
New Member
Mar 18, 2024
I just want my old life back. The one where I could ride a bike without ending up bleeding in the gutter, the one where I could get under a heavy barbell and squat without fear of a broken neck, or could get 5 strikes in a row in 10-pin bowling...the one where I didn't have tinnitus and my hearing was great and music was just fantastic, rich and crisp, and didn't sound like a cheap crappy low bitrate MP3 file being played through a cheap ass honky squeaky chirpy radio no matter how fucking good the sound system was.

Just want my old life back. And if that can't happen, then I want to get out of here because it's become unbearable. I'm fed up and have lost most of my patience on this matter. My health has gone to complete shit in the past year, and it's because of this balance problem. I have trouble getting decent exercise because I often have drop attacks when I'm in the middle of something reasonably intense...sometimes even short distance running will set it off and I will have to go to bed just to for it to stop. Oh, and music, I wish it would sound better than some cheap shitty transistor radio where women's voices sound robotic. Wish I could turn back time...but I can't. I can understand this backwards, but I must deal this forwards.

I suspect that barbs might be a better and more permanent solution to the problem, I know this is lifelong and it's wrecked most of what I enjoyed, it's even ruined my appetite and my sexual function went down the drain after going on a course of potassium-sparing diuretics. So...not only is my balance and hearing messed up, my schlong doesn't even work anymore.

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