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Oct 13, 2020
Stop SS and Fthe26 have ran out of content to post on their social media pages so now they're asking for community input from us so they have another source of content to keep their less than 100 followers masturbating and feeding their egos. Good old Jeremy Keeling, the kind of guy that jacks off to his own reflection and reading failed suicides since he believes he's a white-knight savior for them.
Oh my god this is perfectly put xx
Stop SS and Fthe26 have ran out of content to post on their social media pages so now they're asking for community input from us so they have another source of content to keep their less than 100 followers masturbating and feeding their egos. Good old Jeremy Keeling, the kind of guy that jacks off to his own reflection and reading failed suicides since he believes he's a white-knight savior for them.
Jeremy literally looks like such a knob.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
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Arriving Somewhere But Not Here
Oct 20, 2020
If I were to talk to somebody, ideally I'd like it to be someone more reasonable than myself.
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A Visionary
Mar 15, 2021
They're treating us like a terrorist group
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Nov 30, 2020
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Dreadful damage, dreadful destiny
Feb 1, 2021
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
What's F26?
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Oct 13, 2020
Catherine firstly it's 'YOUR' I'm literally begging you to learn how to spell.. it's doing my head in.
Second.. saying 'your behaviour isn't as suicidal as it was' is pretty shitty.. suicidal people can have a laugh you know? I thought you were pretending to be sympathetic and helpful these days? True colours shown. Fucking idiot. C348FF77 191E 4453 81CF 9036B4C6B16A
Fuck you too Chip Bieber. Charming as always. A8371599 8E91 433A BD41 3B2873FE295B
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had enuff
Sep 10, 2020
... facebook post saying "it's confidential" is not legally binding, you can't even know if the guy in the profile picture is the person running the account.
what kind of idiot posts his real picture?
and who the fuck believes anything on fb is confidential?
and then they want to publish the fucking chat? lmfao!
and so why are they luring us to fb anyway?
to expose us! not to help us. its to help them.
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Oct 13, 2020
Who is the doxxing lady?
Catherine Nihill Adenekan. Mother of a guy who successfully ctb, bad speller and Facebook nonentity. Insulter of suicidal people. That basically sums it up.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
Red flag. These are the same people who constantly want us to come out from "hiding". The same people who have re-published people's most harrowing experiences and painful confessions on other platforms, without their knowledge or agreement.
Our anonymity and privacy is not safe with them. Not in the slightest. They are preying on the same people they proclaim to be 'for' protecting...and then they will coerce them to give their "consent" to publish all their sensitive details. They are on a mission, and it's not to help us, it's to destroy our only respite, this site.
These people put their own dead relative's dirty laundry out to dry, to save their own face, there is not one single person in this world who they would honor with such a promise of "safe with me".
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
Catherine firstly it's 'YOUR' I'm literally begging you to learn how to spell.. it's doing my head in.
Second.. saying 'your behaviour isn't as suicidal as it was' is pretty shitty.. suicidal people can have a laugh you know? I thought you were pretending to be sympathetic and helpful these days? True colours shown. Fucking idiot.View attachment 64012
Fuck you too Chip Bieber. Charming as always.View attachment 64013

Here's a reality check, Chip. You are part of a group that actively harasses suicidal people; do you expect the people on here to sit there and take it? Stop playing the victim when you're the perpetrator in the first place.


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had enuff
Sep 10, 2020
to pro-lifers, Catherine, Chip, FixTHIS and StopTHAT:
we don't want you here
you are not welcome here
this is OUR den
this is our space
we don't go invading your space
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
I'm not proud of it, but one part of me wants them to experience pain so that they can understand people who are suffering.
You would think the death of their own child would be enough...but apparently not.
It's never about helping us. It's about allaying their guilt and making themselves feel better. Same as psychologists/psychiatrists etc. As far as I can see only two reasons to go into that field:

1. you want to make people feel better (not true. What this actually means is you make yourself feel better by trying to help others. It's for your benefit not theirs)

2. you want to control people.

People are selfish - nobody cares and 'get professional help' (which is the only help these people offer) sometimes doesn't do what it says on the tin.
Exactly! Most of the psych docs I've come across could have diagnosed themselves with a heaping dose of narcissism.
Unlike their zombified patients, their only prescription drug for their condition is to simply pat themselves on the back after each session. They get sicker by the second, yet they love telling everyone else how "ill" they are.
Catherine firstly it's 'YOUR' I'm literally begging you to learn how to spell.. it's doing my head in.
Second.. saying 'your behaviour isn't as suicidal as it was' is pretty shitty.. suicidal people can have a laugh you know? I thought you were pretending to be sympathetic and helpful these days? True colours shown. Fucking idiot.View attachment 64012
Fuck you too Chip Bieber. Charming as always.View attachment 64013
Does he not realize he could attribute that same 'handed out bullying' thing to himself and his crusade crew?
The fucking irony...I actually thought it was one of our members before I read his name lmao! That's right, the hypocrisy is so painful, that for a moment I thought that comment was being directed at the F26 people, as that is exactly what they do, they bully and harass the bullied and harassed.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Ooh I'm social media famous...I could've used a cow's picture for Catherine, but that would be an insult to the cow.
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Dec 20, 2020
Ooh I'm social media famous...I could've used a cow's picture for Catherine, but that would be an insult to the cow.
your a social media sensation :sunglasses:
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Oct 13, 2020
Ooh I'm social media famous...I could've used a cow's picture for Catherine, but that would be an insult to the cow.
Catherine made a completely shit comeback. Comedy isn't her strong point.. 6AF0B44B 5C98 4833 A9E6 A60659214414
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
And just like that, they're back to square one. All they going to do is just use our content to generate publicity for their site, but the Interwebs do not care and neither do any of their politicians they try to kiss ass to. They don't care about your feedback, they don't care about you, they don't care if you commit suicide or not, they just want something to throw incendiary bombs at. I think they have a crush on poor Marquis. :devil:
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and now we rise and we are everywhere
Apr 19, 2020
pumped full of harmful drugs
Unfortunately, it's hard to get good drugs in prison, either from the Dr's or from Bubba the inmate a few cells down the row who will trade you 20 packages of ramen and a couple sausage logs for some crappy heroin that had to make the trip inside up some unknown asshole's asshole.
Source: Television and some time spent in the local jail.
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
Well, I'm going to help you Stop SS and F26. First, take care of the language. I speak bad English, but in my language I do not make spelling mistakes; second, do not insult the members of this forum for free. If you don't want to avoid suicide, use smart techniques and don't make a fool of yourself as you have done now. Look around you, there are millions of situations that push people to suicide, not just an Internet forum. Look at unemployment, the economic crises we have suffered since 2008, intolerable cases of abuse of certain groups. All of this damages mental health. Life is not always wonderful. 1,000,000 people a year commit suicide in the world, and I can assure you, that most are cases of lack of resources. Those who have painful health problems, and I assure you that major depression HURTS, we also have the right to choose how to end our life, and if possible, in the most peaceful way. Another tip, read history and see how many men and women valuable to society committed suicide. From Ancient Greece and Rome to our days. You're welcome. PS: Here is the proof of your insults

Screenshot 20210323 135728
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Deluded Moron
Dec 2, 2020
Oh god, I know the type. The most disgusting persons I have ever met in life I have always found in "social" work, mental hospitals etc....
Also the most psychopaths. And I'm not talking about the ones being helped, but those offering it, sadly.
They are not pro-life, they contra-life. But that, they will never realize. The suffering these deluded people cause is incalculable.
EDIT: Yeah, the post above sums it up nicely. They are fake, and it doesn't take much so that "social" persons are revealed as the number one narcissists in the world.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Well, I'm going to help you Stop SS and F26. First, take care of the language. I speak bad English, but in my language I do not make spelling mistakes; second, do not insult the members of this forum for free. If you don't want to avoid suicide, use smart techniques and don't make a fool of yourself as you have done now. Look around you, there are millions of situations that push people to suicide, not just an Internet forum. Look at unemployment, the economic crises we have suffered since 2008, intolerable cases of abuse of certain groups. All of this damages mental health. Life is not always wonderful. 1,000,000 people a year commit suicide in the world, and I can assure you, that most are cases of lack of resources. Those who have painful health problems, and I assure you that major depression HURTS, we also have the right to choose how to end our life, and if possible, in the most peaceful way. Another tip, read history and see how many men and women valuable to society committed suicide. From Ancient Greece and Rome to our days. You're welcome. PS: Here is the proof of your insults

View attachment 64098
I can't believe I've been talking to monkeys this whole time! No wonder you guys are so much more intelligent than the humans I deal with on a daily basis!
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and now we rise and we are everywhere
Apr 19, 2020
I hear about Christians and other folks just "trying to help" that come here with no idea how any of us really feel and I just want them all to disappear. I mean, I came here desperately wanting to ctb last April after some fucked up family shit that was that proverbial "straw that broke the camel's back". I googled something like "best suicide method" since I was new to the idea, and I found this place. Lately I've been reaching out to people individually, trying to spread some love around, just hoping that maybe I can make someone feel a tinge of happiness for a minute or even just a little smile. But my personal feeling of these "impostors" that come here just because they think what we do or think about is a "sin" (whatever the fuck sin even means) need to just disappear. I wish it were that easy but they're like roaches; they'll always be here infiltrating, trying to spread their message of whatever. I've had the luck never to have to speak to one but I can imagine what they tell people. Something along the lines of "don't do it! Eternal damnation awaits! Lake of fire! Ahhhhhh!". Luckily most of us are smart enough to be able to discern between a suicidal person just trying to get a sliver of recovery one day at a time and some Bible-thumping fucknard who just wants to score points with Jesus or whatever. Please, to the Christians here that are actually considering CTB, I mean absolutely no disrespect.

Anyway, my door is always open and I've found lately that talking to people on a one-to-one basis is helpful. Little weird though making friends and both of you knowing that you could both be gone in a few days to a week or whatever. But whatever, do you and I'll do me. I've got my method, albeit not my preferred one, but one that will do the trick nonetheless, and I still reach out. I feel like it might be my last mission before I go. Spread love for a day, see how it goes. Maybe repeat tomorrow. If and when I do CTB and I've been thinking it will happen in the next number of months (yep coming down to the wire here) I'd like to be surrounded by all of you that have brought me joy. I need you now and on my last day I'll need you all even more. I'll always do the same for you. :heart: I guarantee most of those Christian fuckers that are "Doing God's work" or whatever they think are mostly from the United States. I live here in the U.S. too and it's about as backwards as you can imagine. I envy you folks from Europe.
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Deluded Moron
Dec 2, 2020
I hear about Christians and other folks just "trying to help" that come here with no idea how any of us really feel and I just want them all to disappear. I mean, I came here desperately wanting to ctb last April after some fucked up family shit that was that proverbial "straw that broke the camel's back". I googled something like "best suicide method" since I was new to the idea, and I found this place. Lately I've been reaching out to people individually, trying to spread some love around, just hoping that maybe I can make someone feel a tinge of happiness for a minute or even just a little smile. But my personal feeling of these "impostors" that come here just because they think what we do or think about is a "sin" (whatever the fuck sin even means) need to just disappear. I wish it were that easy but they're like roaches; they'll always be here infiltrating, trying to spread their message of whatever. I've had the luck never to have to speak to one but I can imagine what they tell people. Something along the lines of "don't do it! Eternal damnation awaits! Lake of fire! Ahhhhhh!". Luckily most of us are smart enough to be able to discern between a suicidal person just trying to get a sliver of recovery one day at a time and some Bible-thumping fucknard who just wants to score points with Jesus or whatever. Please, to the Christians here that are actually considering CTB, I mean absolutely no disrespect.

Anyway, my door is always open and I've found lately that talking to people on a one-to-one basis is helpful. Little weird though making friends and both of you knowing that you could both be gone in a few days to a week or whatever. But whatever, do you and I'll do me. I've got my method, albeit not my preferred one, but one that will do the trick nonetheless, and I still reach out. I feel like it might be my last mission before I go. Spread love for a day, see how it goes. Maybe repeat tomorrow. If and when I do CTB and I've been thinking it will happen in the next number of months (yep coming down to the wire here) I'd like to be surrounded by all of you that have brought me joy. I need you now and on my last day I'll need you all even more. I'll always do the same for you. :heart: I guarantee most of those Christian fuckers that are "Doing God's work" or whatever they think are mostly from the United States. I live here in the U.S. too and it's about as backwards as you can imagine. I envy you folks from Europe.

Europe is not different. We are exactly the same. The amount of delusion and hypocrisy is just as huge.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
They can barely spell, they have no sense of humour, they lack any basis for their most important claims. What the fuck is this?
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Deluded Moron
Dec 2, 2020
They can barely spell, they have no sense of humour, they lack any basis for their most important claims. What the fuck is this?
Very deluded and sick human beings. Like 95% of people out there.
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Useless since day 1
Jan 3, 2020
Apes together Strong!

GIF by War for the Planet of the Apes

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