If you can and if you dont mind, would you mind PMing me about your 1st sn experience.
Yeah of course
I've spoken about it a few times here, but I'm more than happy to share it publicly:
I took 25g of SN dissolved in water, prior to this I had fasted for 2 days and had regularly been taking meto every 6-8 hours to make sure I didn't have any adverse affects, I hadn't taken meto before so I didn't build up any sort if tolerance. I also took some propranolol about 2 hours before ingestion to aid with anxiety.
After ingestion I felt fine, it was very, very salty, but I tried to use a straw initially which was dumb, so I ended up just chugging it in one go. It was about 10-20 minutes later I started to feel kinda dizzy and lose concentration, my eyesight got blurry and I had to stop what I was doing (I was playing games to try not to think about it).
After I started getting initial symptoms they all came very quickly, this could have been due to standing up dropping my blood pressure and causing vasodilation which would have gotten it round my system faster. I had to lay down on the floor and I became tachycardic, I think my heart rate was about 180-200 (that's not irregular for me if doing cardio exercise).
Following this it was shortness of breath, my breathing was uninhibited, but felt like I wasn't getting any air in, this was to be expected, I started seizing violently with tonic clonic seizures, I then noticed I was basically completely blue, I have a photo of myself from then, and I do just look deathly ill.
The seizures woke my partner at the time up and they called an ambulance, throughout this I was still having seizures, my O2 stats were below 80 and methemoglobinemia levels were upto around 60% by admissions.
Paramedics arrived and I don't remember if I was given any form of triage other than being taken to the ambulance in a wheelchair, I passed out in the wheelchair and woke up in hospital with a canula of methylene blue and the SN sitting beside me. I was also given supplemented oxygen and was moved to room oxygen on the first day after admission.
I was kept for 3 days and given a psychiatric evaluation and had counselling, I was told there were no adverse affects, however I noticed my memory isn't as good since and I also have a bit of a heart murmur.