@GoodPersonEffed oh okay so I'm lying? I just made this up for fun? I guess? Okay, let's see:
They didn't say I'd been on this site, they said they'd had an anonymous tip from someone who had seen me talking about wanting to hurt myself. So the site wasn't mentioned at all actually, and they said they didn't know who the person was.
So that's wrong, since they didn't mention the site.
Except... they knew it wasn't an immediate risk, because they knew the date I had in mind.
So that's wrong too :( shame :(
Because the police turning up at my door at 8am this morning was a bit of a reality check about the sort of things I should be telling people on this site.
So before accusing me of lying and making this up to troll people so I can get my jollies, why don't you actually evaluate what's at hand instead of being an accusatory retard?
You can go into the chat and scroll up to just after 8am my time (roughly 10 hours ago now) and see me freaking out telling everyone right as it happened.
Sure would be a lot of planning for me to do all of that then wait until after I was home from my psychiatrist appointment to make a post about it.
You know what? I'll do it for you :-)
View attachment 47665
Also note here, where I actually say then that I don't think it was someone from SS:
View attachment 47666
People on this site who actually know me know that I wouldn't make something like this up for fun, to "get my jollies". That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard lmfao.
Check any of the other threads that I've made here HELPING people.
But go off lol, have your rant and look like a moron in front of everyone :) I'd be so embarrassed if I were you.