Nobody is having a go at you for picking this method, if it works for you that's fine. It's no more "pro life" to be critical of this method than it is to say "not convinced by i_love_2_ctb_69's suggestion of injecting Domestos into your eyeball on Sanctioned Suicide Dot Org".
You ask for evidence it doesn't work, this is impossible as you're asking to prove a negative. A method has to be proven *to* work to even be a method, so naturally I'm unconvinced given the absence of such evidence.
Also yeah, there is something deeply suss about a user returning to his method thread after a year to say HEY GUYS GLAD TO SEE U ALL STILL LOVE MY NOVELTY CTB METHOD, WILL BE USING IT MYSELF SOON, like he's expecting applause for introducing a dubious, untested suicide method to the depressed. If it works for you then great but it's obviously no slight upon you if other users remain far from convinced.