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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
And you know I have threads in which I tell people about methods ,
and if Rain bans me permanently that means I'll lose control over the threads
Once you type a thread and hit send you relinquish all control of it, it's a public thread and no single individual owns it. There is also something uncomfortably ghoulish about priding oneself on being some kind of method guru, the reality is you've no greater knowledge on any particular method than anyone else on here.
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Deleted member 847

Once you type a thread and hit send you relinquish all control of it, it's a public thread and no single individual owns it. There is also something uncomfortably ghoulish about priding oneself on being some kind of method guru, the reality is you've no greater knowledge on any particular method than anyone else on here.
I meant that I want to delete them one day (for my safety, I don't want to hurt the forum or anything, even if you guys ban, there will be no hard feelings), and I know if I get banned again it's gonna be forever, which means these threads aren't going to get deleted and that's a problem (I really want them all gone one day, I already talked to rain about it)
I know they're nothing special,
someone else could've made better threads, more articulated and more detailed
You have a very interesting way of expressing yourself
You love to use the word "ghoulish" when you address me for some reason,
maybe you suspect me of something, I don't know
If you want to know why I wrote the threads it's because I was an edgy bored high school kid,
it's not because I pleasure myself on people learning how to kill themselves
I've never told anyone ever anything they couldn't find on wikipedia
My threads just say that if you tie something to your neck and you kick the chair, you will die
but that's something even wikipedia will tell you
They're also a way to teach people about how to find their carotid arteries
the purpose of the threads isn't actually to help anyone kill themselves
they do what they want with the information
The threads are just for educational purposes
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May 21, 2022
seen some bad incels on this hellsite but jesus christ what a fucking wrongun.
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Deleted member 847

seen some bad incels on this hellsite but jesus christ what a fucking wrongun.
So what do you disagree with my posts?
That I said that people only use each other, that society is just a market (What the f else could it even be, you tell me)
or that I said that women aren't capable of love, or aren't supposed to like sex
Or the mere fact that I'm the whiniest misanthrope on this forum
and I fantasize about living on an island far far away from civilization,
maybe even pressing a button that would make mankind unable to reproduce and go extinct
Bring some arguments instead of just calling me names

Do you disagree with my ideas or with my use of language, my "tone"?
I think at least a few of these are undeniable truths
such as the fact that society is just a fucking market, yknow
If you have a country with let's say 40 million people, they can't all
care about each other, it's impossible (I recommend you read the book Homo Deus if you want a detailed
explanation of this. It's a really good book, you won't regret buying it)
They will only interact to exchange commodities (ideas, services or materials, objects)
Anything that people like can be seen as a commodity,
such as a girlfriend or a boyfriend
You say "my girlfriend" for a reason
It means you own her, you "bought" her
she's your property basically (and you are her property at the same time)
No one else can eat that delicious food but you
It's your territory

That's kind of the point of society at the end of the day
that's the reason why it exists
it's not supposed to be a big family if that's what you thought it was

Okay I'm done with the metaphors

I know you will never reply to this, because you don't even know what exactly is that you don't like about me,
other than the swear words (or maybe you're just hating me because others are hating me, so basically herd behaviour)
so I don't even know why I bothered to reply
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May 21, 2022
So what do you disagree with my posts?
That I said that people only use each other, that society is just a market (What the f else could it even be, you tell me)
or that I said that women aren't capable of love, or aren't supposed to like sex
Or the mere fact that I'm the whiniest misanthrope on this forum
and I fantasize about living on an island far far away from civilization,
maybe even pressing a button that would make mankind unable to reproduce and go extinct
Bring some arguments instead of just calling me names

Do you disagree with my ideas or with my use of language, my "tone"?
I think at least a few of these are undeniable truths
such as the fact that society is just a fucking market, yknow
If you have a country with let's say 40 million people, they can't all
care about each other, it's impossible
They will only interact to exchange commodities (ideas, services or materials, objects)
mfer thinks i have the energy to engage in schizo posting
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*~ 絶対に 全てを取り戻させてもらう ~*
Jul 5, 2020
I've been in your shoes OP. It's frustrating. Positive affirmations are helpful for me. They should be vocalized and/or thought in present tense. Everyday repeat to yourself something to the effect of:
I am attractive.
I am lovable.
I am worthy of love.
My partner is on the way.
I know I am perfect as I am.

Really believe these to be true in your heart.
I've tried, but it didn't work unfortunately...
Ethereal Knight

Ethereal Knight

Seja um bom soldado, morra onde você caiu.
Jan 10, 2022
did @NoLifeNoPain get banned or he just chose a nickname with this trace on the middle?

anyway, I guess he didn't need to write these huge text walls, posting a meme like this would be enough:
IMG 20220810 053950 572
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Aug 1, 2022
I've tried, but it didn't work unfortunately...
The subconscious mind is like a muscle. It takes some practice to strengthen. These things won't happen overnight, but you'll begin to notice positive changes in your outlook the more you affirm positive things in your mind.
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Aug 7, 2022
I've never left the house since the day I was born, (School and buying things excluded)
I've never even had a friend (that wasn't virtual) let alone a girlfriend (which is just a fancy word for friend that you're supposed to fuck)

I'm almost 22.

Guess what I'm gonna do when I'm 40? Mmm let me think

Go to work, go home, eat something meditate watch youtube
go to sleep go to work again

When I'm 60 I'll do the same

I don't understand you normal people with your relationships

Human relationships disgust me, they're so fake and pointless
They're just transactions/exchange of goods

Having one of you "human beings" look at me, constantly judging me for the things I say, the way
I behave, the way I'm dressed all of that makes me vomit my guts
Like I owe you something
It's just a numbers game
Because you people are more than me, you can tell me what to do. It's a might makes right masked as a normality thing what you're pulling on me.
That's literally the only reason why I let myself be subjugated to your insipid arbitrary whims: your ability to hurt me lol

I remember I went out with my sister once.
She couldn't stop complaining about my Fedora.

That was the last time I bothered to go out.

You people have all of these rules of what's socially acceptable to do and be

I can't put up with this horse shit
I'd rather just be isolated

Just not worth the price

Being alone is better than having friends and girlfriends believe me
No one will ever again tell you what to do or what to be
You have all the time for yourself, you don't have
to share it with some other needy sack of shit
that only likes you because of some superficial reason anyway
you being a woman I suppose that superficial reason
would be sex/intimacy

It's not a vital need
Many people have lived full lives without
ever having sex, a romantic partner
Why do you even need that shit, you're a woman
I thought only men needed cuddles and sex lol
Your female friends aren't enough?
You need someone with muscles to open the jars or something, I don't get it
you know women can get muscles too right?
at least enough to open a jar I mean
I completely understand where are you coming from with this feeling but this is not how you should talk to people.
If you want to improve your life a good first step would be learning to be polite.


Aug 7, 2022
I've tried, but it didn't work unfortunately...
same here... being single now for 10 years now. tried all kinds of law of attraction teachings and other crap. out of pain and desperation. it all doesnt work for me. also I must point out that people like abraham hicks , dispenza, tolle and others like them are no help either. they earn tons of money with peoples suffering without really giving any good tips or comfort and I also dont like their blaming and judging undertone. especially hicks can be quite harsh. but shes not the only one . all this " its all your fault , because you manifested it wrong in to the vortex bla bla " well, thank you hicks I did know that I suck before you said so. If any of these people know some good advices on a psychological level and can give some understanding of the nowadays problematic in human society, its teal swan. I love how she even made a video called " fuck the law of attraction" lol
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Aug 8, 2022
If the law of attraction worked, I'd be dead rn and would have been a long time ago
It's a bunch of fake wanky BS that is only good for sucking vulnerable people into some idea that if they think the 'correct' thoughts that their life will improve.
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*~ 絶対に 全てを取り戻させてもらう ~*
Jul 5, 2020
The subconscious mind is like a muscle. It takes some practice to strengthen. These things won't happen overnight, but you'll begin to notice positive changes in your outlook the more you affirm positive things in your mind.
I've done that for years.
same here... being single now for 10 years now. tried all kinds of law of attraction teachings and other crap. out of pain and desperation. it all doesnt work for me. also I must point out that people like abraham hicks , dispenza, tolle and others like them are no help either. they earn tons of money with peoples suffering without really giving any good tips or comfort and I also dont like their blaming and judging undertone. especially hicks can be quite harsh. but shes not the only one . all this " its all your fault , because you manifested it wrong in to the vortex bla bla " well, thank you hicks I did know that I suck before you said so. If any of these people know some good advices on a psychological level and can give some understanding of the nowadays problematic in human society, its teal swan. I love how she even made a video called " fuck the law of attraction" lol
I've heard her spout utter nonsense in a video with a Julien something guy unfortunately...
I want to respect your reasons to die & the limits of what you can bear. But I'm not sure that I understand what you mean by trauma.

I've been beaten so hard I could barely walk for weeks, told by cops that I deserve it, then got hit by a car... Then worse...

If what happened to you is being blocked on a dating site... That's basic everyday dissapointment. You aren't doomed. You can survive this. I fear to die from the toxins in my home everyday & can't remove them.

I'd suggest trying to improve your flirting game instead to assume that you can just demand to the universe the perfect man. Are you perfect? Are you at least as attractive as him? I'm kinda disfigured & on didability checks. My ideal man is kinda Keanu Reeves. I'm not athletic. I'm unable to become like my ideal man. So I had to readjust my expectations.

Are you genuinely trying to get to know him, or are you only going for his look like some treasure trophy to own? Telling him he HAS to be with you because you decided that he's your soulmate will make him run away. Relationships are something that you both choose to slowly build together, not fate.

Rejection hurts my self esteem too. But maybe it's for the best. Maybe he's a jerk. Maybe he's into anorexic girls with DD boobs implants with a gallon of make up. Find what they like, you might understand the rejection, the improvements to do, or that you should be careful what you wish for and aim at a more compatible type. I'd be bored with Keanu's busy life. I want someone free to snuggle with.

Be careful with codependency. I can't function with a lover because I'm like a drug addict needing a constant fix.

I think everyone should learn to enjoy life and themselves before sharing that with a lover. Because we can only share what we already have. It's a partnership. I feel like I have nothing to offer so I focus on self care. I admire your big dreams, but if every failed step makes you wish to die, maybe you need to focus on self care & self discovery. Or discovery of better pick up lines.

I just wish to share good memories with a friend. That is a struggle...

One step at a time... Patience... Which I don't have. I think I failed many times by trying too hard too fast.

Maybe he has a fetish for old obese people. Maybe he's gay. Maybe I completely missunderstood your post & situation...

But if you're not in physical agony & disfigured... I think there is hope. I saw cripples like me succeed. But I'm too hurt to try.

Good of you for trying. Take a break to heal then if you find someone again, you can try. But I wish you to find enough inner peace with yourself to feel like you deserve to live without being a pretty's dick slave. Being alone can suck though. But my fiancé was violent... So being alone also means... That...

You are free

Yes but it wasn't true love. In his heart nor in yours. Your love is superficial, only his looks. If you fall in love with a cripple doing volunteering, after sharing happy hobbies together for a long time, giving each other living support when in pain... I'd believe in that love as true.

Sorry but you fell in lust. Your pain is real. But I don't think that true love can blossom by only focussing on a pretty face.

You never said anything about his personality.

I don't want to hurt you but what you lost is closer to a child being unable to afford a pretty toy. It's sheer frustration.

True love grief would be losing your husband to cancer.

Your pain is real, but basing your self worth on a pretty toy will literally kill you.

Yes but it wasn't true love. In his heart nor in yours. Your love is superficial, only his looks. If you fall in love with a cripple doing volunteering, after sharing happy hobbies together for a long time, giving each other living support when in pain... I'd believe in that love as true.

Sorry but you fell in lust. Your pain is real. But I don't think that true love can blossom by only focussing on a pretty face.

You never said anything about his personality.

I don't want to hurt you but what you lost is closer to a child being unable to afford a pretty toy. It's sheer frustration.

True love grief would be losing your husband to cancer.

Your pain is real, but basing your self worth on a pretty toy will literally kill you.

Please put things back into perspective. Unless you were planning to eat him, a boyfriend is neither vital nor a need.

It's a want. A fun want.

You won't die. My vibrators gave me more satisfaction than even the prettiest man ever did. Mating is an urge. A strong urge. But not a vital need like food, oxygen, shelter.

You lost less than you think. Don't lose yourself for someone like him.

I'm sorry to be so rude, I blame brain damage... But... If you want to heal, eat nutricioys food loaded with vitamins. Like greens. It will make you shit thin. But puking will burn from stomach acid. Would you kiss a vomit breath?

Forget losing weight. Gain health. EAT.

Nutrition not calories.

By trauma I mean child abuse, harrasment, medical and relational abuse over 32 years. For info people DIE of prolonged lovelessness and isolation. Check the scientific studies on it. It's basic common sense btw. We ned a foundation to live and function, duh.

Maybe don't speak if you don't know the context. I'm pretty sure I mentioned a culmination and at least some context. I'm no immature 12 year old. I don't need your insults.

I redirect you to my other posts.

If you don't have anything sensible to say GTFO.

Your post is just more toxic trolling. Not worth answering as it is.

@mods : this post attracts nothing but malevolent trolls at this point, I can't delete it nor block them so I need your help here.
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