- Oct 10, 2021
- 189
I don't know if you are aware.. There is a difference between Philip Nieche exit international suicide assistance (pph) and final exit which started out as the Hemlock society (Derek Humphrey) and only assists people here in the US. I deal with final exit. I have been researching Nitrogen and exit bag for over a year now. I will be having Final exits assistance and will not be alone. I know your concern is mostly for those attempting this method alone. I also have concerns about those trying to alter using a mask instead of the bag. I don't think it's wise.This back and forth with that Exit guides narratives will lead to nothing. I will only say, don't twist my words. It's a proven fact, that I have wrote several times on the forum, that not everybody will have consulsions, but many and that I am writing for the worst case scenario, which includes convulsions, because I have a responsibility for my writings and I will not put the health of other people in danger due to Exit narratives, hearsay, dangerous superficial knowledge, 2-fingers-stories or handpicked information.
One example are these animal experiments. Human beings are neither pigs nor rats. There have been also experiments with rats, but rats are living underground, so for them gases in the air have a different outcome in the behavior.
There have been made scientific experiments with human beings inhaling nitrogen, and it's a proven fact, that most of them had convulsions. Are you are a rat, pig or a human being?
There are countless people in care homes, probably also some, vanished from this forum, who had CTB failures with different methods and are now suffering under pain, amputations, brain damage or other things. They will never report about their failures, will never come back, because they are finished.
So it's up to everyone to take responsibility for the writing or not.
The gas method is so complicated and have to be fine tuned, it's also expensive, because cheap materials are dangerous, and it's a dangerous method if it goes wrong. You can not learn that within some days or a week.
To make this also worst-case-scenario 95 % safe, months are needed.
Every single case can be the worst case, and then it's over, if it is not done as safe as possible.
I will take my responsibility very serious, and after researching all these euthanasia groups and their propaganda techniques, and I made investigations and research as a professional for decades. I would give not a Cent for their word without research for my own. A lot of things can debunked only by common sense. But some CTP people are so desperate, that they believe anything, they will be told.
Why the 15 Liter/Minute Nitschke narrative was not debunked in the public years ago, that this has only be promoted and chosen, because Nitschke's equipment even the tubing are oxygen equipment, which has a free to purchase medical max flow standard of 15/Liter Minute? It's not chosen because of the good for the people but to sell his products better, that it will fit to his products and claims, to have a self-confirmation about what is in the PPH.
The minimum is at least 20 Liter/Minute, depending on the individual breath volume. Proven by scientists.
Again: Every single case can be the worst case, and then it's over, if it is not done as safe as possible.
Have you read Derek Humphreys final exit 2020?Does anyone else feel that the peaceful pill handbook offers an overtly positive view about this method, and does not notify the reader about it's risks nearly enough?
This method is very dangerous to try alone. That is, obviously, because even when it works, death is not always guaranteed. Done wrong, it has a pretty high potential of leaving you alive, with permanent, serious brain damage. Personally I would never try this method without assistance, because worse case scenario (and actually a quite likely one), i end up living the next 50 years in a home for the disabled. There are many ways one can fuck this up and the book is not underlining these ways or their consequences nearly enough. I'm all for spreading information about ways to end your life, but this part of the book needs improvement.
I don't know if english not being my first language has anything to do with this, but i just don't feel that it's detailed enough, especially when it comes to the risks involved.
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