As you know, censorship around the world has been ramping up at an alarming pace. The UK and OFCOM has singled out this community and have been focusing its censorship efforts here. It takes a good amount of resources to maintain the infrastructure for our community and to resist this censorship. We would appreciate any and all donations.
Um. They did. The experiment was called e×tasy and the 9Øs Rave Culture.
Everybody was luvd up.
Until the comedown... It failed miserably!
A "professional dog-fondler"? >p.d.f Fuck where was my guidance councillor when I needed vocational training?! Mind you; "all's well that ends well' as they say :: Guess I ended up there anyways ( >p.d.f) I was a rent boy.
That's a pretty sad state of affairs if that's an unpopular opinion. Dude's unbearable to listen to. I think the whole crying thing is related to the health issues he went through in the last few years though. He seems to be crying in every interview nowadays.
I hate these fucking boring ass high profile criminal trials. Like Kyle Rittenhouse etc. I could give two shits what happens to the kid. Just get it over with already.
I hate these fucking boring ass high profile criminal trials. Like Kyle Rittenhouse etc. I could give two shits what happens to the kid. Just get it over with already.
I hate these fucking boring ass high profile criminal trials. Like Kyle Rittenhouse etc. I could give two shits what happens to the kid. Just get it over with already.
Or like when a random person goes missing... people go missing all the time but every now and then one blows up into a national story for some reason. But yeah, this particular trial is also a proxy political war which makes it even that much more annoying.
I keep seeing threads on here about how evil parents are and how it's basically they're fault for everything. Now look people I'm an antinatalist but Jesus it just gets toxic after a while if you constantly blame your parents for doing what nature has evolved them to do: to survive, to fuck and to have kids. It's so hardwired into every animals biology we are slaves to wanting to mate. I mean fuck perfect example is just look at how many people are on here complaining about being alone and not having a girlfriend/boyfriend and that right there is our biology controlling us into trying to mate. And don't get me wrong I'm one of those people also, but my point being is that your parents did what they did cause they were slaves to their biology and y'all blame them for something that they cannot control.
And sure before someones rebuttals me I get that there are some parents who should have never had kids. But I ask you what could have been done to prevent them from there biology controlling them? Unless you bring up forced sterilization what then? What's the solution?
And then there's antinatalism. Now listen there are not that many antinatalists in existence to convince the majority of humans that bringing kids into existence is bad. Yea suffering exists that's a fact but has that ever stopped humans from fucking? I wish I could say more but now my mind went fucking blank.
Bottom line is stop blaming your parents so much and blame biology.
Lol and what is your argument against any of what I said then? Agree to disagree then. And antinatalism doesn't offer any solutions from what I'm hearing from any of y'all. All I'm hearing from y'all is how bad every parent is and you really think criticizing them will make them change their minds? I mean for fucks sake I heard one of y'all call people who have kids worse than pedophiles. I mean I'm an antinatalist but some people are just toxic when it comes to antinatalism.
Given what's happened to Dave Chappelle and I'm sure will continue to happen to other comedians also in the future, liberals crazed obsession with cancel culture will ruin comedy. These were the same people who used to advocate for free speech and such and now literally they're advocating for policing speech. I guess that what happens when you drink too much Marxism kool-Aid. I hope someone tries to rebuttal me on this cause if you agree with any of this then you don't believe in free speech.
Lol and what is your argument against any of what I said then? Agree to disagree then. And antinatalism doesn't offer any solutions from what I'm hearing from all of y'all. All I'm hearing from y'all is how bad every parent is and you really think criticizing them will make them change their minds? I mean for fucks sake I heard one of y'all call a someone who has kids worse than a pedophile. I mean I'm antinatalist but some people are just toxic when it comes to it.
I'm an antinatalist and I don't think that every parent is bad. I don't think there should be a place for generalization. You're a parent who cares for their kid and supports them for the rest of your life as it should be? And give them all your love and act as if....idk.... you wanted a kid? Good, it's the least you can do. But parents who brought into the world someone against their will and ALSO proceeds to make the existence they didn't consent to a hell, and abuse the child in any way and form and give them trauma that will haunt them for the rest of this already miserable existence? Yeah those are worse than everything and for such kind of parents, and people after all, I hope hell exists.
That being said, I really wanted to write something related.
There should be a license like thing for being a parent, with thorough exams etc. Too many people out there who put more thought into the outfits they're going to wear than in having children and so this is why so many children are neglected and abused and even abandoned simply because many aren't fit for parenting. It would prevent a lot of suffering
I'm an antinatalist and I don't think that every parent is bad. I don't think there should be a place for generalization. You're a parent who cares for their kid and supports them for the rest of your life as it should be? And give them all your love and act as if....idk.... you wanted a kid? Good, it's the least you can do. But parents who brought into the world someone against their will and ALSO proceeds to make the existence they didn't consent to a hell, and abuse the child in any way and form and give them trauma that will haunt them for the rest of this already miserable existence? Yeah those are worse than everything and for such kind of parents, and people after all, I hope hell exists.
That being said, I really wanted to write something related.
There should be a license like thing for being a parent, with thorough exams etc. Too many people out there who put more thought into the outfits they're going to wear than in having children and so this is why so many children are neglected and abused and even abandoned simply because many aren't fit for parenting. It would prevent a lot of suffering
Well Thank you for giving a solution of some kind besides what I've been reading. Because of my eye problems I'm going to take a break but I'll think of something to say later. Take care.
Given what's happened to Dave Chappelle and I'm sure will continue to happen to other comedians also in the future, liberals crazed obsession with cancel culture will ruin comedy. These were the same people who used to advocate for free speech and such and now literally they're advocating for policing speech. I guess that what happens when you drink too much Marxism kool-Aid. I hope someone tries to rebuttal me on this cause if you agree with any of this then you don't believe in free speech.
What's happened to Dave Chappelle exactly? I mean, I vaguely know about the netflix drama and whatever but is he cancelled now? Will we never hear from him again? All these fears seem totally overblown. Yeah, some of the excesses of this speech policing stuff are annoying but it's also always been a thing and comedy has always survived. Comedians in the 60s and 70s were getting arrested for using obscenities, for Christ's sake. Comedy will be fine.
That's a pretty sad state of affairs if that's an unpopular opinion. Dude's unbearable to listen to. I think the whole crying thing is related to the health issues he went through in the last few years though. He seems to be crying in every interview nowadays.
But God da Father! But butch, heroic Jesus! But Jungian fairy tales, but Wagner's operas! But you're not a real man until you slay da Dragon & save a princess hidden in da Cave! But stating the obvious, but trite hackneyed platitudinous clichéd truisms, but Rule for Life #8: Try to make one room in your home as beautiful as possible - cleaning your room is not enough! (Yes, that's actually one of his 12 rules. ) But I have 12 rules for life because Jesus had 12 disciples! But his justified frustration that his God gave him that squeaky little voice when he's desperate to be perceived as intimidating & macho! The tears are real, my friend, the tears are real...
People over the age of 18 who read bestsellers entitled "(insert number) Rules for (insert subject)" need a lot more than self-help.
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not-2-b-the-answer, NumbItAll, deflationary and 1 other person
I'm an antinatalist and I don't think that every parent is bad. I don't think there should be a place for generalization. You're a parent who cares for their kid and supports them for the rest of your life as it should be? And give them all your love and act as if....idk.... you wanted a kid? Good, it's the least you can do. But parents who brought into the world someone against their will and ALSO proceeds to make the existence they didn't consent to a hell, and abuse the child in any way and form and give them trauma that will haunt them for the rest of this already miserable existence? Yeah those are worse than everything and for such kind of parents, and people after all, I hope hell exists.
That being said, I really wanted to write something related.
There should be a license like thing for being a parent, with thorough exams etc. Too many people out there who put more thought into the outfits they're going to wear than in having children and so this is why so many children are neglected and abused and even abandoned simply because many aren't fit for parenting. It would prevent a lot of suffering
Your first part I see no argument about it. I agree. Parents like that are horrible pieces of shits who shouldn't even have kids. But if I must say if any kind of rebuttal to that I can think of at the moment is that we live in societies that turns a blind to the abuse of children and don't care what happens to them as long they grow to be good little worker bees to make more money, continue their ways of living via culture, pass on genes to the next generation, etc. In a way society propagates? (If that's the right word) the problem by not caring about the welfare of children because it infringes on the supposed rights of individuals over because most people don't like that governments can have a say in their own lives even though these same people don't even care about the individual rights of the babies being born. Now I'm not arguing with you on this I agree with you.
I can agree with having exams of some sort for being allowed to be a parent. But let's just imagine something for a second. Now try to tell that the religious types who'd think that it's the end of the world just because someone told them they need a license to have a baby. Like I said earlier with another member I was talking about this on this thread, these people have most the power to change things, these people have all or most of the political will and money to back their religious zealous beliefs. Plus these are the same people who don't think rationally most especially about the future well being of unborn children. So I for one most certainly agree that some sort of licensing should be implemented but I just don't see it realistically being passed as a law without a good majority of the population, especially the religious ones, and politicians to change their minds and start caring more about kids than they do about losing a little bit their 'freedoms' just so such licensing to become a parent is even a possibility. And even then. I mean realistically do you think it's possible?
What's happened to Dave Chappelle exactly? I mean, I vaguely know about the netflix drama and whatever but is he cancelled now? Will we never hear from him again? All these fears seem totally overblown. Yeah, some of the excesses of this speech policing stuff are annoying but it's also always been a thing and comedy has always survived. Comedians in the 60s and 70s were getting arrested for using obscenities, for Christ's sake. Comedy will be fine.
Welp, um, yeah.
First off since you're a mod I hope I don't get in trouble. And second since we're already on 2 ends of the opinion spectrum we might as well agree to disagree first and foremost and realize that there won't be any agreement on this regardless of whatever I say. So never mind Dave Chapelle, or those other people for a moment and tell me is it really that hard to imagine that some cancel culture exists because people don't like other people's different opinions? Especially on platforms that are known for their censorship? Never mind comedy or politics, hell these same platforms censor pro choice suicide so how is that any different from cancel culture? Is there any difference between censorship and cancel culture? And if cancel culture only targets culture at large then isn't censorship also targeting and hurting culture and society at large also And if censorship exists which it does then so does cancel culture atleast in my opinion.
Welp, um, yeah.
First off since you're a mod I hope I don't get in trouble. And second since we're already on 2 ends of the opinion spectrum we might as well agree to disagree first and foremost and realize that there won't be any agreement on this regardless of whatever I say. So never mind Dave Chapelle, or those other people for a moment and tell me is it really that hard to imagine that some cancel culture exists because people don't like other people's different opinions? Especially on platforms that are known for their censorship? Never mind comedy or politics, hell these same platforms censor pro choice suicide so how is that any different from cancel culture? Is there any difference between censorship and cancel culture? And if cancel culture only targets culture at large then isn't censorship also targeting and hurting culture and society at large also?
Don't worry, I welcome disagreement - the whole purpose of this thread is entertaining provocative ideas, after all.
Regarding the topic: alright, give me an example of actual cancel culture. Not a social media platform enforcing their rules, not someone getting backlash for a sincerely racist remark. I want an example of actual cancel culture.
The video I've linked explains in great details why cancel culture, as portrayed by the social-conservative mainstream in the US, isn't an actual thing but I'm ready to stand my ground on this subject.
Mixo, not-2-b-the-answer, Circles and 1 other person
Don't worry, I welcome disagreement - the whole purpose of this thread is entertaining provocative ideas, after all.
Regarding the topic: alright, give me an example of actual cancel culture. Not a social media platform enforcing their rules, not someone getting backlash for a sincerely racist remark. I want an example of actual cancel culture.
The video I've linked explains in great details why cancel culture, as portrayed by the social-conservative mainstream in the US, isn't an actual thing but I'm ready to stand my ground on this subject.
Edit3: After listening to some of the video you posted, I realized maybe I was wrong of he existence of cancel culture fully canceling celebrities. And since he said that no famous person has been fully canceled then fine. I'll atleast admit I was wrong on some things. I guess I fell for the news trap: as soon as I hear something on the news or look at an article I automatically somewhat believe it? I feel embarrassed. Apologies. Take care if you can.
After finishing the video he even made good points. You changed my mind on something so I concede.
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LastFlowers, RainAndSadness and NumbItAll
Your first part I see no argument about it. I agree. Parents like that are horrible pieces of shits who shouldn't even have kids. But if I must say if any kind of rebuttal to that I can think of at the moment is that we live in societies that turns a blind to the abuse of children and don't care what happens to them as long they grow to be good little worker bees to make more money, continue their ways of living via culture, pass on genes to the next generation, etc. In a way society propagates? (If that's the right word) the problem by not caring about the welfare of children because it infringes on the supposed rights of individuals over because most people don't like that governments can have a say in their own lives even though these same people don't even care about the individual rights of the babies being born. Now I'm not arguing with you on this I agree with you.
I can agree with having exams of some sort for being allowed to be a parent. But let's just imagine something for a second. Now try to tell that the religious types who'd think that it's the end of the world just because someone told them they need a license to have a baby. Like I said earlier with another member I was talking about this on this thread, these people have most the power to change things, these people have all or most of the political will and money to back their religious zealous beliefs. Plus these are the same people who don't think rationally most especially about the future well being of unborn children. So I for one most certainly agree that some sort of licensing should be implemented but I just don't see it realistically being passed as a law without a good majority of the population, especially the religious ones, and politicians to change their minds and start caring more about kids than they do about losing a little bit their 'freedoms' just so such licensing to become a parent is even a possibility. And even then. I mean realistically do you think it's possible?
Yeah, well, in theory it could work. But I forgot for a bit in what kind of world we live in. This is why the world is the way it is right now and it's only getting worse and worse with each day that passes.
I wish I could live on a floating sky island (the kind that was like 5-20 meters up from the ground or so, like ones in Genshin Impact). Of course I'd need to be able to levitate or fly so that I won't fall, but otherwise it would be nice.
Hmm.... you could ctb by falling down "accidentally" from a floating sky island and it would be easier to mask as a suicide compared to falling down from a building..
It was so romantic. Your heavy veil completely fooled the elderly priest & we had a traditional Catholic wedding. Everything was perfect. I even carried you over, well, dragged you across the threshold.
You're cool. Such constructive criticism pointing out I say y'all instead of you all. Oh god fucking forbid. Where's your argument? Oh wait just make fun of someone saying y'all. I might sound rude when I debate but I sure as shit wouldn't make fun of anyone's way of saying things.
So funny putting a yay emoji Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Still waiting on your constructive arguments unless of course you just want to troll.
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