

slime guy, xe/xem it/its
Feb 2, 2019
If god exists i want to hchallenge him tot a fist fight IM GON NA BEAT HIM THE FCUCK UP I SWEAR I WILL I WILL I'LL KILLL HIM UUUUGH IM GONNA grrrr. i dont believe in god. but sometimes i pray anyways.... weird
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Feb 2, 2019
In Christianity, it is taught that suicide is a sin.

Fellow Christian here.

I have consulted with numerous pastors (and priests) as well as with Christian scholars, and they have informed me that suicide is not a sin, albeit still a tragic thing to carry out. The one true sin According to them is simply the renouncement of Jesus.
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Feb 2, 2019
I have read so many books on this subject and scientific viewpoints that it seems highely unlikely to me that we are only our bodies.

Me as well. There is too much anecdotal evidence out there to simply write-off the possibility of some kind of existence after passing from our present reality.

The problem with empirical science is that it can only quantify that which exist in the physical & biological World we find ourselves in. Ask any quantum scientist.

Then there is the paranormal.

But I'm not speaking in terms of using mediums like we see on TV where people are trying to contact their loved ones, or their deceased pets or some BS. But the phenomena of "spirits" has been around waay to long for it to be dismissed, suggesting that there is something beyond life as we know it.

Look at it this way: there have been examples where we didn't realize something existed simply because the technological level of our empirical science was too crude. And the tools we use today to measure and validate things and ideas are still evolving and bringing to light new things and insights which we think are not out there.

I'm not saying that this proves that there is some kind of Afterlife, but I highly doubt that we as a species know everything there is about the universe.

At the very least, it would certainly seem to be very unscientific to conclude / assume nothing is beyond this life.
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Jan 11, 2019
Here's what I believe: there's too much data which indicates that we are not just this physical body (born blind people seeing in NDE, people reporting what the doctors and the nurses were doing while they were brain dead, people reading 5 code numbers while out of body, people sharing the same dream, people having dreams that predicted their future, people having the same "hallucination", remote viewing, sumerian tablets, quantum mechanics, too much similarity in NDE (almost everyone sees basically the same thing, the tunnel of light, the life review yada yada). And there is more data but I won't continue with the list. Religion has nothing to do with this. We might just live in a virtual reality created by consciousness.
Wish I could've gotten to know you.
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Jan 11, 2019

I know life is horrible for people like us, but most people that I have known were happy. In fact, I have no friends left anymore because they all told me that I just bring them down so they all left.

My hope of the afterlife come from nde's. The common thing among nde's is the overwhelming feeling of being loved, something that I have never had. Also, a common theme is reuniting with dead loved ones. Although my mother destroyed my life by drinking during pregnancy, I still love her very much and miss her terribly since her death in 2005. I do believe this life is hell, at least for some of us, and I hope to escape to a better place. Maybe it is all wishful thinking, but it at least gives me hope.
I'd like to believe in heaven too. Sometimes I'm not so sure. I've had it explained to me that the reason why people feel the love and see loved ones that have passed away is because they need that to feel better so subconsciously they believe they're experiencing it. I really hope that's not true though. I like to have hope and believe that there is something better than this.
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Feb 4, 2019
"God" or anything similar, is and has always been an extraterrestrial being.

Several different beings, we are simply a scientific experiment that remains ongoing for beings greater and far more intelligent than what they allow us to be.

Everything ever regarded as religious or anything similar is merely a misinterpretation of "aliens" returning to their science and adding variables
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Fvcking Loser
Jan 27, 2019
I'm not religious so I generally don't believe in a afterlife(at least not in the conventional sense), but I've been thinking lately about how there are some physicists who are propenents for the Multiverse Theory. If this theory is ever proven to be true then perhaps with that will come the possibility that there may be some omniscient entity at work or even some sort of afterlife. I'm just a regular person though, so I could just be talking out of my behind.
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Feb 2, 2019
"God" or anything similar, is and has always been an extraterrestrial being.

Several different beings, we are simply a scientific experiment that remains ongoing for beings greater and far more intelligent than what they allow us to be.

Everything ever regarded as religious or anything similar is merely a misinterpretation of "aliens" returning to their science and adding variables
Quite possibly. I'm not 100% on this but I,'m not ready to dismiss your theory niether.

But either way, there still remains question of the afterlife.
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Jan 19, 2019
In all honestly I just want something similar to Astral Projection where you can exist and experience a reality without being burdened with a flawed physical body.
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Feb 2, 2019
In all honestly I just want something similar to Astral Projection where you can exist and experience a reality without being burdened with a flawed physical body.
And I'd like to add : no rent to pay.
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Jan 28, 2019
If you want to know what happens in the afterlife after a suicide I suggest you look up "Channeling Erik" on youtube. It's about this young guy who shot himself and died in 2009, and his mother uses different mediums to talk to him through channeling.

But people may not believe in channeling and all that stuff (I'm not 100% sold on it tbh) so I think the best way to learn about the afterlife is by reading the stories of those who have had near death experiences (NDEs) or out of body experiences (OBEs). Stop listening to fear mongering religious nuts who get everything from a book, and instead listen to those with real personal experiences. Yeah sure people can make up stories or whatever, but millions of people have had NDEs and it's highly unlikely they're all making it up just for shits and giggles.

The majority of those who have had NDEs all bring back the same message - that there IS an afterlife but there is no judgement from "God" or whatever, you judge yourself by looking into your own panoramic life review where you reflect on every single moment of your physical life and get to feel every good and bad thing you have done to others and vice versa. There is a lot of healing that takes place.

As for reincarnation people tend to come back for some reason but the consistent message is that it's always a choice and not forced upon you.

Personally I have never had NDEs but I've had plenty of OBEs and I can tell you that there are other dimensions and they are mostly beautiful. Things feel very physical on the other side but you have super abilities like being able to fly, teleport, move things with your mind, create things with your mind, and more.

Although I cannot say for sure whether the places I've been to during OBEs are "real" or not, I can attest from personal experience that OBEs are real experiences and that people aren't just making up stories for attention. I hope these other dimensions are real though, and that these are the places you go to when you die (from suicide or otherwise.)
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Jan 27, 2019
If you want to know what happens in the afterlife after a suicide I suggest you look up "Channeling Erik" on youtube. It's about this young guy who shot himself and died in 2009, and his mother uses different mediums to talk to him through channeling.

But people may not believe in channeling and all that stuff (I'm not 100% sold on it tbh) so I think the best way to learn about the afterlife is by reading the stories of those who have had near death experiences (NDEs) or out of body experiences (OBEs). Stop listening to fear mongering religious nuts who get everything from a book, and instead listen to those with real personal experiences. Yeah sure people can make up stories or whatever, but millions of people have had NDEs and it's highly unlikely they're all making it up just for shits and giggles.

The majority of those who have had NDEs all bring back the same message - that there IS an afterlife but there is no judgement from "God" or whatever, you judge yourself by looking into your own panoramic life review where you reflect on every single moment of your physical life and get to feel every good and bad thing you have done to others and vice versa. There is a lot of healing that takes place.

As for reincarnation people tend to come back for some reason but the consistent message is that it's always a choice and not forced upon you.

Personally I have never had NDEs but I've had plenty of OBEs and I can tell you that there are other dimensions and they are mostly beautiful. Things feel very physical on the other side but you have super abilities like being able to fly, teleport, move things with your mind, create things with your mind, and more.

Although I cannot say for sure whether the places I've been to during OBEs are "real" or not, I can attest from personal experience that OBEs are real experiences and that people aren't just making up stories for attention. I hope these other dimensions are real though, and that these are the places you go to when you die (from suicide or otherwise.)

The thing with ndes is your brain activity is highly rising before you dying and this could explain it.
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Jan 28, 2019
The thing with ndes is your brain activity is highly rising before you dying and this could explain it.

But it doesnt explain how some are able to accurately describe what other people were specifically doing/saying in other rooms during their nde.

Also about the brain activity, ive heard some interviews with neuro surgeons who basically say in some ndes the brain is dead to the point that it is incapable of producing these experiences. It has to be something else...
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Deleted member 847

For paranormal folks, here's some scientific material (Those guys made psychokinesis experiments for 30 years that showed the odds of it being a coincidence to be 1 in a billion)
A physicist that worked for the government (Star Gate project)

Charles Tart (The father of modern parapsychology)
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Deleted member 847

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Jan 25, 2019
I honestly believe if I commit suicide the of chance higher degree of misery then I am experiencing now is very probable, If the next state is anything like the current, which isn't an improbable assumption, then chance of existing in misery is very likely.

But this is only my belief. I'm kind of hoping on the off chance this isn't the case.
U think of a hell?
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Nov 21, 2018
Fellow Christian here.

I have consulted with numerous pastors (and priests) as well as with Christian scholars, and they have informed me that suicide is not a sin, albeit still a tragic thing to carry out. The one true sin According to them is simply the renouncement of Jesus.

Thank you for this reply. Of all my research I have found the same thing as what you posted. I am a Christian too.
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Feb 2, 2019
Thank you for this reply. Of all my research I have found the same thing as what you posted. I am a Christian too.
You're welcome.
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Jan 16, 2019
It is funny because I use to be really Christian, to the point I judged everything I did how Jesus would. Fast forward to the bullying in middle and high school, losing my father and only support at 17 and fending for myself, I was introduced to Satanism. (Spiritual / Theistic not the Atheistic gimick)
At the time it made me feel good mostly because I felt betrayed by the former and was angry at life in general to the point I looked down on any Abrahamic religions and even spoke against it to their face if they attempted to belittle me. With some guilt, it was and still the greatest mental pleasure I got, their shock added to it.
Oddly enough, I asked for things and did get them, nonmaterial related.

Today, I believe it was just by chance and am mostly agnostic. I have matured a lot to and respect everyone's belief, regardless of what it might be.

At the end of the day, if any of it is true, I am screwed one way or the other. I can't take back my past nor my heavy blasphemy. Before I burn though, I just want to ask the higher power.. Why was I ignored when I prayed for advice? Why was my father taken and not me? Most importantly, why are so many who suffer in torment mentally and physically forgotten?

On that note, I rather burn in hell then repeat this life or share the afterlife with people I dislike.

Maybe I am just bat shit crazy. :notsure:
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Feb 25, 2019
IMO, the best guide you will ever get here on Earth:

Monroe also had a great sense of humor...
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Pastel demon
Dec 8, 2018
I'm a pagan/sorceress-kind person. Well, I think two scenarios:
Best scenario, even I took my own life, a Goddesss will welcome me to afterlife. I imagine that like a journey for an dimension beyond human senses. I will have a different kind of consciousness, and rest here from eternity or even I will take a chance to have another life on somewhere.
Worst scenario: there's no afterlife, only an absolute blackout.
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Feb 2, 2019
IMO, the best guide you will ever get here on Earth:

Monroe also had a great sense of humor...

If memory serves, he was big on astral projection and even wrote books on techniques on how to achieve it.
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Feb 25, 2019
Monroe was one of the few that tried to made this more scientific. I'm not convinced that he really succeed, but what he found out matches many other sources. For example Buddhism, which I'm also very found of. I know many just want another life, another "chance", I'm all about getting out of there, as far as possible. If there is an "after life", I would definitely want to spend it somewhere else...
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Feb 2, 2019
Monroe was one of the few that tried to made this more scientific. I'm not convinced that he really succeed, but what he found out matches many other sources. For example Buddhism, which I'm also very found of. I know many just want another life, another "chance", I'm all about getting out of there, as far as possible. If there is an "after life", I would definitely want to spend it somewhere else...
Monroe was one of the few that tried to made this more scientific. I'm not convinced that he really succeed, but what he found out matches many other sources. For example Buddhism, which I'm also very found of. I know many just want another life, another "chance", I'm all about getting out of there, as far as possible. If there is an "after life", I would definitely want to spend it somewhere else...
Did Monroe have any position about suicide? Is it detrimental for one to take their own life?
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Feb 2, 2019
It is funny because I use to be really Christian, to the point I judged everything I did how Jesus would. Fast forward to the bullying in middle and high school, losing my father and only support at 17 and fending for myself, I was introduced to Satanism. (Spiritual / Theistic not the Atheistic gimick)
At the time it made me feel good mostly because I felt betrayed by the former and was angry at life in general to the point I looked down on any Abrahamic religions and even spoke against it to their face if they attempted to belittle me. With some guilt, it was and still the greatest mental pleasure I got, their shock added to it.
Oddly enough, I asked for things and did get them, nonmaterial related.

Today, I believe it was just by chance and am mostly agnostic. I have matured a lot to and respect everyone's belief, regardless of what it might be.

At the end of the day, if any of it is true, I am screwed one way or the other. I can't take back my past nor my heavy blasphemy. Before I burn though, I just want to ask the higher power.. Why was I ignored when I prayed for advice? Why was my father taken and not me? Most importantly, why are so many who suffer in torment mentally and physically forgotten?

On that note, I rather burn in hell then repeat this life or share the afterlife with people I dislike.

Maybe I am just bat shit crazy. :notsure:
Your questions to the Almighty are valid - and Christ is a forgiving god.

That said, I find that there exists things in Christian faith that make no sense: for example, it's hard to be in an environment where one would have to deal with bullies when one hears "Love thy enemy".
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Feb 25, 2019
Did Monroe have any position about suicide? Is it detrimental for one to take their own life?

Sort of... He said

Remember that your ultimate goal is not physical survival.
The main thing to get from the clip above is that the goal, is to leave this plane of existence (like in a many other spiritual teachings). Suicide, can be misused as any other tool. It's not the act itself, it's about the reasons you do it, the mental condition. The worse reason IMO is being afraid to see life for what it really is. Yep, it's painful, but hiding is not a solution... Or the inability to see your real place in the situation, not only as a victim. The problem with feeling a victim is that you will reincarnate again, and again, and again, trying to achieve something better. The truth is, there is nothing really to achieve. Life is just an experience, and you have some level of free will. You can get hooked by this. IMO, life can be seen as a soap opera. The best thing, is just to ditch the whole role, and leave. One can argue, that taking your own life may be actually the most assertive way to do this. But it's also the most difficult. Not just the act, but the mind with which you will do it. This idea is very close to Buddhism AFAIK. Buddhism is mainly a practice/preparation how to die properly and I've seen movies that depict monks committing suicide (although have no internal sources to confirm how accurate is that).
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Feb 2, 2019
Sort of... He said

Remember that your ultimate goal is not physical survival.​
The main thing to get from the clip above is that the goal, is to leave this plane of existence (like in a many other spiritual teachings). Suicide, can be misused as any other tool. It's not the act itself, it's about the reasons you do it, the mental condition. The worse reason IMO is being afraid to see life for what it really is. Yep, it's painful, but hiding is not a solution... Or the inability to see your real place in the situation, not only as a victim. The problem with feeling a victim is that you will reincarnate again, and again, and again, trying to achieve something better. The truth is, there is nothing really to achieve. Life is just an experience, and you have some level of free will. You can get hooked by this. IMO, life can be seen as a soap opera. The best thing, is just to ditch the whole role, and leave. One can argue, that taking your own life may be actually the most assertive way to do this. But it's also the most difficult. Not just the act, but the mind with which you will do it. This idea is very close to Buddhism AFAIK. Buddhism is mainly a practice/preparation how to die properly and I've seen movies that depict monks committing suicide (although have no internal sources to confirm how accurate is that).
Interesting. But I see conflict in his assertion. I can only speak for myself, but my reasons for wanting to ctb is that I do indeed see the world for what it is - and it's ruthless and ugly as fuck. Happy people tend to live with their head up their asses - if they did not, and if they saw the world for what it is, they too would want to ctb. Living in a delusional state acts as a defense mechanism, a sort of filter to the outside world. And on the other point about not being able to see one's place in a situation - how can the Almighty penalize one for that? If one did not know, then one did not know.

And I do agree about exiting for the right reasons - and yes, leaving as a victim is not the answer. I do not see myself as a victim whatsoever. There are people young and old who are very happy, and I wish them all the very best. My reasons are rational ones: I'm getting old, less energy, soon will have chronic health issues, no health insurance, no money, no family. I'm hoping the powers-that-be will see it like this as well.
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Feb 2, 2019
I was actually just thinking about this last night. I agree with you, EmotionlessWanderer. I don't think it matters at all the "how" you transition, you go to the place you believe you're going to go to. If you believe you're a sinner and will go to hell for ctb'ing, then that's where you'll go. If you believe in a Heaven with angels and harps, that's where you'll go. Doesn't really matter how you get there, just that you get there.

Free will is God/dess's gift to us, for the purpose of experiencing everything we do in each of our lives for the sake of the Divine. So anything we do, good/bad/indifferent, is all good. Yep, even the evil stuff, sadly. Oh, and good/bad/indifferent/evil are all judgment calls by human beings, the Divine does not judge, the Divine is only Love. Now, that's not to say we don't pay in some way for the not quite so saintly things we do, we get to come back here in some other form with other choices for the next life that hopefully will help us with our "debts" (i.e. karma, although I'm beginning to wonder about karma, too). Heh, that's if we choose to come back here - I'm Not Ever Coming Back Here (for emphasis only). I'll do my payback out in the multiverses throughout all Eternity if I have to, but I'm not coming back as a human on this Earth ever again. Don't care what my spirit guides say, been there, done that, not doing it again, ever! For me, this is hell, and I haven't even had such a horrible life, but I've been in pain the whole time, just different levels of it throughout. Enough that I refuse to return for more of the same.

Ah but what I'm going to... now that's gonna be frelling amazing, fantastic and wonderful! If you've ever seen the movie, What Dreams May Come, with Robin Williams and Cuba Gooding, Jr., you'll get an idea of what my Heaven is like, not exact, but similar. I don't believe in their version of hell, though, this life is hell. I believe there is no time, and that we choose everything we experience there. Wanna fly, fly!! Wanna be in two places at once, well, there you are, and there you are over there! ;-) Wanna time travel, past, present or future? Catch my drift? No rules, no one telling you you're bad, or useless, or an idiot, or you can't. You can, anything! :-D

You are Loved, with the sweetest, warmest, fuzziest kind of Love, bathed in a golden light that heals all wounds. And the music, oh the music is just exquisite whatever genre you choose. Hey, don't forget there is one frelling amazing rock 'n roll band happening right about now!! I'm gonna join in on that one sometime, to be sure! Gonna have my own music to sing and play again, too, finally, and in my new gorgeous, young, healthy energy body, I'm gonna rock out with the best of 'em! Oh, look out, baby, one rocker chick makin' her way to y'all!! :-D

Some of you will say this is all just my fantasy, but that's where creation comes from, imagining things. Thoughts are real, they create, they manifest if the energy is so directed. I've given this a lot of thought, believe me! My afterlife is whatever I choose to make it, and the above is just part of what I'm making. If you believe there is nothing, just blackness/nothingness, then that's what you'll experience. There is such a thing as the Void as well. I'll probably be going there for a while, too, as I think I really need that time out, but I'll see once I get to that point. And we can always choose to leave it, too, at any time we want. I'm not certain as to exactly how it works, of course, but I think it's something like that.

So choose what you will, my friends. It's all good, truly it is! May you all be well and at Peace! :-)
Man I hope you are correct. That would be sweet.

Thing is, one has to wonder if this also applies to people like Adolph Hitler. Although I'm concerned only with my afterlife - I would like to think that living with some sort of moral compass would account for something.
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Mar 3, 2019
My views on afterlife-related matters is that... There might be something out there, yes, but there also might not. Before you call me out on the extremely boring view on afterlife stuff, let me explain:

I have experienced a bunch of weird stuff in life, and I am sure I am not the only one. It is easy to attribute the weird, unexplainable events to a supernatural cause, but the truth is the weird stuff I experienced only really happened when I was surrounded by religious people and visiting churches, temples, etc... In my, until that point, seemingly endless search for my true self. So, I would hear about this kind of stuff ad nauseum.

These days I don't really "see" or "hear" anything, nor I feel. It makes me wonder if the weird experiences I had weren't stuff from my, at the time, rather vivid imagination. I would listen to people saying that they saw or heard X or Y, and perhaps in an subconscious level, I wanted to be able to experience the same things... And so I did.

I don't really have any reasons to believe in afterlife, though what my heart truly desires would require dying first, so... Well, some sort of life after death would be required for my dreams to be realized. Yet, I can't really say I expect anything other than nothingness, but I might be biased — After all, the nature of my dreams and wishes is... Complicated, to say the least. I know that the odds, at least in theory, are against me, so the second best thing to me would be to just... Disappear. Hence the "I might be biased". It would do no good if afterlife is a thing, but my wishes are still impossible.

My numerous prayers were never answered. I never seen or felt or heard spirits or angels, nor have I felt the touch or the love of God. I never saw demons or whatever. I did, however, see people who were supposedly possessed by entities and I do have to admit they acted nothing like the actual persons being supposedly possessed, but... That is not really enough, now is it? Weird stuff, hard to explain, but far from being proof that there is more after one's death. It is only enough to make me consider the possibility, but I need more to accept it is as a fact.

One thing that I do find interesting is that some religious teachings have very similar teachings, yet I don't think it is a case of copy & pasting beliefs, since they originate from times where worldwide communication was pretty much nonexistent. Of course, the teachings might have changed through the centuries, so there is that, but it is interesting to me, nonetheless. That could mean there is something else out there, and that different people from different times interpret what comes after death in different ways. It could also just mean that humans are significantly less complex than what we are encouraged to believe, and that people having overly similar ideas is just a very common thing.

I could go on for hours and hours. It is a tiring subject for me, though, so I will stop here.
I hope i can see peoples reaction to when i die i know that sounds bad. I hope I can sleep forever and never have to stress again
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