- Feb 21, 2025
- 18
i just read this danish article (im danish)
and a person (RIP) choked himself to death with a bathrobe belt.
it doesn't sound like hanging... but it's behind a pay wall, so i didn't read all of it.
maybe there's another Dane in here who can tell me the details of the article.
but that takes a helluva will power, doesn't it? just to choke oyurself with a belt or tape or whatever, without letting survival instinct kick in.
oh wait, the actual title does suggest hanging, but they write something different in the article itself, that makes it sound like there was no hanging
oh wait, the actual title does suggest hanging, but they write something different in the article itself, that makes it sound like there was no hanging
and a person (RIP) choked himself to death with a bathrobe belt.
it doesn't sound like hanging... but it's behind a pay wall, so i didn't read all of it.
maybe there's another Dane in here who can tell me the details of the article.
but that takes a helluva will power, doesn't it? just to choke oyurself with a belt or tape or whatever, without letting survival instinct kick in.
Tobias tog sit eget liv: Mor fandt ham hængt i badekåbe-bælte
12-årige Tobias var en glad og ubekymret dreng, da han pludseligt og brutalt blev revet væk fra livet - fordi han kvalte sig selv i et bælte. Politiet b

oh wait, the actual title does suggest hanging, but they write something different in the article itself, that makes it sound like there was no hanging