- Aug 20, 2019
- 127
Thanks for this. I've read the part where it makes an analogy to a koolaid. So does that mean koolaid is analogous to a medication/drug and HCl would help disperse the koolaid molecules evenly in the water?Okay I'll try to explain the HCL based on someone else's explanation. "HCL is the medical friendly, water and acid soluablle, salt version of an amine. Amines are converted to a salt form for their standardized and predictable rates of solubiliy and absorption. Think of HCL's as though you were making a glass of koolaid. You want the koolaid to dissolve easily and quickly as well as dispersrse evenly in the water. You don't want clumps or undissolved pieces etc.when you stir it up. HCL's accomplish this, thereby enabling them to be handled easily and administered evenly and efficently. "
I just wish there's a bit more explanation where it involves molecular level explanation for HCl..
So HCL denomination at the end of medication/drug always means HCL helps the medication/drug in question to be well dissolved in water, and therefore is an orally administered drug (e.g. a tablet form)?