Your first part I see no argument about it. I agree. Parents like that are horrible pieces of shits who shouldn't even have kids. But if I must say if any kind of rebuttal to that I can think of at the moment is that we live in societies that turns a blind to the abuse of children and don't care what happens to them as long they grow to be good little worker bees to make more money, continue their ways of living via culture, pass on genes to the next generation, etc. In a way society propagates? (If that's the right word) the problem by not caring about the welfare of children because it infringes on the supposed rights of individuals over because most people don't like that governments can have a say in their own lives even though these same people don't even care about the individual rights of the babies being born. Now I'm not arguing with you on this I agree with you.
I can agree with having exams of some sort for being allowed to be a parent. But let's just imagine something for a second. Now try to tell that the religious types who'd think that it's the end of the world just because someone told them they need a license to have a baby. Like I said earlier with another member I was talking about this on this thread, these people have most the power to change things, these people have all or most of the political will and money to back their religious zealous beliefs. Plus these are the same people who don't think rationally most especially about the future well being of unborn children. So I for one most certainly agree that some sort of licensing should be implemented but I just don't see it realistically being passed as a law without a good majority of the population, especially the religious ones, and politicians to change their minds and start caring more about kids than they do about losing a little bit their 'freedoms' just so such licensing to become a parent is even a possibility. And even then. I mean realistically do you think it's possible?