this is more or less what psychiatry textbooks say afaik when explaining why second true (*) attempts are very rare.
Ofc reading is not experiencing...
(*) while there is a difference between attemps with a non-lethal dosage (cry for help, attention-seeking) and attemps with an actual lethal dosage or manner, these further subdivide into "experiment" attemps (I will take it and we'll see what happens, I don't want to die but I'll take the risk), attemps with a "hail mary pass" (I will follow everything but there is a subconscious will that it will not work or that someone saves me and then cares about me, so I'll leave the door open or tell my friends I am very sad or behave weirdily), what unscientifically is a "true attempt" is with a lethal dosage, pretending to everyone that everything is fine and actually locking the door or making sure nobody will disturb in the next few days and really going for it).
Interesting point to note, when people who are depressed or under care or in some other way observed by friends or family, suddenly display a mood improvement and seem not to have a worry in the world, this is highly suspicious that the decision towards a true attempt has been taken. The people/patients are "relieved" that their suffering will actually soon disappear and embrace a "who cares" attitude.
This sometimes is mistaken as "therapy is finally working, he had an insight and now sees that his problems (girlfriend broke off, etc.) are not so important", when it's actually one of the most dangerous phases of depression - if not *the* most dangerous phase.
ik saying "true" attempts seems disrespectful bcs it like calling all other types as "fake", this is just terminology but is important to know if someone had in the past a "true" attempt or any of the other types.