- Oct 6, 2018
- 69
I'll copy what I said in another thread with a similar topic:
Revok said:Coming from someone with a background in neuroscience:
Your ability for conscious experience is directly linked to your brain activity. People find it hard to imagine that conscious experience just stops, but the reality is that you were unconscious before you were born, were unconscious during anesthesia if you've ever had a semi-major surgery, are unconscious for periods of time each night when you sleep, and there is no reason to assume that being dead would be any different.
A theoretical conscious afterlife without a brain would be weird indeed, because without your brain you would be unable to form memories or remember things. You would not be able to receive any sensory input, nor process any information. You couldn't be happy or sad, in pain, excited, stressed, bored or have any emotions or mental states for that matter, since those are also tied to brain activity.
What would even be left of you at that point?
Of course you may always believe in magic and things that transcend human comprehension and the endless possibilities that come with it, but at that point it's quite impossible to have a discussion, or make any predictions, because at that point anything goes and there is no point in worrying about it.
Maybe people who commit suicide have won the interstellar gameshow where everyone is in a matrixlike simulation and you wake up and get a million space dollars while those who finish to late get thrown to the space sharks.
Maybe it was all just a weird dream and you are really a 6-dimensional being of pure energy.
Maybe it's a roguelike and you get to start over after buying some power ups.
Maybe 2+2=5
But if you want the answer based on what we know and what is reasonable, then being dead is like being unconscious, which should be a familiar state to anyone. A deep and dreamless slumber. To me that seems very enticing.
You are free to believe whatever you wish though. Just try to not stress over it. <3