Oh, gee, hi dad! Yeah, we haven't spoke in forever, so glad you called and wanted to check up on me for the first time in years!
Oh yeah, I'm fine. Yeah, I've got two jobs. What you just said, "you must be making a lot of money"? Wow, I wonder what the rest of our conversation is going to be about...
How are you doing? Oh my god, the mall where you used to be the vice president closed? So now you don't have a good job anymore? Oh, that's terrible!
Oh, your massive truck that you bought back when you were doing great and I was waiting tables after school broke? That's awful, that must cost a fortune to fix!
Oh, grandpa is sick?! That's terrible I am so upset! I mean, I've never even met grandpa in my entire life, but I'm awfully worried!
Oh, you really want to see me and chat about life? I'll try my best to fit you into my schedule...
JFC, cut straight to the point and tell me how much money do you want out of me. It's so painfully obvious why you suddenly remembered I exist, and it makes me feel so gross when you're pretending to be friendly and loving and to care how I'm doing, while it's this obvious that you couldn't care less and you had absolutely zero interest in me until you wanted something out of me. Maybe it makes me a terrible person, but I'd rather gave those money to any random guy on the street or even burned them, instead of participating in this sickening, pointless imitation of a familiar relationship I'm supposed to have with a man who abandoned me as a baby, where I have to pretend to get some kind of emotional satisfaction in an exchange for my hard earned money he's taking.
When it comes to family, I'd take real hate over fake love any time of the day, because I've seen real loving families and this charade is a mockery of the very concept of that.