Nothing hopefully. I've never been religious, never had any spiritual beliefs. In regardless to whether we end up in hell/limbo; I've often believed that this current life is hell, so could it really get any worse?
This is a little irrelevant what I'm about to say, but I've always found it interesting that when one dies they have 7 seconds of brain activity left. & people say that when you die you go to heaven or hell; so what's not to say that you could life another life parallel to heaven or hell? Dreams last fractions of a second, you could theoretically could live 100s of years within those 7 seconds- see many lives, have numerous hell's & heavens and maybe by the end you find your peace.
You could be in your 7 seconds right now...
I think that could be applied to reincarnation though, you always hear about kids that remember things from 100's of years ago. It sounds more plausible that one final destination. In a scientific point of view here, where are these souls apparently placed then? I won't be naive though, I know our understanding of the science is limited so theres no reason why these factors could exist. But consider the idea of 'Conservation of Energy' ( E=mc^2) and if souls are energy, than they aren't be destroyed either so they have to go somewhere..
I can only guess about what happens... maybe what happens after you die depends on what you believe? Your 7 seconds of brain activity could allow you to live out many lives, it could grant you heaven or hell.. idk. But I don't see why people should be so scared of it? (in my opinion) Death is inevitable. You could die tomorrow or in 70 yrs time, there's no point making an entire religion about it & waste your time worrying about something that hasn't happened yet.