I was a huge Sonic fanatic growing up, so I think my faves from when I was young was Sonic Adventure 2 Battle and Sonic DX: Director's cut. I still replay those to this day, to a point I memorized every map and had a 3rd place speed running record on SA2B (Most likely gone by now, I achieved this 2 years ago) lol.
As for current, I play mostly the generic multiplayer competitive games: A lot of League and Overwatch but when I don't want to deal with the strangers of the internet, My current go-tos have been Harvestella And Dragon Quest Builders 2.
I'd HIGHLY recommend Harvestella. I can't focus long enough to finish games nowadays but I have completed this one. The story is great and keeps you on your toes. You start off thinking it's a farming simulator and end up battling to save humanity. If you liked Stardew Valley, You'll 100x LOVE this!