Guess i'll leave another update,this is more of a mini vent than anything else
There is multiple reasons i want to go through with this,the inability to make and sustain meaningful relationships,unhappiness within myself past mistakes and regrets the loss of many friends and opportunities to do things i lack of events and hobbies growing up…just general unhappiness within my life and self among my emotional disabilty and the hatred and bad wrap i get because of those issues which I believe to be warranted
But i guess the core reason above all that was losing my favourite person,my best friend,someone i treasured with all my heart,someone i loved deeply,the only person who i felt tried to understand me and be there for me…the only person who made my life worth living for
I recently talked with her now boyfriend which is a new friend she met months ago before leaving myself…long story short had some dodgy engagements with him the way she left felt out of field and i guess i believed he manipulated her some how
No one really believed this and i even started doubting myself despite certain stuff not adding up,recently however i ended up having a conversation with him…he seemed nice and understanding eventually turning cold some what even telling me how much happier blue was that she had gotten away from her toxic father and felt more comfortable within herself
Which made me happy to hear even the fact that they were dating as much as it broke me and i wish i had done for blue what he had in a matter of months it was sweet all the same
But apparently she's scared to death of me for shit i've done to her understandbly yet she supposely doesn't hate me but thinks I'm nothing but a monster that hurts people? And then there is other things that seemingly don't add up based on what i've heard and seen but i really don't want to spiril into it again
If in the small chance i'm right no one will believe me anyway,and if i'm wrong which is most likely it's just not worth it for her sake i'm really hoping its the latter. it's also very possible perhaps he was being dishonest in a way to help me move on or not think he is a danger or whatever idrk worst case scenario i believe she has others she can talk to if shit goes south
I lost my reason to continue to stay in this world and didn't have much to begin with…if she came back to me i really saw myself making a turn for the best doing more with my life and myself continuing therapy even talking out our own issues and past as well as reassing how i go about relationships and how i treat people
But now…i'm ok with this i've got a painless way to die maybe i am fixable maybe i'm not but honestly I'm just happy that my friend blue is happy and i'll be soon out of her hair and my own suffering too