Ok just a question. What is stopping someone from getting out of the sarco due to si kicking in? is it locked ,is it impossible to break out. ?
excellent questions!! unfortunately i don't know all the details about the sarco, but:
i'm almost sure that there will be a button to cancel the procedure, and eject safely if you change your mind
I've heard si can be powerful like a wolf in a trap chewing his leg off and they have.
I've read on here of several cases and talked to others in PM about their Si stopping them from ctb. Some have even said they've done it unconsciously. for example one person told me that they set up a generator in their room. but they unconsciously got up and opened the door got out.
We've seen many cases of people calling the hosptial after ingesting poison.
this is very important ! more important that many people realize
i meant to create a thread about the survival instinct (SI), but i didn't do it yet
SI is an instinct - it is not rational; everything you do from SI is automatic - you don't think about it, you just do it as reflexes take over your actions.
examples from this forum:
- partial hanging:
it's very probable that you will become unconscious, but you will get back up on your feet - without you realizing it - basic instinct that exists to keep you alive
- Voluntarily Stop Eating and Drinking (VSED) - the is especially difficult method!
you are torturing yourself, but even if you are mentally strong enough to go through it, eventually you will start to hallucinate - one person (on this forum) was 'saved' because they were screaming very loudly in their apartment, to the point where the neighbors called the police - it doesn't matter how much you want to end your life, the survival instinct will not allow you to do it
but the survival instinct is much stronger then anyone realizes: you breathe because of it, you eat, drink, and jump out of a fire because of it (even if your only other option is jumping to your death)
it's so embedded within all your body that even molecules fight for survival: when you have a heart attack, the cells in your heart stop working just to preserve your chances of survival
my point: normal people don't really have a chance to overcome it
the only chance to die is by painless voluntary euthanasia: nembutal / fentanyl / carfentanil or nitrogen
my conclusion:
- life is irrational - all instincts are built to support life, all of them: hunger, fear, pain, etc
- all suicides are rational: you go against all your instincts, because of your intelligence - your unbearable perceived suffering
(sorry to deviate from your question)
Would be great if it was brought into use. Dont think that will happen in the near future. To many ethical and moral conflicts.
it will happen, eventually - 10 to 20 years
i don't support impulsive suicide, but i do support individual autonomy: i own my life, and i'll take full responsibility for my actions: i don't need validation, approval, or understanding - just respect for my decisions