Seeking one final escape
- Aug 13, 2023
- 284
Y'know, maybe I should've asked their "reasoning" for the police thing.but, if you can technically leave, why call the police to have you back?...
so, I don't understand, it couldnt be illegal that you left and booked a flight back to Germany ASAP.
The police themselves said the same, they'd be back to catch me if I left.
My issue is, I can't trust their word of course, as they aren't on their side.
It could be an empty threat, but I wouldn't know, because I have no legal advice/advocate available to me.
But if they actually do that, I'd be screwed, because presumably, I'd be stuck in worse conditions even longer, missing this current chance I at least have to ctb.
I'm guessing you're a UK resident?Yes. Of course. Fire away.
I don't fully remember what I wanted to ask you unfortunately. Shoulda written it down, sorry.
Would it be okay I maybe DM you when I remember?
I think one of the things I wanted to ask was, under what pretense did they take you away?
I was simply walking there at night.
And how come they let you go so easily?
They've been super strict with any of my offers to leave, despite the fact I haven't hurt myself or tried to flee in the face of minimal supervision.
Oh, some good news btw:
I think I've figured out how to put enough pressure on the left carotid now, with clothing firmly in place. (no windpipe compression, no breathing difficulties)
Already have found the location of both consistently.
Now just have to figure out how to simultaneously manage to apply the same to the right one with something stuck firmly in place.
Also have access to diazepam for attempts.
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