Sorry! I joined in the derailing
Yeah, as much as we can improve at supporting lonely guys, at least we're better than before. I really was traumatized when people cruelly
piled on a suicidal asian guy. His parents moved to the UK, and he got homesick & wanted an asian girl
He never returned, who knows if he ctb'd. Or now posts on, haha. He didn't self-identify as an incel. But the word "chad" was enough provocation to bully him. Because it's socially ok to
bully supposedly weak men — and it's open season on anyone you can call an incel
(After all, we don't bully liberal feminists, though they're always supporting hyper-violent people:
It's funny, I help girls get guys, despite their strange ethnic or other obsessions.
Real talk: irl girls virtue-signal waaaay less than online ones.

A good female friend of mine advises guys to get:
- the porsche
- the shoes
- the rolex
She says yeah, you'll get the gold diggers. But you're just building a supply of them — including their social connections. Sooner or later, one of them's gonna have a virtuous friend worth loving. And after giggling, maybe
Aristotle would agree
So, yeah, I don't know online places where lonely men get great empathy & serious help