Hated by Life Itself English Version
"Don't you wish for death when you're feeling weak!
Hardships aren't as hard as they seem to be!"
…Sure, say that all you want, you're not fooling me
With those words you never mean.
While I don't care to die, I don't mind a bit
But someone I love? …God, I think I'd wish I did
I suppose "Because I won't like it"
Is all my ego is.
Happy to gaze upon the pain of the haven't-met,
Cowering in our hatred has become a fashion trend
Even so, we're supposed to "live a peaceful life"?
Even though I bet it's nice, I bet we've tried.
Someone succumbs behind the colors of the monitor
Deep in grief, another weeps by singing in their honor
Hearing that song, a humming young boy wandered
Off with a knife and an offer.
Everybody hated well by life itself, we'll never know
Why they force code and ego on the radio.
Day-to-day, they're singing out "I'll take you down", but then again,
Who takes when they're really being generous?
Everybody hated well by life itself, we'll never know
Why "I want to die" is treated like another joke.
That world where we see the worth in growing old,
Anybody hated well by life itself will never know.
Penniless again, through the day anew,
I decide to praise the lazy and sing out of tune
Lost upon life's meaning, I take in the truth,
Breathe and see there isn't anything I'm meant to do.
Would these wounds be better off expressed
With the lowly illustration "I'm so lonely" suggests?
Shouldering nothing but this stubbornness,
I'm nothing but alone when I go to bed
Kids with passion to play make-believe will
Become young adults with a will to achieve.
As we age, there comes a day we fester like a falling leaf,
Carried down without a clue to prove we ever breathed…
Breathing on for centuries in a deathless design,
Bored for eternity, the only to survive…
…These are the kinds of sci-fi dreams always on my mind.
Numb to the pain, can I die? Though I'm not afraid,
All the same, I have to pay attention to the hearts I'd break
Lost in conflicting thoughts, I'm sure they'd have a lot to say
Yes, I can guess what they'd convey:
"Perfect things need to stay as perfect as they always were."
"If you can't confront demise, then live the life you don't deserve."
Since we're bound to end up sad and back to being hurt,
We should laugh with the friends we lack forever
Everybody hated well by life itself, we'll never know
Why we claim to get the happiness we haven't shown.
Angered by our past hands, past, as we complain aloud,
We smile while pretending that we're better now
Everybody hated well by life itself, we'll never know
Why "So long" took on the meaning of "I wanna go".
That time where "Goodbye" implied "For now, I hope"
Anybody hated well by life itself will never know.
Contentment and exits, affection and friendships-
They're gifts you can get for your money
…Within but a whimsical fantasy.
I could be dead tomorrow, yet I'm sure in some way,
When I go, I'll get to know my life was such a waste.
Through daylight and stardom, through springtime and autumn,
We die everyday, and that's exactly why I chase
No wishes or visions; since all I can afford
Is protecting your life, I ask for that and nothing more.
Of course… That's surely
All I'll ever need to sing for.
Hated well by life itself, we'll never know
What makes the meaning matter when we die alone.
It'll taint you, it'll taint two,
Soon enough, the rest of us will sink like a leaf into
Anywhere we know it's not for naught, 'cause we don't stop
Going out and off, always giving everything we got
To killing, to kicking, to grinning, to gritting,
Living, living, living, living,
Living on.