I've got you!
From a qualitative thematic analysis of 48 articles with portions that I have bolded for emphasis:
"Findings confirm that non-fatal overdoses involving µ-receptor opioids (including natural, semi-synthetic and synthetic opioids) is an important cause of morbidity among persons who misuse and abuse prescription and/or illicitly-manufactured opioids (e.g., heroin). NFOO [Non-Fatal Opioid-Involved Overdoses] is of clinical consequence due to its association with a wide range of acute and chronic medical complications, including aspiration pneumonia,[2] pulmonary edema,[3] bronchopneumonia,[4] rhabdomyolysis,[5] muscle tissue breakdown, hypoxic brain injury, peripheral neuropathy,[6] renal failure, cognitive impairment, and traumatic injuries sustained during overdose (Darke & Hall, 2003; Ridgway & Pountney, 2007). One study found more than three-quarters of overdose victims reported at least one post-overdose morbidity symptom, including pneumonia, palsy, rhabdomyolysis, pulmonary edema, seizure, or cardiac arrhythmia (Warner-Smith, Darke, & Day, 2002)."
"In some cases, such as when higher dose opioids are consumed or when opioids are taken concurrently with other central nervous system (CNS) depressants (e.g., benzodiazepine), acute respiratory compromise can progress into respiratory distress, cessation of breathing (i.e., apnea), cardiorespiratory collapse, respiratory arrest, and death (Solis et al., 2017; Dassanayake & Michie, 2012). Research indicates that enduring cognitive and physical consequences are associated with NFOO as OIRD progresses from irregular breathing to apnea to the protracted loss of oxygen (Quinn & Abbot, 2014). Hypoxia-related outcomes associated with opioid poisoning include kidney failure, heart complications, neurologic consequences, seizures, nerve damage, temporary motor paralysis, fluid buildup in the lungs, stroke, and pneumonia from inhaling vomitus (Marino et al., 2018; Betts, Ritter, & Kubal, 2012; O'Brien & Todd, 2009; Fitzgerald et al., 2000)."
The focus was on non-fatal overdoses, but it hardly seems to be "free of pain" (as you have claimed) and the enduring consequences should someone be rescued are not something to be taken lightly. Of course, you may choose to go however you like or not at all - that is your right after all - but please be mindful of the content of your posts and consider the validity of your claims.