For a bit I was staying alive for my wife, but due to recent discoveries I'm now only staying alive long enough for one last good moment. I think it's a shame to be alive and not witness certain things. Basically I'd like to get to Switzerland and maybe Italy, once I've done that I think I could reasonably concluded my life. Though it doesn't look like I'll be able to accomplish it due to finances so I might have to settle with hiking the Appalachian trail. I'd really would love to get to Switzerland, it look so beautiful , I just want to experience it before I die. But I'm doubting it'll happen.
family. they'd care if I ctb'd. it's the only reason I'm still around.
I honestly believe my parents care enough to raise me well but it doesn't really change the fact that this world's a dystopia. all I can really do is distract myself as much as possible.
I can really relate to the dystopian reality/nightmare we are currently living in. Felt this way my whole life. I guess besides my wife, my mom would be very sad but there is still no avoiding what I've decided to do in the future. Someone else's sadness over my death should have no weight over my decision to end my own suffering. I think forcing ppl to live simply cause you want them around is a cruel concept, though many feel it's out of love. Anyways, I want one last good moment before I let go. Though I'm in great pain all the time, I'd like to experience seeing Switzerland with my own eyes before I go. Once I accomplish that I really don't care what happens to me. But if I can't accomplish it I figure I'd settle with hiking the Appalachian trail. Though recently I've been planning my own funeral in a note book, music I'd like to be playing, food I want to be there, and even a custom designer cake. This might be morbid but it's one of the few times I feel happy or even complete; planning this funeral/party.
The knowledge that I can kill myself at any moment I want to, thanks to my .44 magnum. It's an incredibly liberating feeling to know that you can CTB any time. It gives me the confidence to do whatever I want before I die.
.lol .44 will do it no doubt. I have a 9mm and a shotgun, the shot gun is to messy of a prospect for me to do it with that(though i want to be creamated, it's just a mess for others to pick up or walk into) the 9mm I'm afraid won't be catastrophic enough to kill me instantly, like, what if I end up brain dead, but if I had a .44 or even a 45, yeah man I'd feel real liberated. Lol. I'd be dead already. However I am trying to come up with a way die in my sleep but if all else fails I'll just use my 9mm after having a cocktail of my benzos and favorite scotch.