

# 978
Jun 28, 2018
No. Even if one believes in the Bible there's no mention of hell as punishment for suicide. There are several people who commit suicide in the Bible- Samson for example who is seen as heroic. He even asked god for strength so he could ctb.

Jesus never mentions suicide. And for most Christians their faith is that Jesus died for all sins we've committed and will commit - including suicide. By definition Christians have faith that Christ died for humanity's sins and that faith alone is required to go to heaven.
Makes you wonder if Jesus committed physical suicide ? He didn't do anything to deserve the cross and He Himself said He could have been given more than 12 legions of Angels from His Heavenly Father to protect and fight for Him if He would have prayed to Him for it.
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Sep 30, 2018
I don't know whether or not you are a Christian or come from a Christian background, @Lra888, but that is a very consoling post to me. I already knew about Samson and Saul, and of course Judas Iscariot. I think that because Judas ctb after betraying Jesus is an important reason why the Church has traditionally condemned ctb -- ctb is perceived as betraying Jesus all over again. Poor Judas! Perhaps his ctb was a way to show that he was truly sorry for his betrayal. Who knows? Maybe God forgave Judas long, long ago...
Yes I do come from a Christian background. Living with depression for much of my life, having attempted suicide in the past and knowing that someday soon I will take my own life—I've been interested in this for a long time.

Judas, though he did betray Jesus and commit suicide—that betrayal was essential to the saving of humanity. Without it Jesus would not have died on the cross and saved us from our sins.
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Sep 30, 2018
I don't know whether or not you are a Christian or come from a Christian background, @Lra888, but that is a very consoling post to me. I already knew about Samson and Saul, and of course Judas Iscariot. I think that because Judas ctb after betraying Jesus is an important reason why the Church has traditionally condemned ctb -- ctb is perceived as betraying Jesus all over again. Poor Judas! Perhaps his ctb was a way to show that he was truly sorry for his betrayal. Who knows? Maybe God forgave Judas long, long ago...

Have you read the Gospel of Judas?

"In contrast to the canonical gospels, which paint Judas as a betrayer who delivered Jesus to the authorities for crucifixion in exchange for money, the Gospel of Judas portrays Judas's actions as done in obedience to instructions given to him by Jesus of Nazareth."
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Jun 13, 2018
I probably wouldn't have to worry about going to hell because I don't believe in Abraham religions (no offence to anyone who follows them). I am a heathen, My religion doesn't forbid suicide. If my religion is true, I'll go the place I always wanted to go.
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Oct 3, 2018
I don't know whether or not you are a Christian or come from a Christian background, @Lra888, but that is a very consoling post to me. I already knew about Samson and Saul, and of course Judas Iscariot. I think that because Judas ctb after betraying Jesus is an important reason why the Church has traditionally condemned ctb -- ctb is perceived as betraying Jesus all over again. Poor Judas! Perhaps his ctb was a way to show that he was truly sorry for his betrayal. Who knows? Maybe God forgave Judas long, long ago...

Even though our beliefs (or lack thereof, in my case) are utterly incompatible, I like the way you think. You're a good person, patient, and willing to see from other people's perspectives. I'm sure you'll be able to publish your novel before you ctb. You just have to prioritize it :)
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Господи помилуй — мир в Україні!
Sep 7, 2018
Even though our beliefs (or lack thereof, in my case) are utterly incompatible, I like the way you think. You're a good person, patient, and willing to see from other people's perspectives. I'm sure you'll be able to publish your novel before you ctb. You just have to prioritize it :)

Thank you, @Schopenhauer -- muchísimas gracias, muito obrigada. Prioritizing my novel is the trouble with me. I talk a big talk, but it is hard for me to follow through consistently -- the story of my life :wink:
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Lizzie S.

Lizzie S.

Sep 2, 2018
I just went to sleep and had a really weird experience that freaked me out. I could predict what was happening around me in the real world to a certain extent like my mom coming home and neighbors outside doing stuff. And my dream was really weird, I think I was dying in it and it was really scary I felt like I had overdosed and everything was really scary and I felt like I was going into an afterlife. Also there was specific writing written in numbers and like when people use numbers as letters and I never do that yet somehow knew all the numbers for each letter which was weird to me. It was like I was analyzing my self and soul in the dream too, I was going back to being a kid and was analyzing myself. I got a flu shot today and I'm generally not well, but this was just so weird to me. I'm agnostic but lean towards atheist but this freaked me out. Honestly, I think I would prefer nothingness. It didn't seem like there was no suffering if this is any sign of what the afterlife is like which is no beuno.
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Aug 17, 2018
I don't believe in heaven/ hell/ limbo because that implies that the afterlife is determined by the opinion of a deity based on how you should have lived your life and reacted to pain/suffering. Some people are put into desperate hellish situations and others have lives of health and comfort so how can god punish people in the afterlife who were pushed over the edge by suffering in this life?
This is exactly what I mean. God gives someone a terrible life and wonder why they act the way they do. Or send them to a bad afterlife because they're angry.
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Aug 17, 2018
How can God give you terrible life. No parents. No happiness. And wonder why you're so angry?
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Aug 17, 2018
In my case racist and evil god ruined my life because I was going to be the most beautiful woman in the world. And he planned for my face to be disfigured. Which it was. Thank you asswipe
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Aug 17, 2018
Set me up to be separated, malnourished, now I have shit floating all in my eyesight . Because one bastard didn't want me to be beautiful
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Nov 12, 2018
Back in 1994,I suffered heart failure whilst giving birth to my daughter
A 14hour labour and a 10lb+ baby was just too much strain-but being at the hospital,a defibrillator was at hand
It took about 4 minutes,I'm told,to bring me back
This was my experience.......

I just thought (despite all the pain etc), "I'm tired.I'm just gonna have a little sleep"
There was no pain and I just lay back and drifted off
Next thing I know,I'm awake and there's a lot of very relieved looking medical staff and tubes and wires everywhere
One male nurse says sheepishly "you gave us a bit of a scare there"

Obviously had to finish the job in hand then.
After it all,they explained what had happened.
But I know this.....there was no white light,no tunnel,no beckoning family,just blackness and nothing.

It's been suggested that maybe it wasn't long enough
Maybe they're right.
All I know is I no longer fear death.
Only the way that it occurs.
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Nov 8, 2018
It's a weird thing to think of. I remember when I was a kid imagining it as a sort of free floating observer camera in cs1.9.
The implications of maybe not being able to turn observer mode off never really hit me.
I've seen things I can't explain. Met one such person. Either she's a sorceress, the nice kind, though, the kind of sorceress that'll cuddle you when you're on her side, fuck you up in unimaginable ways if you're not, or she's an angel.
Back when I dated my ex I was a stupid little shit and brought her handcuffs as a birthday gift. I brought the box within a hundred meter radius of the woman and heard her voice whispering "don't worry, Compo, we trust you."
I look left, nothing. Right? Nothing. Back? Forward? Nothing. Then I spot her about a hundred meters away with her friends, and as soon as I realize it's her, it's like she feels I see her, she turns around, smiles and waves. The thing happened again and again, and each time I'm getting closer to shitting my pants.
I mean, I AM going to gift her daughter a "naughty" gift, one that most standard families won't take too kindly. I'm trying to ignore the whispering as I put a blindfold on the girl with the intent to handcuff her hands behind the back, attaching her to a tree because Hollywood tells me that's the best way to give a girl you have a major crush on military grade handcuffs as a kinky birthday gift. The whispering gets louder.
I'm pondering my sanity at this point.
I'm pushing the girl (blindfolded) against the tree (gently) with my chest due to literal lack of arms.
More whispering.
The girl tries to knee my nuts, but I manage to jump away.
There's some playful giggling as she struggles with the handcuffs and tries to kick my balls. Can't say I blame her. Looking back, that must've felt uncomfortable as hell. She has some history with rapey assholes which, in my defense, I didn't know about, and the subject never came up.
The cake appears. It's the size of ME!
There's a number on top, of course.
I've just sexually assaulted a minor.
The girl fucking teleports out of nowhere handing me the cuffs back, laughing and saying handcuffs are actually a poor choice of bondage gear. I'm still processing the fact that by legal terms I'm a heavy duty sex offender.
Let records say I never touched her inappropriately. Even back then I knew what a sex offender is and was terrified of achieving such status. Never went above holding hands and never kissed. Never did anything vaguely sexual. Gently held her against that tree bending awkwardly to keep my groin as far as I could.
Made sure to be an annoying arse and not some kinkster.
Her mom definitely knows what I did. The only response I got from her was "should've gone with Smith & Winston kekeke".
But still, I met a clear telepath/sorceress kind of person.
We still talk on rare occasion. That particular day never comes up. Now that she's back in the US, neither does the whispering.
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Sep 30, 2018
This is exactly what I mean. God gives someone a terrible life and wonder why they act the way they do. Or send them to a bad afterlife because they're angry.

Have you read about near death experiences. Almost all tell that we chose to come here to learn from suffering and other things. The best of souls chose the hard life which affects world in a good way though we don't see it now. Beggers and sick make people more emphatetic and caring etc. They say that only one who may judge themselves is them and God only loves them unconditionally.

Many children who had nde have said the same things as adults about it.

I had one but never went that far. Enough to believe others who had otherwise similar experience.
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Nov 9, 2018
The fallen so called Gods/ scientists including E.A, created man as slaves. Be blessed (though whilst here it's torture) you don't feel content on such a disgusting planet.
Look at the poor Cathars. Wiped out by Rome for opposing the great deceiver Baal. Even in Islam,Mother Mary is seen as the purest even purer than Mohammed. She is Isis the mother of the Catholic Jesus, Baal. The greatest deceit is mother earth.
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Sep 30, 2018
Hi, Sorry my writing got to wrong place. I wasn't writing to ones above.

I think that every single person have they own thoughts about it since no one knows for sure. Nobodies thoughts are better than others and I don't think it matters in the end.

I have studied religions also with history so I was amazed that for example in USA bible is so thick. In my country half is missing compared and how much it has changed from the ancient texts.
Society, own experiences and religions they all shape up our beliefs. We can't choose what to feel and believe. Just do our best.
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Nov 9, 2018
FAITH theres light, at the end of a very dark tunnell :) or the END.

The tibetan monks wrote of Emmanual who was a king in the Pleiadians. He had come to free man from bondage. Hence being put on the cross. The ten commandments chipped in clay by the anasasi, Its tough to keep free of sin on this planet. The cycle of abuse, led by fallen creaters. Out of tune with home. Our grass roots.
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Nov 9, 2018
Makes you wonder if Jesus committed physical suicide ? He didn't do anything to deserve the cross and He Himself said He could have been given more than 12 legions of Angels from His Heavenly Father to protect and fight for Him if He would have prayed to Him for it.

I was raised prespyterian. Though i beleive Jesus is our king in eternity. I just xan'
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Nov 9, 2018
I agree, Emmanual/Jesus is our king in eternity. New Babylon/Rome have deceived through Baal. Our forefathers wouldn't have opposed catholicisim so much, without good reason. If you look at Jacob's fourth son Judah producing twins, Pharez (to breach) stole the birthright from his twin Zarah. So the Davidic line is fake) All part of God's plan, instructing the Zarah line to flee west via Gibraltar ending up in Tara creating true Christianity. The fallen governments have the beautiful Ulster flag, (which displays the bloody hand of Zarah) as being racist ie sectarianism.
The true Covenant of Christ stated no Govt should get rich from earth's natural resources. How insulting the current Archbishop of Canterbury is a former oil executive. The Church of England is just as corrupt as the Vatican. Making millions from people suffering. Its shocking.
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He killed himself with his own mind
Jul 2, 2018
A few questions for those that believe in souls.
Preface, I don't care what religion you follow, I'm just trying to figure something out and any opinions on souls would be greatly appreciated. (I'm not interested anymore n the small details of your religion. (No offense)

A few questions,
1. Are souls created especially for us? Or are they 'reincarnated'?
You hear of having an old soul for example.
2. Do you think souls are infinitely 'good'
Or just like anywhere else, can souls also be 'bad'?
3. Do you think it's possible for a body to be given a 'dead' soul.
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Nov 25, 2018
1. Souls are created especially for us.
2. Souls are created good, but they can become bad over time.
3. No, but the body can become possesed by the ghosts of the dead.
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Nov 25, 2018
I am only one who thinks that this is dream? I'm so sure about it that if i went to heaven or hell i would still think it. I've had many experiences like glitches, mandela effects, dreams that happen. I believe if i die i will wake up.
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Nov 9, 2018
Interesting question ie Can a body be given to a dead soul. The nazi's ( to nane one)cloned humans. For dead souls?
Crude technology and abuse of magick.
Anything is possible.
Same bloodlines, ruling man.
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Sep 30, 2018
I am only one who thinks that this is dream? I'm so sure about it that if i went to heaven or hell i would still think it. I've had many experiences like glitches, mandela effects, dreams that happen. I believe if i die i will wake up.

When I had nde that is exactly how I felt. Like waking up from a dream (life on earth).
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Nov 19, 2018
I seem to have always had it in me to want to die and during this one period of my teenage life I would buy tins of butane and crawl up into an attic space in the shed and start chroming with the hope that each time would be my last. Always while chroming I would get a sense of horrific infinity echoing through my head. The last time I tried it (about 20 years ago) I had a mental argument with god (who sounded like my father) and at one point I questioned gods very existence and he shouted (in my head) just look where you are. I became instantly sober and saw I had crawled onto a beam barley a knees width in the middle of the shed a three story drop onto hard cold cement. Not the way I wanted to die (and not certain to kill). Could have been the last defence of an oxygen starved mind. But am convinced of the higher power and kinda think have seen a sliver of hell.

Was raised Catholic. Tried Anglican for a while. Been atheist for two years, but I've created my own sort of ideal world and that's my afterlife vision. Just like everyone else's afterlife, without the Angels, deities, God or anything else supernatural.

But then I'll equally be content if it's just nothingness. Peace Jay. :)
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Sep 30, 2018
I am only one who thinks that this is dream? I'm so sure about it that if i went to heaven or hell i would still think it. I've had many experiences like glitches, mandela effects, dreams that happen. I believe if i die i will wake up.

Can you tell me more of your experiences. I
A few questions for those that believe in souls.
Preface, I don't care what religion you follow, I'm just trying to figure something out and any opinions on souls would be greatly appreciated. (I'm not interested anymore n the small details of your religion. (No offense)

A few questions,
1. Are souls created especially for us? Or are they 'reincarnated'?
You hear of having an old soul for example.
2. Do you think souls are infinitely 'good'
Or just like anywhere else, can souls also be 'bad'?
3. Do you think it's possible for a body to be given a 'dead' soul.

I believe all living has souls. I believe that all are originally good and that all souls will be good eventually and go to a same place. Meaning they will be truelly sorry for suffering they have done to others and no longer wish to harm others but do good if they didn't repent before death. Maybe they get to feel the pain they caused intentionally as many say in nde's which will change their heart or they will have a place to think about it if they don't have remorse. After what they would join other souls.
I also believe that we can join our deceased pets company after death as many who had nde have said.

I believe that we, as souls go back to our real home when we die and this life on earth was just a learning experience. Many people who have had nde descripe it the same way than me that life after earthly death felt more real than life on earth and it made sense unlike life on earth. Life felt like a dream where they wake up after physical death. They say they felt more, had super senses, knew everything, understood everything, they were home and remembered the souls they loved and who loved them dearly from before they were born to earthly life, some met Jesus or God and felt the love that they had enjoyed before their earthly life from them, there was only good, love, acceptance and peace.

I believe that our soul don't desire to hurt others naturally.
If someone selfish who have hurt others would die and would get to a place where they have everything they need, where there is only good things, love peace, understanding etc. and they got and felt only pure love and acceptance. Do you think they would still want to do bad?
I mean they wouldn't need anything they didn't have so no way to be selfish and there wouldn't be anything to trigger their anger or make them feel sad. Do you think that the enormous love would heal the wounds inside them that fucked up their thinking and made them do bad to others? In interviews criminals often describe the childhood and adulthood traumas and events that caused them to do crimes.

For example poverty, loneliness, insecurity and abuse are reasons many people have joined gangs.
In gang a person may feel acceptance and love for the first time in their life, have money to food and other necessary and get protection from others. Structure of gang where members are trained to do as commanded like in army and group pressure makes one easily not able to think themselves morally. Even if they wouldn't want to do as told they might be scared so much not to that they will do it. They hurt people who hurt them or other members because they see that as the only way to protect themselves and their "family" and they do crimes because none have other way to get income and survive. Being in gang and criminal record can prevent person getting a job or loan to start a legal business to get legal income.

So if a person in that circumstance dies and gets love and acceptance in heaven I don't think he would have any desire to do bad or be in place where bad things happen.
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Nov 25, 2018
Can you tell me more of your experiences. I

The occurrences started in 2011. I had a prophetic symbolic dream about a guy I would later date and who acted badly towards me. On the night we met, I saw his angry face and I fell down, and bright colors and stars flashed, and it was very cold. The next I saw a dream that had beautiful music, and the music still played around me for a few seconds after i woke up. I also met a guy with brown eyes, I remember liking him a bit just because of his brown eyes... They were really pretty, but one day they turned blue, all the old pictures of him had blue eyes now, and they are still blue. I also had a few other dreams happen. And sometimes I read some text or book, but the next time I read it, it has changed... There are also subtle changes in the bible, for example, when I read it, it didn't mention Jesus siblings names, but now it has Jesus brother's names.
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Sep 30, 2018
I hope it would be helpfull some way and I hope it doesn't scare you. My biggest regret in life is I didn't trust my instinct. I kind of wanted to prove myself it's not right, that my instict or fear is wrong. That ruined my life.

You have even more than just instinct so I would take it as a sign.
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Miss clefable

Aug 23, 2018
I've been doing spirit box sessions
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