As you know, censorship around the world has been ramping up at an alarming pace. The UK and OFCOM has singled out this community and have been focusing its censorship efforts here. It takes a good amount of resources to maintain the infrastructure for our community and to resist this censorship. We would appreciate any and all donations.
Should I skip Tagamet or any antacid if my antiemetic is Domperidone?
My Domperidone box says to avoid taking within 2 hours of an antacid like ranitidine or Tagamet cuz taking those with Domperidone lowers Domperidone absorption.
If you take 20-25g SN can you survive with neurological impairments even without medical intervention?
I read a report where a guy had methemoglobin level of 94% after taking 15g SN 1 hour before and he still didn't go unconscious just slipping in and out. If he didn't get help he may have still been alive at 3-4 hours and maybe it wouldn't have been lethal?
<i>Case</i>. We report a case of severe methemoglobinemia due to sodium nitrite poisoning. A 28-year-old man was brought to our emergency department because of transient loss of consciousness and cyanosis. He was immediately intubated and ventilated with 100% oxygen. A blood test revealed a...
He was unconscious. "The patient was immediately given 150 mg methylene blue (2 mg/kg body weight) intravenously over 5 min only at one time. He regained consciousness..."
Also, it is not reported what treatment he received before reaching the emergency room. He also might have vomited it out. If he was not treated he would have died.
Should you skip Tagamet or any antacid your antiemetic is Domperidone?
The Domperidone box says to avoid taking within 2 hours of an antacid like ranitidine or Tagamet cuz taking those with Domperidone lowers Domperidone absorption.
You do a test dose before hand. But even that can lead to irreversible EPS symptoms. PPeH says switch to Domperidone if you get bad side effects from meto.
No point in getting EPS just cause meto is the main recommended one. You never know how bad it will be or if a single dose will make you involuntarily keep your mouth open and have your tongue move in circles automatically and you can't control it.
Pants on fire. From a single 10 mg dose of meto, there's a single case of temporary akathisia but none of EPS, neither temporary nor permanent.
According to
Acute dystonic reactions, the most common type of EPS associated with metoclopramide, occur in approximately 0.2% of patients (1 in 500) treated with 30 to 40 mg of metoclopramide per day.
Meto has been used successfully in tens of thousands of medically assisted deaths worldwide.
This is a pro-choice forum and not the appropriate place to spread false information or needlessly scare people about ctb methods, SN or other.
BTW, you've asked the same question undermining domperidone because its absorption is reduced by acid reducers four times. Answer is that the AR is not required, it's a potentiator. It can be omitted or propranolol can be used for that.
Thank you for your reply, but there is nothing about omeprazole in the link you posted. Omeprazole is an acid reducer, not antiemetic.
I heard you should take 30mg of meto right before taking SN, but in the article it says to take 10mg as a final dose. Which one is the correct, 10 or 30?
You need to use cimetidine, ranitidine. PPI medication like (lansoprazole, omeprazole) affects SN absorption and also counteracts the blood pressure lowering effects of SN which can increase the time until unconsciousness which may cause more negative symptoms.
The regimen works due to the anti emetic having a cumulative effect in the body so 10 or 30 as the final dose should be fine; although 30 would be more ideal assuming you don't experience too many negative effects from 10
throwaway_2620, Chronic pain, Kronos and 1 other person
Yes i know I said I won't post here anymore but let me give you an opinion. Someone has just joined and is making some pretty big outrageous statements and if their intention is not to cause distress, they are doing a pretty good job of causing it. If you don't like the method then find another, It is as simple as that. Don't imprint your worries on other people. Sadly, international press reports on people passing through SN poisoning are posted here on a near weekly basis. Advice is good - only as long as it's good advice. If I see that crap again of fear mongering I will call it out, point the finger directly and I will take whatever consequences come from it. Don't come into our only place of sanctuary and shit in our pool.
timetofly, throwaway_2620, BlueWidow and 7 others
Can anyone PM me propranolol source? I'm just gonna take Domperidone and SN, benzos and benadryl (spaced out as drugs work way longer in me strangely) and adding propanolol wouldn't hurt, I assume.
Thanks Stan. It almost seems like deliberate trolling and creating all this nonsense what if scenarios. As you said if SN is too complicated or scary go find something else to do. But based on my diligent research and findings, SN is the best option for me. Nuff said.
SN has become so popular most every ED in the country will have a protocol for diagnosing and treating. Easily treated with intubation, ventilation and a simple IV of methelyne blue. If you are found within an hour or two of taking it they probably will "save" you. A day or two in ICU and your back in life.
Please help, I'm ctbing soon. I have no access to acid reducers. Is their lack a possible reason for failure in my attempt? What can I do to ensure I ctb, maybe take more SN? Thank you.
Please help, I'm ctbing soon. I have no access to acid reducers. Is their lack a possible reason for failure in my attempt? What can I do to ensure I ctb, maybe take more SN? Thank you.
agree with dystopia about cimetidine and ranitidine but if these acid reducers cannot be procured, ppi can be used. have a delayed onset of action and should take 2-3 days for full effect. we dont take SN for treat hypertension.
..."omeprazole decreased the hypotensive effects of oral sodium nitrite, this proton pump inhibitor did not completely abolish the hypotensive effects, thus suggesting that other mechanisms are involved in nitrite-induced hypotension. Whereas the administration of sodium nitrite increased plasma nitrite levels, most of it may have been rapidly converted to nitrate,"...
I just ordered some SN 99.6% Pure Reagent Grade. I hope this pure enough. Not sure this is the method I will choose to ctb. However, I just wanted to have some will it is still easy to get.
I just ordered some SN 99.6% Pure Reagent Grade. I hope this pure enough. Not sure this is the method I will choose to ctb. However, I just wanted to have some will it is still easy to get.
I have Domperidone and SN. I can't use acid reducers with Domperidone. With a 36-48 hour regimen for Domperidone {10mg every 8 hours} and stat dose of 20mg then 25g SN do I have a very solid plan?
I know with meto I'll get bad side effects cause I did from similar meds.
Any thoughts on Depakote? It's likely it will increase drowsiness if taken with antiemetics, though nowhere as near as an actual benzodiapine. It prevents seizures. Anything else anyone is aware of?
does anyone know how feasible the stat dose really is? i don't think i've heard many good things about it. i feel so close to doing it but the time/space constraints i have to deal with make it nigh impossible. i'd really love to die away from my parent's house and avoid some Hereditary style situation but that idea gets farther away every day. even if the stat dose worked well, i'm not sure it'd matter since you still need to fast which is a lot of time. being such an inept recluse is really biting me in the ass right now. it's like i can almost "see" death if i squint really hard, but some stupid inconvenience is preventing me from getting there.
does anyone know how feasible the stat dose really is? i don't think i've heard many good things about it. i feel so close to doing it but the time/space constraints i have to deal with make it nigh impossible. i'd really love to die away from my parent's house and avoid some Hereditary style situation but that idea gets farther away every day. even if the stat dose worked well, i'm not sure it'd matter since you still need to fast which is a lot of time. being such an inept recluse is really biting me in the ass right now. it's like i can almost "see" death if i squint really hard, but some stupid inconvenience is preventing me from getting there.
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