Just wanting some peace
- Sep 24, 2020
- 41,055
The torment of being denied painless ways to die.
What I find so horrible and what causes me an extreme amount of suffering is that even know existence just causes so much pain with literally no limit as to how much one can suffer, there isn't the option of a guaranteed painless way for me to just find eternal peace from the torturous burden of existing as a human.
There's so much pain in how I cannot just access a death like never waking again and the fact that voluntary death is this way with there being no acceptance towards the wish to eternally cease existing truly does just create way more torment in this existence where there is all this endless suffering.
For me it'd truly be such a comfort and relief to be able to just die peacefully but sadly such is not the reality in this painful, torturous existence where the focus is on prolonging the pain this existence this causes as much as possible. It's just so terrible to me how there isn't the option to fall asleep eternally as in my case I only wish for non-existence, I only wish to never exist again, it terrifies me how humans can suffer and exist for so long, all that appeals to me is being eternally at peace from the burden of existing. I find it deeply undesirable to exist which is why to me there's so much cruelty in the absence of ways to eternally cease existing, no matter what I'd never wish to exist, I'd always prefer nothingness over suffering for decades just to die in agony from old age, there really is so much torment in how I cannot just easily escape from this in a painless way.
What I find so horrible and what causes me an extreme amount of suffering is that even know existence just causes so much pain with literally no limit as to how much one can suffer, there isn't the option of a guaranteed painless way for me to just find eternal peace from the torturous burden of existing as a human.
There's so much pain in how I cannot just access a death like never waking again and the fact that voluntary death is this way with there being no acceptance towards the wish to eternally cease existing truly does just create way more torment in this existence where there is all this endless suffering.
For me it'd truly be such a comfort and relief to be able to just die peacefully but sadly such is not the reality in this painful, torturous existence where the focus is on prolonging the pain this existence this causes as much as possible. It's just so terrible to me how there isn't the option to fall asleep eternally as in my case I only wish for non-existence, I only wish to never exist again, it terrifies me how humans can suffer and exist for so long, all that appeals to me is being eternally at peace from the burden of existing. I find it deeply undesirable to exist which is why to me there's so much cruelty in the absence of ways to eternally cease existing, no matter what I'd never wish to exist, I'd always prefer nothingness over suffering for decades just to die in agony from old age, there really is so much torment in how I cannot just easily escape from this in a painless way.