I had been planning on leaving most of my estate to my brother. I love him, and I want the best for him, but I've kind of been forced to live with him for the last month, and I no longer feel like it would be the most ethical use of my estate.
I've spent my life trying to make the world a better place for many other people and, while he's great -in fact, he can be phenomenal- in crises, the reason he's so good in them is that he doesn't plan anything, nothing at all! He very intentionally lives in nothing but crises. He doesn't believe in cleaning or organizing anything. If he's fixing something, he literally drops tools on the floor, and they won't get moved until he needs them again.
For fuck's sake, he's 40+ years old, not intellectually challenged, but can't be bothered to zip his own flippin' fly after taking a piss!
Last March, it was
proven to me that this isn't a world that I'm willing to live in. I failed to catch the bus at the end of August this year (again, that attempt, and my continued active suicidality, is a direct and explicit result of what I was subjected to in March of 2023).
In the aftermath, I began planning to try again on Veteran's day (Nov 11th).
Before my Aug failure andthrougj the last few days, I had been planning to leave my house to my brother to rent (it's in a different state than he is), but after living with him, I now feel the need to sell my house and personally divy up what I earn from it between organizations that are at least trying to make the world a better place for many other people, and just let my brother live off of whatever is in my 401Ks.
The fact that the orange fascist, and so many of his political allies and sycophants, won truly horrifies me and only adds more proof that this is no longer a world that I am willing to live in anymore, but I at least want to help others who are willing to actually try to improve it!