Garbage Person
Eating snowflakes with plastic forks
- Jan 17, 2020
- 305
@GravityUtilizer I was already diagnosed with depression and social anxiety in July, they put me on celexa. I can't tell if it's doing anything good for me or not. It feels a little easier to face people and not be overwhelmed by fear, but it's definitely still rough. I think the chaos in the world right now kind of helps ease my anxiety in public. I don't know how anyone in this situation wouldn't be stressed, depressed, and anxious, so I have no idea how I could even receive an honest diagnosis from anyone really.
@so tired or manic I have no idea what it is. It seems situational to me. I don't have enough distractions or interests to take my mind off the turmoil. Without some sort of silver lining and my goals slightly crushed daily, suicide always beckons and I get stuck fighting my own thoughts. It just starts to feel like a logical decision to throw in the towel. I wish I could bring myself to uproot but it would only create a new line of problems and I'd literally be starting from scratch in an unknown place. At least I know this area which definitely helps with homelessness. If I go to a bigher city, more opportunities but with equally more competition. I had to hold off on signing in today because I spent the first half of my day plotting to kill myself again and I'm just now starting to even out. I kept wondering if I should do partial in the hotel room or just wait until tomorrow and hang myself in the woods. The latter is a much better choice but I'm still trying to push forward. I feel supid for even trying anymore though, I feel beaten. It's like I'm living my life here with the gravitational pull of Earth exchanged for Jupiter's, I'm just crushed.
@Funkymonks Big hugs monk, and thanks. Today hasn't been pleasant on my mind but your words help. I've actually been kicking around the idea of the crisis center if I still feel like shit tomorrow. If I decided to uproot instead, maybe they could help me plan accordingly. I'm glad I'm off the hook with work until Wednesday. Wasn't a big deal since I'm not technically on the schedule this week. I just told her I was trying to get housing figured out. I wish I knew how long the background check would take. I have a lot of questions for the caseworker tomorrow. My counselor seems cool, but I've questioned if the meds and outpatient services are worth it. Coming off drugs and this situation, it just seems like too delicate of a time to be messing with meds, no idea what my baseline is anymore. I'm just a big mess of everything terrible.
@so tired or manic I have no idea what it is. It seems situational to me. I don't have enough distractions or interests to take my mind off the turmoil. Without some sort of silver lining and my goals slightly crushed daily, suicide always beckons and I get stuck fighting my own thoughts. It just starts to feel like a logical decision to throw in the towel. I wish I could bring myself to uproot but it would only create a new line of problems and I'd literally be starting from scratch in an unknown place. At least I know this area which definitely helps with homelessness. If I go to a bigher city, more opportunities but with equally more competition. I had to hold off on signing in today because I spent the first half of my day plotting to kill myself again and I'm just now starting to even out. I kept wondering if I should do partial in the hotel room or just wait until tomorrow and hang myself in the woods. The latter is a much better choice but I'm still trying to push forward. I feel supid for even trying anymore though, I feel beaten. It's like I'm living my life here with the gravitational pull of Earth exchanged for Jupiter's, I'm just crushed.
@Funkymonks Big hugs monk, and thanks. Today hasn't been pleasant on my mind but your words help. I've actually been kicking around the idea of the crisis center if I still feel like shit tomorrow. If I decided to uproot instead, maybe they could help me plan accordingly. I'm glad I'm off the hook with work until Wednesday. Wasn't a big deal since I'm not technically on the schedule this week. I just told her I was trying to get housing figured out. I wish I knew how long the background check would take. I have a lot of questions for the caseworker tomorrow. My counselor seems cool, but I've questioned if the meds and outpatient services are worth it. Coming off drugs and this situation, it just seems like too delicate of a time to be messing with meds, no idea what my baseline is anymore. I'm just a big mess of everything terrible.