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Factoid Hunter
Aug 29, 2019
Thanks for sharing the information. I have some SN and I'm trying to gather as much information as possible to decide whether I want to try to CTB with it.
Did you not post something the other day like this? I will cut and paste for ease.

  • Symptoms in child: crying, falling to ground, vomiting, paleness, weakness, limp limbs
  • Outcomes:
    • One person (child) died
      • Ran almost 300 feet after eating sodium nitrite
      • Died before physician arrived, not more than 15 minutes after mother found him
    • Cat fed sodium nitrite and died
      • To verify our opinion that sodium nitrite is a violent poison, and was the cause of this child's death, we administered 65 milligrams (1 grain) in a capsule to a cat weighing 2.6 pounds. In five minutes, the cat sprawled on the floor and began screaming. The screaming slowly died down and violent vomiting began. Four minutes later it lost control of its muscles, and in six minutes more, 15 minutes after the dose was given, the cat was dead."

here is the link just for clarification in case people are wondering its veracity

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Jul 11, 2019
Seems like a lot of dead horses being beaten to a pulp here - on both sides...


Looking for a painless way out
Nov 6, 2019
I've got you!

From a qualitative thematic analysis of 48 articles with portions that I have bolded for emphasis:

"Findings confirm that non-fatal overdoses involving µ-receptor opioids (including natural, semi-synthetic and synthetic opioids) is an important cause of morbidity among persons who misuse and abuse prescription and/or illicitly-manufactured opioids (e.g., heroin). NFOO [Non-Fatal Opioid-Involved Overdoses] is of clinical consequence due to its association with a wide range of acute and chronic medical complications, including aspiration pneumonia,[2] pulmonary edema,[3] bronchopneumonia,[4] rhabdomyolysis,[5] muscle tissue breakdown, hypoxic brain injury, peripheral neuropathy,[6] renal failure, cognitive impairment, and traumatic injuries sustained during overdose (Darke & Hall, 2003; Ridgway & Pountney, 2007). One study found more than three-quarters of overdose victims reported at least one post-overdose morbidity symptom, including pneumonia, palsy, rhabdomyolysis, pulmonary edema, seizure, or cardiac arrhythmia (Warner-Smith, Darke, & Day, 2002)."
"In some cases, such as when higher dose opioids are consumed or when opioids are taken concurrently with other central nervous system (CNS) depressants (e.g., benzodiazepine), acute respiratory compromise can progress into respiratory distress, cessation of breathing (i.e., apnea), cardiorespiratory collapse, respiratory arrest, and death (Solis et al., 2017; Dassanayake & Michie, 2012). Research indicates that enduring cognitive and physical consequences are associated with NFOO as OIRD progresses from irregular breathing to apnea to the protracted loss of oxygen (Quinn & Abbot, 2014). Hypoxia-related outcomes associated with opioid poisoning include kidney failure, heart complications, neurologic consequences, seizures, nerve damage, temporary motor paralysis, fluid buildup in the lungs, stroke, and pneumonia from inhaling vomitus (Marino et al., 2018; Betts, Ritter, & Kubal, 2012; O'Brien & Todd, 2009; Fitzgerald et al., 2000)."

The focus was on non-fatal overdoses, but it hardly seems to be "free of pain" (as you have claimed) and the enduring consequences should someone be rescued are not something to be taken lightly. Of course, you may choose to go however you like or not at all - that is your right after all - but please be mindful of the content of your posts and consider the validity of your claims.

These are just overdoses not lethal doses. Also you need the holy trinity. Somas, benzos, and opiates. (Ondansetron to avoid throwing up.)


Ex-narcissist that is looking to end himself soon
Nov 3, 2019
Oh I have and you people have treated this new member like shit. They didn't spam. If you had half a brain you'd see they obviously didn't know how to work there messages correctly. And no, what they posted IS relevant, you chose to not see that but the medical field wouldn't agree.
You people acted like immature asshats to a new member, which last I checked you all are new too except a few others who also like to jump in and hang up on anyone who doesn't agree with them. Fucking stupid

Funny.... I'm sure if she had a full brain, she wouldn't keep link spamming. How hard is it to preview your posts first?

I still fail to see the relevance of her spammy stories; many of which are not only *not* suicidal, but also contradicts with the information provided in the PPH. Surely, we must be "fucking stupid" when we call out a blatant troll for deliberately link spamming.

Anyway, reported for blatant rudeness. Have fun. We're all clearly stupid, as you can see.
These are just overdoses not lethal doses. Also you need the holy trinity. Somas, benzos, and opiates. (Ondansetron to avoid throwing up.)
[citation needed] V2
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Looking for a painless way out
Nov 6, 2019
Funny.... I'm sure if she had a full brain, she wouldn't keep link spamming. How hard is it to preview your posts first?

I still fail to see the relevance of her spammy stories; many of which are not only *not* suicidal, but also contradicts with the information provided in the PPH. Surely, we must be "fucking stupid" when we call out a blatant troll for deliberately link spamming.
Seems like a lot of dead horses being beaten to a pulp here - on both sides...

Emo teens who aren't looking for solutions but
Funny.... I'm sure if she had a full brain, she wouldn't keep link spamming. How hard is it to preview your posts first?

I still fail to see the relevance of her spammy stories; many of which are not only *not* suicidal, but also contradicts with the information provided in the PPH. Surely, we must be "fucking stupid" when we call out a blatant troll for deliberately link spamming.

Mmm interesting points please say more.
K. Reported for blatant rudeness. Have fun. We're all clearly stupid, as you can see.

[citation needed] V2

Mmm interesting points please say more.


Lost in Aokigahara
May 26, 2019
Funny.... I'm sure if she had a full brain, she wouldn't keep link spamming. How hard is it to preview your posts first?

I still fail to see the relevance of her spammy stories; many of which are not only *not* suicidal, but also contradicts with the information provided in the PPH. Surely, we must be "fucking stupid" when we call out a blatant troll for deliberately link spamming.

Is there such a thing as gif spamming??:pfff::pfff::pfff:

Total Recall 1
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Ex-narcissist that is looking to end himself soon
Nov 3, 2019
I think all this spam from Eliza.exe has impaired her ability to format her posts properly too.

EDIT: Spoke too soon. Now she's copy and pasting the same response ad nauseum, in addition to the link spam.


  • Screenshot_2.png
    35.4 KB · Views: 35


Factoid Hunter
Aug 29, 2019
I'm glad you're proud, just proves what a immature ass some people can be. Have fun poking fun and creating drama like you always do.
I say this with kindness Hunter. You obviously want to see the best in people and I admire that. You jumped in when discussing the scammer and you jumped saying you don't believe it. That's great. But you didn't jump in offering sympathy to the victims after it was proved.

If you really look at this thread, even from the title is sounds like an agenda. Very little if no research done to back up the statement. If the title was 'Does SN hurt?' it would have been a different story. I can see as plain as day this was set up to concern people. If it wasn't then the op should have backed out. If someone went into the hanging thread and said 'use barbed wire' instead of rope - there would be an uproar. Just as this has caused an uproar for those that have chosen this as their method and done their research.

So what is at play here? I don't know but to be honest the op brought a lot on themselves. And sadly, some situations need an adversarial response.
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Looking for a painless way out
Nov 6, 2019
I think all this spam from Eliza.exe has impaired her ability to format her posts properly too.

Mmmm so interesting. I am definitely reading what you are writing. Tell me more!


Aug 24, 2019
Did you not post something the other day like this? I will cut and paste for ease.

  • Symptoms in child: crying, falling to ground, vomiting, paleness, weakness, limp limbs
  • Outcomes:
    • One person (child) died
      • Ran almost 300 feet after eating sodium nitrite
      • Died before physician arrived, not more than 15 minutes after mother found him
    • Cat fed sodium nitrite and died
      • To verify our opinion that sodium nitrite is a violent poison, and was the cause of this child's death, we administered 65 milligrams (1 grain) in a capsule to a cat weighing 2.6 pounds. In five minutes, the cat sprawled on the floor and began screaming. The screaming slowly died down and violent vomiting began. Four minutes later it lost control of its muscles, and in six minutes more, 15 minutes after the dose was given, the cat was dead."

here is the link just for clarification in case people are wondering its veracity

You had pointed out that the article was probably bogus and that suicidewiki had been infiltrated by a bunch of pro lifers so I took your word for it and discounted the information. I have no agenda. I'm just looking for a peaceful and reliable way to die. Before I decide to try to take Sn I want to gather as much information (both the good and the bad) so I can make an informed decision.
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Looking for a painless way out
Nov 6, 2019
You had pointed out that the article was probably bogus and that suicidewiki had been infiltrated by a bunch of pro lifers so I took your word for it and discounted the information. I have no agenda. I'm just looking for a peaceful and reliable way to die. Before I decide to try to take Sn I want to gather as much information (both the good and the bad) so I can make an informed decision.

Is this dude accusing you of an agenda? He accused me of that too. Hit "ignore" button.


Lost in Aokigahara
May 26, 2019
You had pointed out that the article was probably bogus and that suicidewiki had been infiltrated by a bunch of pro lifers so I took your word for it and discounted the information. I have no agenda. I'm just looking for a peaceful and reliable way to die. Before I decide to try to take Sn I want to gather as much information (both the good and the bad) so I can make an informed decision.

If you are really interested there are a lot of goodbye threads from people on here who were dedicated members and are no longer with us. They described their symptoms which were minimal. While noone can confirm all of them are indeed gone, I'm inclined to believe most especially those who were fairly active then disappeared w/o a trace.
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Feb 28, 2019
"Two adults and their daughter aged five were suddenly taken ill after the midday meal. The adults died before a doctor could reach them and their daughter died shortly after her admission to hospital. It appears they had complained to neighbors of acute abdominal pain and vomiting"

Another: "SUMMARY. A 67-year-old man accidentally ingested 75 g of sodium nitrate. He had instant gastrointestinal symptoms." Poor guy didn't even take deadly amount.


Another: "Sodium nitrite intoxication is a common cause of severe methemoglobinemia, methemoglobin levels of 20%–50% may cause symptoms such as respiratory distress, dizziness, headache, and fatigue."
"As the levels reach 30%–40%, symptoms such as headache, fatigue, tachycardia, weakness, and dizziness are experienced. Methemoglobin levels of 60% produce lethargy, convulsions, and coma. Methemoglobin levels of >70% are generally lethal."


It is an ugly death. Can find dozens more but just google it yourself.

"Two adults and their daughter aged five were suddenly taken ill after the midday meal. The adults died before a doctor could reach them and their daughter died shortly after her admission to hospital. It appears they had complained to neighbors of acute abdominal pain and vomiting"

Another: "SUMMARY. A 67-year-old man accidentally ingested 75 g of sodium nitrate. He had instant gastrointestinal symptoms." Poor guy didn't even take deadly amount.


Another: "Sodium nitrite intoxication is a common cause of severe methemoglobinemia, methemoglobin levels of 20%–50% may cause symptoms such as respiratory distress, dizziness, headache, and fatigue."
"As the levels reach 30%–40%, symptoms such as headache, fatigue, tachycardia, weakness, and dizziness are experienced. Methemoglobin levels of 60% produce lethargy, convulsions, and coma. Methemoglobin levels of >70% are generally lethal."


It is an ugly death. Can find dozens more but just google it yourself.

You are not meant to eat prior to ingesting sodium nitrite. You shouldn't vomit if you take antiemetics. Well slim chance that you will if you don't have bad reaction to them. People have used sodium nitrite twice because they failed the first time, due to different reasons but the fact that they returned to the method after all the symptoms speaks volumes about it.
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Looking for a painless way out
Nov 6, 2019
Read the first comment from a thread on this very website. People have suffered taking SN but you do it however you want.


You are not meant to eat prior to ingesting sodium nitrite. You shouldn't vomit if you take antiemetics. Well slim chance that you will if you don't have bad reaction to them. People have used sodium nitrite twice because they failed the first time, due to different reasons but the fact that they returned to the method after all the symptoms speaks volumes about it.
Wow, read this one:

Sole survivor of suicide pact where 3 people took SN.

"Ah You (the guys name) who could not stand the pain, called emergency medical services. He survived while the other two died."
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Ex-narcissist that is looking to end himself soon
Nov 3, 2019
Read the first comment from a thread on this very website. People have suffered taking SN but you do it however you want.

Yup, read it. It was quickly debunked. Looks like *you* are the one that didn't read the thread thoroughly.

Wow, read this one:

Sole survivor of suicide pact where 3 people took SN.

"Ah You (the guys name) who could not stand the pain, called emergency medical services. He survived while the other two died."
"Ah You, his cousin Chen Jian, 21, and You's friend Li Xin, 19, met in park last Tuesday in Taizhou, Zhejiang Province and digested sodium nitrate."

You were saying, Eliza.exe? With all due respect, *stop* trying to deter other members from taking SN. If you don't like it, fine. But all this spam you're polluting on SS is irritating.
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Looking for a painless way out
Nov 6, 2019
Wow, read this one:

Sole survivor sheds light on suicide pact - Global Times
www.globaltimes.cn www.globaltimes.cn

Sole survivor of suicide pact where 3 people took SN.

"Ah You (the guys name) who could not stand the pain, called emergency medical services. He survived while the other two died."


Lost in Aokigahara
May 26, 2019
Read the first comment from a thread on this very website. People have suffered taking SN but you do it however you want.


If you are that dead set against it then why keep posting about it? Go find another method and yap on about that. Its ridiculous that you keep trying to push your opinion when there are plenty counter opinions.

You aren't gonna win a prize for convincing us you believe this information. That's your perogative just as it is everyone else's prerogative to believe otherwise based on forum user experiences.
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Factoid Hunter
Aug 29, 2019
So guys - quite frankly we are giving fuel to the fire here. Pretty obvious what is going on so I strongly suggest we take the moral high ground now and just leave it be.
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Ex-narcissist that is looking to end himself soon
Nov 3, 2019
I hope you get banned, Eliza. Like, seriously. I have reported you three times. This spammy and stubborn behavior is toxic, and does not benefit any of us.

And I agree, Stan. I shall not be posting on this thread anymore. I hope it gets locked.
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Looking for a painless way out
Nov 6, 2019
So guys - quite frankly we are giving fuel to the fire here. Pretty obvious what is going on so I strongly suggest we take the moral high ground now and just leave it be.

So interesting please tell me more! Keep coming back and writing I am reading every word.


Oct 23, 2018
Well, there is going to be some pain because you are ingesting poison. But I am fairly certain people on this site know that. It is kind of the point. I don't buy into the whole peaceful pain-free language used either. Because not enough is known about what it actually feels like to die. The jury is also out on if you feel pain while in a coma or not. That debate has been somewhat reignited due to developments in neuroscience. Won't lie it makes me a bit nervous but so does the prospect of my natural life span.

So it becomes a matter of degrees. How much pain is acceptable to gamble on experiencing? How much risk is worth taking? Regardless it doesn't matter. As I suspect people are weighing up whether abdominal cramp and vomiting is worth the gamble, versus whatever is involved in the pain driving their suicide in the first place. The links you have provided certainly demonstrate consistent death. They demonstrate everything consistent with hypoxia and poisoning as well. So I agree pain is probably a potential. But it sounds fairly minimal in contrast to other methods. It is all trauma at the end of the day though and everyone reacts differently. Interestingly you talk about inert gas as better. That though is also death by hypoxia just minus the poisoning to get there.

You could certainly point out why inert gas is potentially better, more control over variables. But the counter-argument would be the difference then in associated risks. So you just wind up at personal preference.
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Looking for a painless way out
Nov 6, 2019
Well, there is going to be some pain because you are ingesting poison. But I am fairly certain people on this site know that. It is kind of the point. I don't buy into the whole peaceful pain-free language used either. Because not enough is known about what it actually feels like to die. The jury is also out on if you feel pain while in a coma or not. That debate has been somewhat reignited due to developments in neuroscience. Won't lie it makes me a bit nervous but so does the prospect of my natural life span.

So it becomes a matter of degrees. How much pain is acceptable to gamble on experiencing? How much risk is worth taking? Regardless it doesn't matter. As I suspect people are weighing up whether abdominal cramp and vomiting is worth the gamble, versus whatever is involved in the pain driving their suicide in the first place. The links you have provided certainly demonstrate consistent death. They demonstrate everything consistent with hypoxia and poisoning as well. So I agree pain is probably a potential. But it sounds fairly minimal in contrast to other methods. It is all trauma at the end of the day though and everyone reacts differently. Interestingly you talk about inert gas as better. That though is also death by hypoxia just minus the poisoning to get there.

You could certainly point out why inert gas is potentially better, more control over variables. But the counter-argument would be the difference then in associated risks. So you just wind up at personal preference.

I like the exit bag method but just the idea of putting a bag over my head makes me panic


Sep 27, 2019
So many drama in this post, i think we all here to exchange/correct information and opinions without bullying or using aggressive responses.
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Looking for a painless way out
Nov 6, 2019
So many drama in this post, i think we all here to exchange/correct information and opinions without bullying or using aggressive responses.

I don't mind. I got to learn who I didn't want to to talk to ever again to right away.
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Aug 24, 2019
Boy this thread escalated quickly. :notsure: Maybe we should all be reminded of the do's and don'ts of the forum.

Here are some things you should do:
  • DO share great content. No matter if it's posted directly or linked from elsewhere, we always encourage quality.
  • DO show respect for fellow members. We will not tolerate disrespect.
  • DO be thoughtful and critical of what details you decide to share.
  • Harass, bully, or insult other members
    • Harassment or bullying does nothing to help those that are already hurting, and it will probably make it worse. If someone says something that you disagree with; there's no need to insult or harass them for it.
  • Encourage suicide or any other acts
    • Do not encourage or coerce users to carry out acts of any nature, including suicide; only provide information and emotional support to those who ask for it.
  • Proselytise
    • Don't try to impose your views on other members. This forum is not a place to convince any member to join your ideology or cause.
  • Troll
    • Don't make posts or threads that are inflammatory to get people riled up.
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I can't dance, I want to dance
Aug 8, 2019
While almost all links posted by Eliza are abhorrently misleading, there was one that positively stood out - this article is actually very promising for me and others who want to CTB by SN:
"The patient was immediately given 150 mg methylene blue (2 mg/kg body weight) intravenously over 5 min only at one time. He regained consciousness, and cyanosis resolved within minutes after methylene blue injection; methemoglobin concentration decreased to 19% after 60 min"

the levels of methemoglobin - the thing that basically is responsible for killing you - drops extremely quickly after methylene blue being administered

"He then recalled intentionally ingesting approximately 15 g sodium nitrite about 1 hour before ambulance call."

keep in mind that it was roughly one hour just for the ambulance being called, now add to it 10-20 minutes for them to arrive

"(...) And there was no rebound methemoglobin formation given the persistence of sodium nitrite in the patient. Cranial T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrated bilateral and symmetrical hyperintense lesions in the globus pallidus (Figure 3). The patient was transferred to the general ward and was subsequently discharged on day 7 without neurologic impairment."

sure, it was only 15 grams of SN but that's still a reasonable amount, too bad that we don't know whether he followed the highly advised regimen.
but still, should you change your mind or should something go wrong there is a fairly big window of time which allows you to get help without suffering any permanent damage, this is very uplifting seeing how a lot of people might be worried about this.
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The restless
Sep 10, 2019
I am surprised by how much it is promoted as a method here

Eliza, I have read through all 7 pages of this thread... painfully and I am going to guess you weren't trying to troll but were trying to learn more about SN. It's just that posting the same link repetitively implies either A, you assume we're too stupid to check or B, it was accidental/trolling. I'd understand the trolling because the first page is everyone doubting you

But you got to keep in mind that other members have put in ALOT of research into that method and that's why posting two links(too many times) and then a few more that honestly didn't seem like the greatest sources (no offense) is questionable. Moreover, I think most members are aware that SN can be painful if not taken with the right combination of meds.

Regardless, I don't think you should've been ganged up on; thanks for sharing :)
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a poorly written character
Oct 30, 2019
While almost all links posted by Eliza are abhorrently misleading, there was one that positively stood out - this article is actually very promising for me and others who want to CTB by SN:
"The patient was immediately given 150 mg methylene blue (2 mg/kg body weight) intravenously over 5 min only at one time. He regained consciousness, and cyanosis resolved within minutes after methylene blue injection; methemoglobin concentration decreased to 19% after 60 min"

the levels of methemoglobin - the thing that basically is responsible for killing you - drops extremely quickly after methylene blue being administered

"He then recalled intentionally ingesting approximately 15 g sodium nitrite about 1 hour before ambulance call."

keep in mind that it was roughly one hour just for the ambulance being called, now add to it 10-20 minutes for them to arrive

"(...) And there was no rebound methemoglobin formation given the persistence of sodium nitrite in the patient. Cranial T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrated bilateral and symmetrical hyperintense lesions in the globus pallidus (Figure 3). The patient was transferred to the general ward and was subsequently discharged on day 7 without neurologic impairment."

sure, it was only 15 grams of SN but that's still a reasonable amount, too bad that we don't know whether he followed the highly advised regimen.
but still, should you change your mind or should something go wrong there is a fairly big window of time which allows you to get help without suffering any permanent damage, this is very uplifting seeing how a lot of people might be worried about this.

Thank you for highlighting this! :hug:
I totally missed this info reading through this hellhole of a thread...
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