was vomiting for four hours
2. he was given the antidote - as much as they had
3. he was in a coma for twenty hours
4. he was transferred to another hospital to have his stomach cleaned out with charcoal

Was he vomiting for 4 hours before the coma or after or during it?

But was posting the next morning? After all that?

But he couldn't keep enough down to ctb. Sensitive stomach and all that. And the hospital is across the street and they have keys to his apartment.

Then after reading I've had my SN for three years, told me PPH said SN isn't good after three years. I said no it doesn't say that. Oh right he's not sure he saw that in the PPH.
(I have just confirmed with a chemical company SN is stable for ten years. Other places say 3 years, not PPH though.)

Scaremongering needs to be stopped.
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
He never said that he vomited for 4 hours before he called the ambulance and that was already clear in the goodbye thread that he called the ambulance about 15 minutes after the first glass.

It's not up 2 me I'm not a mod but I'd suggest that this thread is being closed as it only ends up in accusations and this doesn't seems to be a neutral discussion about the effects of SN anymore.

Mods, please make a decision.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
He never said that he vomited for 4 hours before he called the ambulance and that was already clear in the goodbye thread that he called the ambulance about 15 minutes after the first glass.

It's not up 2 me I'm not a mod but I'd suggest that this thread is being closed as it only ends up in accusations and this doesn't seems to be a neutral discussion about the effects of SN anymore.

Mods, please make a decision.
He did absolutely say in one post he vomited for four hours. I did NOT say he did that before calling the ambulance. See what I mean about inconsistencies? Vomit four hours, in the hospital, coma for 20 hours, none of this makes sense to me.
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Jun 7, 2023
Why was he banned?
No idea why, just that I know he didn't self ban because you can't self ban in a matter of minutes or hours.

He said he vomited for four hours. He must have meant he was dry heaving for four hours. I have dry heaved for five or ten minutes to the point of exhaustion. Dry heaving for four hours? Hard to imagine and again hard for me to believe.
I can't find him ever claiming that he vomited or dry heaved for four hours straight, just that he thought he had vomited all of the SN up, as nothing more came up. If you have a link to him claiming he vomited for four hours, I would like to see it but I could not find it.

Then he said he was in a coma for 20 hours. So some SN MUST have been absorbed.
SN was absorbed, yes. The doctor informed him of that. It is likely he would be dead now had he never called an ambulance

he went into a coma in the hospital?
Yes. Altered consciousness, coma and death are all effects of SN ingestion.

And why would he be transferred to another hospital if he was in a coma?
He was transferred to a psych ward after being stabilised, likely in an ICU or other "regular" hospital ward. He was conscious at the time of transfer. This is normal procedure for suicide attempts.

Here are the things he claimed happened to him:
1. he was vomiting for four hours
He didn't claim this.

2. he was given the antidote - as much as they had
Yes, methylene blue is the standard emergency treatment for SN poisoning to reverse methemoglobinemia.

3. he was in a coma for twenty hours

4. he was transferred to another hospital to have his stomach cleaned out with charcoal
I don't know what they cleaned his stomach out with, but being transferred to another hospital or ward within the same hospital after stabilisation from a suicide attempt is standard. Psych wards aren't usually equipped to handle patients who are in medical emergency.

Was he vomiting for 4 hours before the coma or after or during it?
Don't know, but you can vomit while you are passed out. This is how some people who overdose on drugs die, they choke on their own vomit while passed out.

But was posting the next morning? After all that?
Hospitals usually keep a person's personal items by their bed, so once he woke he would have had access to his phone. They have no reason to take it. He was clearly still in distress, but said himself he wanted to update the people worried about him.

But he couldn't keep enough down to ctb. Sensitive stomach and all that.
He likely did keep down enough to CTB, but he called an ambulance as he had decided for himself that if he vomited all three glasses, he would call for help. I still do not know why you doubt his sensitive stomach story, he has been saying for a long time that is how he has access to metoclapramide.

And the hospital is across the street and they have keys to his apartment.
It is not uncommon for a landlord or body corporate of an apartment complex to have a master key. In the event of an emergency, obviously this key would be given over to the emergency services. They may even have a master key for local apartment complexes in the hospital.
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Deleted member 65988

Hold up, are we still discussing what happened to @アホペンギン
I thought it was cleared up.
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Jun 7, 2023
Hold up, are we still discussing what happened to @アホペンギン
I thought it was cleared up.
@Meditation guide will not stop trying to cast doubt on his story, basically accusing him of lying and deliberately scaremongering. I wish I didn't have to discuss his story, or read his recount so much but I think these accusations are disgusting. He even plans to go ahead with SN in the future, he does not want to scaremonger.
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
He did absolutely say in one post he vomited for four hours. I did NOT say he did that before calling the ambulance. See what I mean about inconsistencies? Vomit four hours, in the hospital, coma for 20 hours, none of this makes sense to me.
I've not seen the post you mention here in particular. Obviously this discussion is derailed a little bit.

There are different different opinions about this topic "SN" and it's true effects during the process. As it's an "OD method" each body reacts different to it. This is just my personal opinion.
Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
@Meditation guide will not stop trying to cast doubt on his story, basically accusing him of lying and deliberately scaremongering. I wish I didn't have to discuss his story, or read his recount so much but I think these accusations are disgusting. He even plans to go ahead with SN in the future, he does not want to scaremonger.
You didn't see the part about four hours of vomiting.
Do you think I enjoy this? I am PISSED by what is going on here.


Jun 7, 2023
You didn't see the part about four hours of vomiting.
Do you think I enjoy this? I am PISSED by what is going on here.
I read his entire "I survived" thread, all of his posts in this thread and searched his posts for "4 hours", "four hours" and "vomit". I could not find him making the claim he vomited for four hours straight. Please source this claim.
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Deleted member 65988

@Meditation guide will not stop trying to cast doubt on his story, basically accusing him of lying and deliberately scaremongering. I wish I didn't have to discuss his story, or read his recount so much but I think these accusations are disgusting. He even plans to go ahead with SN in the future, he does not want to scaremonger.
I definitely believed what he had to say, his story isn't one that I find particularly inconsistent at all, in fact, I evaluated the reasons why his attempt didn't succeed, some of which he admitted himself.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
So since he would have died if not for going to the hospital we can at least conclude that his attempt only failed due to his SI kicking in and him calling for help.

*Even with a sensitive stomach.*


Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
And the hospital is across the street and they have keys to his apartment.
I don't know where you live. But in other countries it's common that people who can afford it to live in closed compounds andthis may also include a "private" hospital. That's absolutely nothing to be suspicious about. It's a kind a of "luxury" someone may be able to have.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I don't know where you live. But in other countries it's common that people who can afford it to live in closed compounds andthis may also include a "private" hospital. That's absolutely nothing to be suspicious about. It's a kind a of "luxury" someone may be able to have.
You can come up with a cover or excuse no matter what can't you?

The point is this: I don't believe him, and if it IS true it proves SN works because he would have died if not for SI kicking in.


Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
@Meditation guide I don't care what you are gonna do and which method you are considering for yourself, it's up 2 u in any case! But I would like to know whether you are afraid of taking SN (and failing) or not?

I personally don't consider SN for myself bc I don't want to vomit, I don't want to feel nauseous and I don't have a realistic chance to acquire the suggested meds to have a more or less "peaceful passing". My preferred method is CO (with charcoal).
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