

Oct 8, 2018
Imagine what would have been your believes if you were born on an island away from any kind of outside influence, would you still had the notion of limbo, reincarnation, heaven\hell etc..?
Those where ideas imposed upon the slaves, like when the Roman Emperor Constantine imposed Christianity throughout the Roman Empire under penalty of death and many other Empires done the same with different religions
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
It's popular across all religions because all religions are copied from each other. Take Islam for example its just the old testament revised. Religion is just there to keep people in control & have them living in fear. Death which ever way it happens isn't to be feared in my opinion. Hell is here on Earth. This is the hard part.
That's what I think but if someones faith is actually helping them then I wouldn't want to take that away from them. That said on a larger scale how ridiculous people have fought each other in the name of the same entity they give a different name. If he does exist I'm sure he's shaking his head
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Sep 16, 2018
That's what I think but if someones faith is actually helping them then I wouldn't want to take that away from them. That said on a larger scale how ridiculous people have fought each other in the name of the same entity they give a different name. If he does exist I'm sure he's shaking his head
Sure, if it helps people & makes them become the best version of themselves which it does for some people. Then who am I to judge, but for me, in my opinion its all nonsense.
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
Of course it is. If you try to think objectively about it who'd believe that? It's father christmas but for adults. It's important for people to believe in something evidently
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Jul 27, 2018
Imagine what would have been your believes if you were born on an island away from any kind of outside influence, would you still had the notion of limbo, reincarnation, heaven\hell etc..?
Those where ideas imposed upon the slaves, like when the Roman Emperor Constantine imposed Christianity throughout the Roman Empire under penalty of death and many other Empires done the same with different religions

although some of those who were forcibly converted also had religions of their own. think many people have a narrow idea of what religious can be like, partly based on that history of suppression.

although this may be getting too off topic.
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Sep 30, 2018
I suggest you read NDEs, especially the life review. In this, we see how our actions affected others during our lives and also the consequences of suicide.
What if someone was mentally ill and couldn't control or understand the way their actions affected others?
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
Lol. Good luck trying to answer that one. That's one loaded question
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Sep 30, 2018
very good point. I didn't think about it like that. I guess I thought about like if I ctb at 20 that is 'messing with fate' similar to murder, thats how I took it when i read it. Like we arent meant to be playing god or something.
but disclaimer: im not religious and honestly could care less where i go because anything has to be better than this.
Maybe that is our fate? To be put through enough suffering for us to end it?
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ᴡᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴍᴏɴsᴛᴇʀs
May 2, 2018
Nothing hopefully. I've never been religious, never had any spiritual beliefs. In regardless to whether we end up in hell/limbo; I've often believed that this current life is hell, so could it really get any worse?

This is a little irrelevant what I'm about to say, but I've always found it interesting that when one dies they have 7 seconds of brain activity left. & people say that when you die you go to heaven or hell; so what's not to say that you could life another life parallel to heaven or hell? Dreams last fractions of a second, you could theoretically could live 100s of years within those 7 seconds- see many lives, have numerous hell's & heavens and maybe by the end you find your peace.
You could be in your 7 seconds right now...
I think that could be applied to reincarnation though, you always hear about kids that remember things from 100's of years ago. It sounds more plausible that one final destination. In a scientific point of view here, where are these souls apparently placed then? I won't be naive though, I know our understanding of the science is limited so theres no reason why these factors could exist. But consider the idea of 'Conservation of Energy' ( E=mc^2) and if souls are energy, than they aren't be destroyed either so they have to go somewhere..

I can only guess about what happens... maybe what happens after you die depends on what you believe? Your 7 seconds of brain activity could allow you to live out many lives, it could grant you heaven or hell.. idk. But I don't see why people should be so scared of it? (in my opinion) Death is inevitable. You could die tomorrow or in 70 yrs time, there's no point making an entire religion about it & waste your time worrying about something that hasn't happened yet.
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Aug 31, 2018
I believe it's nothingness. Not sure how a God could keep track of not only all the people who are existing, but also constantly creating new people and judging people when they die. Another thing is people have managed to survive things they shouldn't have survived, so if it truly wasn't their time, "God" would make them survive.
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Sep 23, 2018
Im not sure anymore, my partner has passed on and the type of girl she was im pretty sure she would have come to visit me even if only in a dream. Plus, if there really was an afterlife those who have died by say acvident wouldnt be happy because their loved ones would be sad. No way would my partner be happy in the afterlife knowing her death has had such a negative impact on my life im now sectioned and suicidal. So yeah, im really not sure now but hey ill find out when i CTB wont i haha
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“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
Don't care
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Oct 6, 2018
i believe everyone goes to heaven eventually, but if you were truly evil in life i'd imagine you go to purgatory for a while. not claiming to know for sure though.
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Fucking loving it

Fucking loving it

Sep 3, 2018
I will be with my daughter.
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Death is the only God who comes when you call
Sep 25, 2018
I used to struggle with wondering about heaven/hell or reincarnation or whatever else religions try to sell people on. But I finally found peace in myself and a big part of me always felt like religions were just stories that hardly make a lot of sense. The way I see it is before life I wasn't alive and there was nothing and after my life I believe will be exactly the same.
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Sep 30, 2018
I don't believe in heaven/ hell/ limbo because that implies that the afterlife is determined by the opinion of a deity based on how you should have lived your life and reacted to pain/suffering. Some people are put into desperate hellish situations and others have lives of health and comfort so how can god punish people in the afterlife who were pushed over the edge by suffering in this life?
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“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
I don't believe in heaven/ hell/ limbo because that implies that the afterlife is determined by the opinion of a deity based on how you should have lived your life and reacted to pain/suffering. Some people are put into desperate hellish situations and others have lives of health and comfort so how can god punish people in the afterlife who were pushed over the edge by suffering in this life?
because of free will. We choose the situations we are put in. We are sinners so it's our fault.
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Sep 30, 2018
because of free will. We choose the situations we are put in. We are sinners so it's our fault.
If a child is born to a heroin/crack using mother, is abused, molested and malnourished then grows up to be an angry violent adult how can god torment them again in the afterlife? I think even the child's free will is influenced by the horrible past.
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“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
If a child is born to a heroin/crack using mother, is abused, molested and malnourished then grows up to be an angry violent adult how can god torment them again in the afterlife? I think even the child's free will is influenced by the horrible past.
God doesn't allow your life problems to be more than what you can handle. If that person gives their life over to God they will change and get better despite their horrible past.
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O Rose thou art sick.
Oct 6, 2018
Other: i think that we're going to merge with Nature, we're going to uncreate ourselves, like the Tao Te Ching says: "deal with all things as the dogs with the grass are dealt with"
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Sep 30, 2018
God doesn't allow your life problems to be more than what you can handle. If that person gives their life over to God they will change and get better despite their horrible past.
Aren't people who commit suicide because of chronic pain or severe mental illness given more than they can handle? If god gives someone a life of schizophrenia, poverty, isolation and abuse to the point of mental deterioration where they're unable to understand the concept of god how can he judge them for that?
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“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
Aren't people who commit suicide because of chronic pain or severe mental illness given more than they can handle? If god gives someone a life of schizophrenia, poverty, isolation and abuse to the point of mental deterioration where they're unable to understand the concept of god how can he judge them for that?
People are the ones who choose to do evil things to each other not god. God can still heal them though. Nobody is beyond Gods reach. Miracles and blessings are proof of that.
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Oct 8, 2018
People are the ones who choose to do evil things to each other not god. God can still heal them though. Nobody is beyond Gods reach. Miracles and blessings are proof of that.

If a child is born in a third world country and is sexually abused to death..God allowed those evil men to do such a horrible thing so that they may find their way to God repent and be forgiven..but what about that child? She wont be able to find God ..she will be raped to death with no fault of its own. Why did God even allowed that child to be born in the first place? What have she done to deserve such horrible fate?
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Sep 10, 2018
From a physics standpoint, there is no such thing as free will. We have proven this with the uncertainty principle. From a neuroscience standpoint, studies show people make decisions before they consciously recognize it, proving that we don't have free will. But even if we ignore these two disciplines, free will still isn't logical. We have no control of our genes. We have no control over the family we are born into. We have no control over the people we meet or the experiences we have. I don't think it is unreasonable to state that 99.99% of your life will be based on what family you are born into and what genes you have.

As for why a God would make innocent people suffer, there are somewhat reasonable arguments, like it gives people an opportunity to help others. But what I don't understand is why this God judges everyone equally when we are born in such different situations. An orphan stealing so they can eat lunch is very different than a girl born into an affluent family stealing makeup. Yet if someone has money for food and they never need to steal, is it fair to say they are a better person than the orphan? I don't think so...
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“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
If a child is born in a third world country and is sexually abused to death..God allowed those evil men to do such a horrible thing so that they may find their way to God repent and be forgiven..but what about that child? She wont be able to find God ..she will be raped to death with no fault of its own. Why did God even allowed that child to be born in the first place? What have she done to deserve such horrible fate?
God allowed people free will. They have the free will to stop those things from happening to that child. God may know it will happen but people decide to do it to each other. If all people followed Gods word and did the right thing there would be no sexual child abuse in the first place.
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Aug 17, 2018
Why I'm still here is the fear of the afterlife. That's it. I've heard of people actually being able to see demons and I've had what I think is witchcraft put in my life and it scares me to suicide because I kind of think evil or demons are real and I don't want to go any where bad in the afterlife. I've suffered enough.
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Oct 5, 2018
I posted a thread similar to this discussing afterlife. I held a poll and majority of the votes were 'there is no afterlife=it just ends' my guess was I dont know. your fears are def valid tho because I do believe in witchcraft. and I do believe in evil beings out there. whether they be hell sent or something we cant understand. I guess im scared on one level that it will be awful and tragic and ill burn in hell for eternity because thats how I was raised. but another part of me is super curious to see whats out there. like there has to be more, it has to be better becuase im not happy here. I guess you just have to be willing to accept that anything is possible and that its worth the risk.
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Jul 12, 2018
Yeah same here, that's the main reason I stay as well, as any number of possibilities are out there, really, I'm just not sure *shrugs and smiles apologetically*
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Making death amazing journey
Oct 7, 2018
What you believe may becomes 'real' for you
Dont think about negatives. Forget about nasty stuff from movies.
Try meditate and visualize good spirits angels, your deceased family members waiting for you on the other side instead.

I read 'life after life' by raymond moody when I was a kid [really I did that]
Maybe it would help you too?
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Sep 12, 2018
Not to antagonize the religious people here; i just intend to post this quote from Adam Lanza that pretty much summarize my thoughts on the afterlife:

"It seems like an irrelevant question to be concerned about. No one can obtain knowledge about what happens after death, nor if anything is required to do for the deceased. If some ritual was necessary, no one could know about it nor have any knowledge about the requirements of it. Perhaps there's a magical platypus who requires that you burn a wooden effigy of a hamster so that the deceased can ride it to the gates of Valhalla.From observing other people who have died, the only conclusion which can be reached is that nothing happens. Treating death as if it's the end of everything would be the most prudent course of action because believing that something happens is contrary to the observable world of the life which you are certain about having, thus deluding you into behaving in a way which could negatively impact your life."
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