Won't make even one on purpose. Really if something has no value and has a high price, it just doesn't worth the time, even if money should not be considered.
Well,....Some times too expensive alcohol doesn't meet my expectations, i like to give money for watches and cars and expensive clothes on online botiques that don't really fit. cause i don't have the time for taking sizes and blqblq blq. Or i'm lazy. Also if it's fun i can spend how much i like for a party, as long as it is fun and have a good time, something to remember. That's why i hate last 2 years. Just renting a plane, go where you want, go on with some supercar-rentalls, meet friends....any time, any moment i can, i will do it.
Also if money are not a factor, honestly i would buy lots and lots of snow making mashines, and make the entire city in snow. Most will find it useless, i call it a cool idea and it has value for me :)