Miss clefable
- Aug 23, 2018
- 1,577
And I get good reasults even if they are rude
As you know, censorship around the world has been ramping up at an alarming pace. The UK and OFCOM has singled out this community and have been focusing its censorship efforts here. It takes a good amount of resources to maintain the infrastructure for our community and to resist this censorship. We would appreciate any and all donations.
Be careful not to piss them off lolAnd I get good reasults even if they are rude
I think it is nothing, just non existence. Like if you have ever been put under for a surgery, just like that.
A horrifying thoughtI hope for that, yet at the same time I worry you remain conscious and trapped in your corpse until it completely rots away. Imagine cremation like that...
AgreeMy views on afterlife-related matters is that... There might be something out there, yes, but there also might not. Before you call me out on the extremely boring view on afterlife stuff, let me explain:
I have experienced a bunch of weird stuff in life, and I am sure I am not the only one. It is easy to attribute the weird, unexplainable events to a supernatural cause, but the truth is the weird stuff I experienced only really happened when I was surrounded by religious people and visiting churches, temples, etc... In my, until that point, seemingly endless search for my true self. So, I would hear about this kind of stuff ad nauseum.
These days I don't really "see" or "hear" anything, nor I feel. It makes me wonder if the weird experiences I had weren't stuff from my, at the time, rather vivid imagination. I would listen to people saying that they saw or heard X or Y, and perhaps in an subconscious level, I wanted to be able to experience the same things... And so I did.
I don't really have any reasons to believe in afterlife, though what my heart truly desires would require dying first, so... Well, some sort of life after death would be required for my dreams to be realized. Yet, I can't really say I expect anything other than nothingness, but I might be biased — After all, the nature of my dreams and wishes is... Complicated, to say the least. I know that the odds, at least in theory, are against me, so the second best thing to me would be to just... Disappear. Hence the "I might be biased". It would do no good if afterlife is a thing, but my wishes are still impossible.
My numerous prayers were never answered. I never seen or felt or heard spirits or angels, nor have I felt the touch or the love of God. I never saw demons or whatever. I did, however, see people who were supposedly possessed by entities and I do have to admit they acted nothing like the actual persons being supposedly possessed, but... That is not really enough, now is it? Weird stuff, hard to explain, but far from being proof that there is more after one's death. It is only enough to make me consider the possibility, but I need more to accept it is as a fact.
One thing that I do find interesting is that some religious teachings have very similar teachings, yet I don't think it is a case of copy & pasting beliefs, since they originate from times where worldwide communication was pretty much nonexistent. Of course, the teachings might have changed through the centuries, so there is that, but it is interesting to me, nonetheless. That could mean there is something else out there, and that different people from different times interpret what comes after death in different ways. It could also just mean that humans are significantly less complex than what we are encouraged to believe, and that people having overly similar ideas is just a very common thing.
I could go on for hours and hours. It is a tiring subject for me, though, so I will stop here.
No. Is it good?Did anyone go through the book 'Final gifts'?
No. Is it good?
The Penrose thing theorizes the brain is simply a receiver for something yet unexplored. I wonder what.I was watching professor Brian Cox on TV the other night and he was discussing how life evolved on earth. From the simplest organism to where we are now.
I wondered at what stage in evolution did humans evolve a soul and have an afterlife bestowed upon them.
If we can't get into a peaceful afterlife simply because of suicide then what's the point of having free will and thought that allow you to do such a thing? Why weren't we made to exist like robots if living through life is a requirement?
The suicide gives you eternal suffering arguement makes no sense.
I honestly believe that you would enter the afterlife regardless of how you die. Kind of like choosing between a credit card, ebt and cash. It doesn't matter. You payed with something and you get your food that's all that matters.
Thanks for your insight. I honestly appreciate it. Me CTBinig with your mindset will ease my fear of the afterlife. I seriously hope and believe it's a place where I can finally use my imagination and mind as an incredible power.I was actually just thinking about this last night. I agree with you, EmotionlessWanderer. I don't think it matters at all the "how" you transition, you go to the place you believe you're going to go to. If you believe you're a sinner and will go to hell for ctb'ing, then that's where you'll go. If you believe in a Heaven with angels and harps, that's where you'll go. Doesn't really matter how you get there, just that you get there.
Free will is God/dess's gift to us, for the purpose of experiencing everything we do in each of our lives for the sake of the Divine. So anything we do, good/bad/indifferent, is all good. Yep, even the evil stuff, sadly. Oh, and good/bad/indifferent/evil are all judgment calls by human beings, the Divine does not judge, the Divine is only Love. Now, that's not to say we don't pay in some way for the not quite so saintly things we do, we get to come back here in some other form with other choices for the next life that hopefully will help us with our "debts" (i.e. karma, although I'm beginning to wonder about karma, too). Heh, that's if we choose to come back here - I'm Not Ever Coming Back Here (for emphasis only). I'll do my payback out in the multiverses throughout all Eternity if I have to, but I'm not coming back as a human on this Earth ever again. Don't care what my spirit guides say, been there, done that, not doing it again, ever! For me, this is hell, and I haven't even had such a horrible life, but I've been in pain the whole time, just different levels of it throughout. Enough that I refuse to return for more of the same.
Ah but what I'm going to... now that's gonna be frelling amazing, fantastic and wonderful! If you've ever seen the movie, What Dreams May Come, with Robin Williams and Cuba Gooding, Jr., you'll get an idea of what my Heaven is like, not exact, but similar. I don't believe in their version of hell, though, this life is hell. I believe there is no time, and that we choose everything we experience there. Wanna fly, fly!! Wanna be in two places at once, well, there you are, and there you are over there! ;-) Wanna time travel, past, present or future? Catch my drift? No rules, no one telling you you're bad, or useless, or an idiot, or you can't. You can, anything! :-D
You are Loved, with the sweetest, warmest, fuzziest kind of Love, bathed in a golden light that heals all wounds. And the music, oh the music is just exquisite whatever genre you choose. Hey, don't forget there is one frelling amazing rock 'n roll band happening right about now!! I'm gonna join in on that one sometime, to be sure! Gonna have my own music to sing and play again, too, finally, and in my new gorgeous, young, healthy energy body, I'm gonna rock out with the best of 'em! Oh, look out, baby, one rocker chick makin' her way to y'all!! :-D
Some of you will say this is all just my fantasy, but that's where creation comes from, imagining things. Thoughts are real, they create, they manifest if the energy is so directed. I've given this a lot of thought, believe me! My afterlife is whatever I choose to make it, and the above is just part of what I'm making. If you believe there is nothing, just blackness/nothingness, then that's what you'll experience. There is such a thing as the Void as well. I'll probably be going there for a while, too, as I think I really need that time out, but I'll see once I get to that point. And we can always choose to leave it, too, at any time we want. I'm not certain as to exactly how it works, of course, but I think it's something like that.
So choose what you will, my friends. It's all good, truly it is! May you all be well and at Peace! :-)
Thanks for your insight. I honestly appreciate it. Me CTBinig with your mindset will ease my fear of the afterlife. I seriously hope and believe it's a place where I can finally use my imagination and mind as an incredible power.
Even if it's nothing like that my journey out of this shithole will still be at peace.