I just read the original post again. I read it yesterday and was here for part of the time this was happening. I was so overwhelmed by it that I couldn't make a comment. Her original post is so beautiful and so sad at the same time.
I to be generic, but if there's anything all this has taught me, it's that I don't *want* to die. I in fact love life. It is myself I cannot seem to love. To the point that I cannot understand why others love me. I find myself wishing, like so many of us, I think, I could have another go.
This is the part that got me. I can relate to her not understanding why others love her. I feel the same way. And before that, she says she feels powerless because she can't deal with life the way other people can, which I can also relate to. It is a sad reality though that this is the only solution any of us can find. it's frustrating that this is the only solution there is. Here's another beautiful person gone because of the harsh realities of what it means to be alive. It's not fair and it makes me angry that this is the only way she had to find relief. I'm not angry at her. I'm angry at the rest of the world, at the harshness and unfairness of life. A sensitive person, as she seemed to be, doesn't stand a chance.
This was one of the first times I had actually come on the site when someone was in the process of ctb. Before this, I had only come on and read about it afterward. Also, I wasn't feeling well at all yesterday, emotionally.
For the last day or so I've been feeling kind of strange because today was originally my day to ctb until I decided to wait until after the holidays. Therefore, I had taken a Valium before I came on here and it was starting to take effect, so I was getting drowsy and out of it.
I'm sort of speechless and overwhelmed by this. I'm so sorry it came to this for her and I hope she found relief. I don't know what else to say. It's very sad that you have to do that in your 20s, but I understand it.
May she rest in peace.