Deleted member 23374

Nov 1, 2020
Hey hey, Hell of a poem right ? I'm trying to remember all the poems I fell in love with. They carry the shape and weight of my mind by way of affinity.
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Deleted member 23374

Nov 1, 2020
the lateral drift of dark times

...in that, i uderstand it.
it births a new plump stream of thought
to feed my ravenous dying mind.
I like it...

but, i wonder,
because i'm an idiot,
is the conflict a curse
or a punishment

those are very different roads.
and the grass has snuffed out
all the footpaths.

the strange is not so strange,
and yes, by definition
i am slightly mad


i see a truth...

a little breakthrough on my cello,
also, my niece gave me a kalimba as a gift, i almost cried but my smile was genuine,
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Deleted member 23374

Nov 1, 2020
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Deleted member 23374

Nov 1, 2020

A SuperMarket In California - Allen Ginsberg


"Read the damned poem !!!"
Steve Cannon
April 10, 1935 - July 7, 2019

A Gathering of Tribes


Ai Ogawa

I scissor the stem of the red carnation
and set it in a bowl of water.
It floats the way your head would,
if I cut it off.

But what if I tore you apart
for those afternoons
when I was fifteen
and so like a bird of paradise
slaughtered for its feathers.

Even my name suggested wings,
wicker cages, flight.

Come, sit on my lap, you said.
I felt as if I had flown there;
I was weightless.

You were forty and married.
That she was my mother never mattered.
She was a door that opened onto me.

The three of us blended into a kind of somnolence
and musk, the musk of Sundays. Sweat and sweetness.

That dried plum and licorice taste
always back of my tongue
and your tongue against my teeth,
then touching mine. How many times?—

I counted, but could never remember.
And when I thought we'd go on forever,
that nothing could stop us
as we fell endlessly from consciousness,

orders came: War in the north.
Your sword, the gold epaulets,
the uniform so brightly colored,
so unlike war, I thought.

And your horse; how you rode out the gate.
No, how that horse danced beneath you
toward the sound of cannon fire.

I could hear it, so many leagues away.
I could see you fall, your face scarlet,
the horse dancing on without you.

And at the same moment,
Mother sighed and turned clumsily in the hammock,
the Madeira in the thin-stemmed glass
spilled into the grass,
and I felt myself hardening to a brandy-colored wood,
my skin, a thousand strings drawn so taut
that when I walked to the house
I could hear music
tumbling like a waterfall of China silk
behind me.

I took your letter from my bodice.
Salome, I heard your voice,
little bird, fly. But I did not.

I untied the lilac ribbon at my breasts
and lay down on your bed.

After a while, I heard Mother's footsteps,
watched her walk to the window.

I closed my eyes
and when I opened them
the shadow of a sword passed through my throat
and Mother, dressed like a grenadier,
bent and kissed me on the lips.

I remembered another, won't be attempting any explication.
The style had an effect/affect.
Glad i stumbled across this...

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Deleted member 23374

Nov 1, 2020
I'm shining my razor
and thinking about learning a new tune.
I'm thinking maybe i can't keep my promise.
the way light plays on silver
like the bow on the A string
i flick the blade and hum, it's a D
it sings

Deleted member 23374

Nov 1, 2020
Fractured today
wires criss
apsects intermingle
no music but keening
no wail but static, radioactive
salt skittering across parchment
callous scraping string

bring a fly rod
come here and tie me off
there are deeds to do
casket on my mind
mischief in my eye

hey, hero
you dropped your pocket
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Deleted member 23374

Nov 1, 2020
a delicate thing,
the crimson ribbon is a serpent
then a silent ride to what i hope
will be oblivion
or not

depends on the menu really

gasp !
shenanigans in the convent !
adorable puppies with murder in their hearts..
i don't see halloween, it's weird =/
probably nothing, anyway

where are my vampires ?
where are my angels ?

the t-shirt wins sometimes
it's a blatant rip-off of something forgotten, remastered
timeless, and dying
i'm grateful enough to have it

but that dance will end
and what strikes me is
that i will still hear the song
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Deleted member 23374

Nov 1, 2020
where is tom thumb ?
i heard about him in the books
the ones they would take from if we hadn't took
then he flew into the sun
now the words are gone.
if approached and asked

"Who are you ?"

i would like to think
that i would respond with

"...i don't know if i'm a vampire
or an empath... tomatoes etc.,
freedom fighter, terrorist, hero, hero

there is no divide for zero

and walk away
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Deleted member 23374

Nov 1, 2020
Peter Dinklage is sexy. It's the stare and the shaggy look. It get's me.

Deleted member 23374

Nov 1, 2020

I love Emily Dickinson. Anyone who has a problem with that...

Much Madness is divinest Sense

By Emily Dickinson

Much Madness is divinest Sense -
To a discerning Eye -
Much Sense - the starkest Madness -
'Tis the Majority
In this, as all, prevail -
Assent - and you are sane -
Demur - you're straightway dangerous -
And handled with a Chain -

I need this place, until i don't.

I cannot resist the gravitational pull towards art.
Knowing it hurts me, i am willing.

That, and a good belt from time to time
grants me the right to wear the chain,
and luxuriate

I miss you M
i miss you desperately
the telling burn intermingling
with the fragrance
the commitment
to craft

i saw you seeing me,
the slink and swagger
toward your general direction
came naturally.

that sobering raking of imperfection
against bone
you took with no apology
i wanted to be yours

you forgot your own name
when my lips brushed your ear
you melted
and became mine

I suck at editing.
This is from deviantart Dancing Spirits by CreativeNiCo
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Deleted member 23374

Nov 1, 2020
i think, i want to keep this one

ill does not mean deficient.
punctuation is my mortal enemy <---- now with 0.05% more depth !

wouldn't the general vibe of the incident
weigh in on the rationality of the decision?
does that match up with sane?

me just 15, and a father/brother (as needed) is gone
to husk and parts, in crevices, drop ceiling, edge of table
i know the place, i can imagine just fine
i am raw

the shape of the message reveals
stay around, one line at a time

the leap remains
a valid option

Deleted member 23374

Nov 1, 2020

my guts are twisted again, yay
i feel like i'm forgetting something,
"unusual right ?" "...heh."

it doesn't feel like something super important but,
i hate it when i nag myself but i can't get a thumb on it
and pin it down and actually see it

my mind feels slow
and tired of itself, i need new poetry, new outlook
new shoes

i need all the things i can't have
i don't want alot

a shack to live in that's all mine
a decent cello to play
and a fucking laser cannon
simple right ?

i still feel like i'm forgetting something
what more could i want ?

Deleted member 23374

Nov 1, 2020
Okay, i know what's going on,
i'm in physical pain today
guts are twisted again
it getting more painful
not sure if it's cancer
becuase i won't go to a doctor
no, i'm not going so ppbbbbbtttttttttt !!!!
i think i'm understanding the
meaning of good days and bad days
be funny if this kills me

Deleted member 23374

Nov 1, 2020
please disregard, just journaling

Need to Calm Down
So I was a cunt hair from beating the shit out of the ups guy just now.
How low have things gotten when a delivery person thinks they're entitled to
curse at you in your own doorway?
I asked the guy what his delivery instructions were and that's all that took.

I'm heated. I feel good. This is dangerous. It's why I stay away from everybody.
I need to calm down.
I need to calm down.
I need to calm down.
I need to calm down.
I need to calm down.
I need to calm down.
I need too calm down.
i need to calm down
i need to calm down
i need to calm down
i neeed to calm down
ineed to calm down
i need to calm down
i need to calm down
i need to calm down
i need to calm down
i need to calm down
i need to calm down.

You know the fucked up thing is my family went against me on this.
why the fuck am i here then
At what point does anyone arrive at where they think they can do that?
i can hear my heart
my eyesight is so clear
i wanna go after this guy
i really do.
i need to calm down
i smoked after, i admit
it's not helping.
you know, i can't believe my family.
evryone else is "oh repsect blah blah bullshit"
but, fuck me right ?
they bring trouble to the property
i meet it every fucking time.
but, fuck me right?
i looked up death with dignity
even to send an email they want too much information.
so im calm but i crashed
a waste
i wish i still had my banjo
cello just doesn't do it right now
i have a guitar but strings are nylon
i used to play classically but lost it
i want that back so bad.
i had a mountain dulcimer too now that i am thinking about it. i don't know what happened to it. i look around the nooks and crannies in the house for it like it was a hidden treasure. i'm pretty sure i didn't eat it though i sleep funny. =P
i'm thinking in emoji-ish's, which is fucking wierd and funny at the same time. sometimes i love the split in my mind when things shear the right way, and i think i'm gonna have to do another ubuntu rant later. seriously why am i here.
how many fuck you's am i supposed to take to be allowed to let go of what keeps me here

Messages have been posted since you loaded this page.

i want this motherfucker
i wanna break him
and i'm heated again, and it feels good.
it's just like crack.

dropdeadfred is leaving =(
i am unwell
i'm thinking i should write to somebody about something

there's a poem in here
i can smell it and yes
it's as awful as it sounds

coffee strong black
that fixes almost everything

cycling level
stairs should be fun

a bowl of moldy oranges is soothing somehow

i enjoy standard issue crazy, that is true
but the shaky murdery shit, no.

the us needs to be liberated from religion
there needs to be home assisted suicide for
schizoaffective disorder and clinical depression
no more bullshit.

pay no mind
documenting looking for something

so the voices are on
i turn up the volume on my laptop
so i get that loud blaring painful swell
it mostly works well

but someone always gets through
and needles me until i freak
and crush my cello until the urge to scream passes
i love my cello


i hear mom call me
about 6 to 7 times a day
out of those
it's usually just one or two
how do i know which ones to ignore ?

a few months back she had fallen
and called out for me
but i can't say when
because i can't tell which one is real


i hear screaming
always about 50 yards out
even with my ears covered
but, no more medication
i blame the medication for this
for being this thing that i am now

again please dismiss
this might go on for a while

is not
an impossibility

sometimes i see masks
floating feet in front of me
and laughing
some of them are really cool looking
1606267614290 1606267661036

1606267703281 1606267734106
1606267875438 Just to give an idea.

i wish i could just get up and leave my body behind
would the voices follow me?

i'll be honest
i've disappeared before
there's nothing

i want nothing

i stay with the plan.
i want to go

the sound of nothing
i can't imagine it

i dug around in my ear with a screwdriver one time to see if maybe i could move something to make it stop.
i should have picked the right ear. that has a very punchline feel to it.

i think it's good that i'm consuming myself
if this had happened even three years ago
that guy would be
most unfortunate

i have nightmares involving eyes
i'm trained up enough to know when they start
and force myself awake
sometimes i get trapped
so i think it's the mask thing
connected, maybe ?

at home i swear i'm not that far above a dog.
bark. arf. (whine).

i saw an angel
erupt from a cliffside sunflare

i see my poems sometimes

i recognize that repetition
makes people uncomfortable

where did the madman go ?
lunas my heart

i miss my fingers
tracing down your neck

and you in a trance
that'll be $3.50

repetition makes people uncomfortable
i recognize this

so i space my thoughts
the luxury of time


i want to go
but i can't
not yet

is documenting the wait
sufficiently masochistic ?

don't know where i'm going with that last one.

i need to calm down.
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Deleted member 23374

Nov 1, 2020
not so much level but composed
journaling, i had fun with this one
don't want to lose it

Okay so initially i saw this thread and admittedly thought "Yes !!! This is gonna be a fucking blast !!"
and then i thought "You don't get the monkey for free kid."
and then i thought "Why the fuck are you still in my head Jerry ?"
and then i thought "It would be glorious to kill god"
and then i thought "I really need to get laid."
and then i thought "cheeseburger"
and then i thought "come back, i love you."
and then i thought "i'll be here again."

and so on

Take each stream and multiply it.

The cello shuts it off for a while.
Weed does the same but, i am at the point that i hate smoking weed.
After my experiences with medication, i adopted a no drug policy, pharma/dope.
The poems i write are the voices in my head
smashed together like playdough
then deciphered like runes
and finally ruined by personality.

which one, depends.
roll credits
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Deleted member 23374

Nov 1, 2020
i saw something i can't describe but it makes me think soon.
i can see it.

ok got it.
you know how you can see death in someone sometimes
an entity that rides, an outline clear as the winter sky
that. i see it.

i think i would be happy to look in a mirror
and not see my reflection
just hope the cape and leather pants are optional
though a sundress would be more comfortable

i am jumping out of my skin
which would be a scream in the actual xD

need to let go of music
need to let go of the taste of evrything

it's not wiil
it's guilt

i dont have anything prepared
why does that nag me ?
everyone' downstairs stuffing their faces
and i can't eat with my guts twisted
mom's concerned with the weightloss
you should go to the doctor
cant wont

sometimes the blood is bright almost neon
other times spiced wine with ink
i thought the dark bleed was supposed to be a good sign
still here physically tired
muscles are always burning

i was ready today then i wasnt
need to let go of family

i want to go i want to go i want to go

i need to calm down
it's still fucking with me
i can never just let shit go

sleeping didnt work
i dont want to go downstairs but im fucking starving
i dont want to be around anyone

rudolph the rednosed reigndeer is in my head
universe has a sense of humor, lovely
ha ha fuck you
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Deleted member 23374

Nov 1, 2020
okay, i ate, fuck off
gonna end up regretting it but i couldnt take it anymore
my neice walked into the kitchen
"that's what forks are for ya know"
i wanted to punch her
yes, i know she was joking

oh look the dog came down and hes washing dishes
clap clap clap gooboy !
fuck you

i ate and i'm paying for it
i can handle a fair bit of pain
this is starting to get difficult
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Deleted member 23374

Nov 1, 2020
break in flow


Deleted member 23374

Nov 1, 2020
please disregard, just journaling
new poem sorta
i be i
there be no we
i snapped it's neck
upon my knee

i took the tounge
the mask admitted
but not too trust
the bust was twisted

the talon scrape
the screech of ages
word image period
i turned the pages

they were all blank.....

that's how i feel
every day is today

Deleted member 23374

Nov 1, 2020
please disregard, just journaling
two words popped into my head the other day.
muster alert
and they have been thunking around in my skull ever since
like marbles at the bottom of a plastic bucket
i'll be damned if i know what the message actually means
i'm thinking about breaking up with the universe =/

Deleted member 23374

Nov 1, 2020
no, not that one
the edge is stained
and the eye in the shadow
an angel of obliteration
the feeling

no, i don't like the
way of that one
some memories
some empty spaces
the bells
i should listen

no, i think not
a bad card
like the rest
for me to live
what ?

Deleted member 23374

Nov 1, 2020
i saw you leaving
i bit my tongue
it's what i'm supposed to do
respect is hard
that's how it's hitting me
i needed to write it out
so i could see it
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Deleted member 23374

Nov 1, 2020
please disregard, just journaling

Deleted member 23374

Nov 1, 2020

Tragic rabbit, a painting.
The caked ears green like rolled corn.
The black forehead pointing at the stars.
A painting on my wall, alone

as rabbits are
and aren't. Fat red cheek,
all Art, trembling nose,
a habit hard to break as not.

You too can be a tragic rabbit; green and red
your back, blue your manly little chest.
But if you're ever goaded into being one
beware the True Flesh, it

will knock you off your tragic horse
and break your tragic colors like a ghost
breaks marble; your wounds will heal
so quickly water

will be jealous.
Rabbits on white paper painted
outgrow all charms against their breeding wild;
and their rolled corn ears become horns.

So watch out if the tragic life feels fine –
caught in that rabbit trap
all colors look like sunlight's swords,
and scissors like The Living Lord.

Deleted member 23374

Nov 1, 2020

i'm trying to imagine the moment consciousness breaks
i think my fear is being overridden by curiosity
then again the things i believe in are a bit nutty
but then again, there is no explaination
for many a curious thing

if there's another path i'll take it
no fence here, tired of being a pawn
i don't have the jazz
to kill the fools with the fancy hats
or eat their cows

i think i'm finally gettting out of the poetry thing
need to learn to write a decent sentence.

please pay no mind
just documenting the wait
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Deleted member 23374

Nov 1, 2020
please disregard, just journaling

thoughts while playing cello

i think i'm at a point of will or submission
maybe to..., i don't know
sometimes i cast my line
and miss

a transition to some thing
like an 8 year old reading up
on demonology

i cast the line
and it catches
submission and i hang on
i ride the stream
or i pull the thought to shore
and slay it
with pen and paper

i built the box
no lie there
sweet death if you would be so kind
as to drive the nails home

these are broken things
i chain to other things
in hopes they will pull away
and leave me with
no more tales to tell

i think it's the nature
of the spell


My time is coming.
May 17, 2019
@re_pete_x Dude you're awesome on cello. I'm just back to the site after 2 years away, and I'm glad I got to tell you how cool this thread is.
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Deleted member 23374

Nov 1, 2020
i hear some one/thing walking in the hallway
i don't want to get up and look because
i'm afraid of disappointment

it's touching something for a moment
and having the shape of it
the grooves worn in from belief

it's having it vanish but slowly
leaving behind only, what ?
stares, i'm used to those

i worry when i hear nothing
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Deleted member 23374

Nov 1, 2020

No message.
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