Drs suck mega ass!
- Sep 3, 2018
- 1,489
As you know, censorship around the world has been ramping up at an alarming pace. The UK and OFCOM has singled out this community and have been focusing its censorship efforts here. It takes a good amount of resources to maintain the infrastructure for our community and to resist this censorship. We would appreciate any and all donations.
If dead was an option, i used like a card so time alongHow would you summarize the need to punch a motherfucker in its maw? I feel "annoyed" isn't strong enough.
But i think there are so many other people really suffering, like starved. And still, i have to read your stuff..., There are many people wandering how feel when they be baneed, No people what have to go trough to be banned?Exhaustion, most people even considering me, even me think dead is a person, i think if you are a doctor, you are more centred
Frustration, so much frustration
People wanna be sadic and sarcastic, to act real, everyone so sarcastic, they took sarcastic so lightened
If dead was an option, i used like a card so time along
Good reason to dont do anything, trust meEmptiness.
Like anonymous said good to know the pitagoric table, this go to my matematic teacher, hope she suicidedBut i think there are so many other people really suffering, like starved. And still, i have to read your stuff..., There are many people wandering how feel when they be baneed, No people what have to go trough to be banned?
Good reason to dont do anything, trust me
I m not good in anything, and dust they say they other are no good for anything, because they have technique, in hell they will spare and pray for salvation, for our lust, and prevarication, for idolatrist, liers, judgement will come for all of us, overflow you mawth of sarcarsm, will see your own perdition with your own eyes, no will can close there eyes, and even claiming death cannot, the death will escape for order of god to those who laughs like beast, because beast they are, no more than yes or not, but yet you have so much to explain the creation of god, contruction and eat, but no stop to prevaricate and speak laudBut i think there are so many other people really suffering, like starved. And still, i have to read your stuff..., There are many people wandering how feel when they be baneed, No people what have to go trough to be banned?
Good reason to dont do anything, trust me
Like anonymous said good to know the pitagoric table, this go to my matematic teacher, hope she suicided
We are all guilty, who wants to escape?, writng and writing, like chimera said, waiting the en, apocalipsy is for ours sins, thdere no master then Christ, and you think, he will no come? for all our sin, liers, an betrayals, excuses? How far we can go liers and stelers?
Good reason to dont do anything, trust meEmptiness.
Most, i wanna my no ex girlfriend to never existed in my mind, like she have never existed, who god forgets me, christ free me of her, the pain i have through for her, only my memories and gods knowBut i think there are so many other people really suffering, like starved. And still, i have to read your stuff..., There are many people wandering how feel when they be baneed, No people what have to go trough to be banned?
Good reason to dont do anything, trust me
Like anonymous said good to know the pitagoric table, this go to my matematic teacher, hope she suicided
We are all guilty, who wants to escape?, writng and writing, like chimera said, waiting the en, apocalipsy is for ours sins, thdere no master then Christ, and you think, he will no come? for all our sin, liers, an betrayals, excuses? How far we can go liers and stelers?
I m not good in anything, and dust they say they other are no good for anything, because they have technique, in hell they will spare and pray for salvation, for our lust, and prevarication, for idolatrist, liers, judgement will come for all of us, overflow you mawth of sarcarsm, will see your own perdition with your own eyes, no will can close there eyes, and even claiming death cannot, the death will escape for order of god to those who laughs like beast, because beast they are, no more than yes or not, but yet you have so much to explain the creation of god, contruction and eat, but no stop to prevaricate and speak laud
I've felt that for years. When I do ctb, it won't be impulsive.Good reason to dont do anything, trust me
Existential crisis, I would say.I don't know the name for it, but I feel backed into a corner.
My illness is making me feel like I have to kill myself whether I want to or not because it feels like it's not going to get better even though maybe it will, and if it doesn't I'm pretty sure I can't live with it. Only time will tell, which means I have to live with it to see but I can't live with it.
Maybe this is existential confusion???
Tengan cuidado, no intenten suicidarse, aunque sea parando el corazon, no lo intenten, es suicidio, la depresion lleva al suicidio tambien, las mujeres son lo que mas lo padecen, luchar por tu propia vida y tu existencia no es pelear contra otros, no es evolucionismo, los seres humanos aprendemos de los demas, luchamos contra nuestros propios demonios y los de los demas, mucho cuidado, tengan cuidado con la culpa, la culpa, trae miedo, el miedo trae odio, el odio, emociones fuertes, el secreto rs calmarse, y tratar de pensar claro, no desesperarse, lo que busca la oscuridad y el mal, es nuestra desesperacion, usa nuestra desespetacionExistential crisis, I would say.
No intenten suicidio, lean la biblia, crean en dios, no peleen por cuestiones espirituales, el miedo, lleva al odio, el odio al lado obscuro, pelear por nuestra vida no es evolucionismoExistential crisis, I would say.
No es una lucha de palabras, es una guerra espiritual, finalmente, luz contra obscuridad, accion contra pasivoExistential crisis, I would say.