

Mar 17, 2018
Hi, I've been busy. I was working on the perfected yew tincture, and after so many failures, I managed to figure it out and suceed. By perfected, I mean, to make a concentrated extract at less volume. Fairly easy, and unlike I anticipated, ethyl acetate is likely not needed. Pretty much what you'll need are a few of 1-liter mason jars, some filter, dropper bottle, powder (starch, calcium carbonate, flour, etc.), 1/2 - 1litre of pure rubbing alcohol, some drinking alcohol, non polar petroleum solvent, wide glass container, maybe nitrile gloves for NPS solvent, sodium carbonate (washing soda), distilled water.

1: Clean the leaves
2: Dry them in an oven at a temperature of up to 85 Celsius (185,°F) and grind down to a powder both to reduce volume and increase surface area.
3: Place the grounded herb in a mason jar and cover completely with a low-boiling petroleum solvent (100% VM&P Naphtha,Heptane, Hexane, etc.). And cap the jar, perhaps with aluminium foil underneath to prevent leakage. The solvent should be four times the volume of the herb as with all the aforementioned solvents you'll be using.
4: Leave the mixture for a day in a cold, dark place for 24 hours, shaking often at a duration of a few minutes.) Percolate and discard the extract. Liquid only contains mostly oils, waxes, ephedrine (perhaps), and other compounds that'll impede the taxine and make you sick. The solvent itself is also toxic.
5: Repeat steps 3 and 4 at least once. And take the herb and set it on a flat tray or something.
6: Let it dry.
7: Once dried, put the herb in another mason jar and mix in some washing soda (sodium carbonate) at equal mass.
8: Prepare some boiling water and cover. Immediately, you'll notice rust-colored foam coming out of the liquid. That would be the reaction of tannins turning into salts, which makes them very water-soluble. This also turns alkaloids into freebases, ideally taxine. And since freebase ephedrine is soluble in water, and not taxine, you'll have essentially pure taxine. Let it sit for at least 45 minutes agitating occasionally in a hot water bath.
9: Percolate and discard the extract like you did with the nonpolar solvent and let the herb dry.
10: Extract with anhydrous rubbing alcohol for a day or so.
11: Percolate into a wide glass container and toss the herb; you won't need it anymore.
12: Evaporate the rubbing alcohol. Should end up becoming a sludge.
13: Scrape it into a pile and mix in some rice flour, calcium carbonate or whatever powdered filler until it at least has a dough-like consistency or is easy to work with.
(Note: You may stop there if you wish to, but it will result in a shorter shelf life, it would be wise to convert it into salts if you'd rather prolong it. If not, carry on to the next step.)
13.5 (Optional): If you have enough of the nonpolar solvent leftover, like enough to cover the concentrate, defat, discard the solvent and evaporate.
14: Place the concentrate into a small jar (3-5 oz) and cover it with some high-proof ethanol (at at least 3 times the volume to extract the alkaloids. Wait at least a few days to a week before straining.
15: Pour the alcoholic extract into a small glass dropper bottle, perhaps adding a bit of citric acid to turn the alkaloids into salts.
16: Store it in a cool/dry, place away from light, until you're ready to use it.
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I see the chaos in your eyes.
Oct 8, 2018
Wow, that's a lot of work. I would never be able to do all of that due to my living situation. It would be found out really fast...I hope that it helps you find peace.
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Old and tired. Ready for this to be over !
Nov 8, 2018
Wow that's very detailed. You seem to have a background in chemistry. How did you come to the conclusion that this is a successful tincture ? How much of this is required to be ingested to work?
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Nov 17, 2018
How long would it take to die from this? And how painful would that be? Thank you for taking the time to write this out!
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year of birth: 1972
Nov 30, 2018
Shame on me, I don´t understand it clearly, because I speak German and translation for dummies does not work.
A older Post is here:
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Mar 17, 2018
Wow that's very detailed. You seem to have a background in chemistry. How did you come to the conclusion that this is a successful tincture ? How much of this is required to be ingested to work?

How I came to the conclusion was through trial and error. Though I've yet to tincture the concentrated powder, the final weight of it is just about 10 grams. That's about 1/8 of what it was before the defat, freebasing and whatever. And that's small enough for an ounce of alcohol to extract... or should be.

Am doing one more attempt though just to make sure.

The suicidal dosage of leaves and seeds needed are at least 2 grams/kg or
1.45 g/kg respectively.
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Mar 17, 2018
How long would it take to die from this? And how painful would that be? Thank you for taking the time to write this out!

Between 1 and 3 hours. You'll likely pass out in thirty minutes after consumption.

Should be painless.

No problem!
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Mar 17, 2018
Wow, that's a lot of work. I would never be able to do all of that due to my living situation. It would be found out really fast...I hope that it helps you find peace.

I can very much assume you live with people, yes? I am on the same boat.

Thanks! You too!
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Mar 17, 2018
Oh yeah, when you're dealing with hydrocarbon solvents, be sure to read up on how to dispose of them properly, rather than dumping them down the sink or toilets. And be sure to look at the chemical compatibility of the solvent.
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Nov 23, 2018
By the way Aconitum carmichaelii is the most poisonous plant in European gardens. They are growing in mine, too. But I wouldn't want to try them. I'm afraid it would be a cruel death.
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Mar 17, 2018
By the way Aconitum carmichaelii is the most poisonous plant in European gardens. They are growing in mine, too. But I wouldn't want to try them. I'm afraid it would be a cruel death.

Yeah, I'd very much have to agree on that. Then again, if we can understand the mechanism behind the painful and gross symptoms, there could be a possibility in negating it.
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Mar 17, 2018
Shame on me, I don´t understand it clearly, because I speak German and translation for dummies does not work.
A older Post is here:

Hold the frog legs, I'll google translate it for you.
1: Reinigen Sie die Blätter
2: Trocknen Sie sie in einem Ofen bei einer Temperatur von bis zu 85 Grad Celsius (185 ° F) und zermahlen Sie sie zu einem Pulver.
3: Legen Sie die gemahlenen Kräuter in ein Einmachglas und bedecken Sie sie vollständig mit einem niedrigsiedenden Lösungsmittel auf Mineralölbasis (100% VM & P Naphtha, Heptan, Hexan usw.). Und verschließen Sie das Gefäß mit Aluminiumfolie, um ein Auslaufen zu verhindern. Das Lösungsmittel sollte das vierfache Volumen des Krauts sein, wie bei allen zuvor genannten Lösungsmitteln.
4: Die Mischung einen Tag lang an einem kalten, dunklen Ort 24 Stunden stehen lassen und häufig einige Minuten lang schütteln.) Perkolieren und den Extrakt verwerfen. Flüssigkeit enthält meistens nur Öle, Wachse, Ephedrin (möglicherweise) und andere Verbindungen, die das Taxon behindern und Sie krank machen. Das Lösungsmittel selbst ist auch giftig
5: Wiederholen Sie die Schritte 3 und 4 mindestens einmal. Und nimm das Kraut und stell es auf ein flaches Tablett oder so.
6: Lass es trocknen.
7: Nach dem Trocknen die Kräuter in einen anderen Maurer geben und mit etwas Soda (Natriumcarbonat) mischen.
8: Bereiten Sie etwas kochendes Wasser und Deckel zu. Sie werden sofort feststellen, dass der rostfarbene Schaum aus der Flüssigkeit austritt. Das ist die Reaktion von Tanninen, die zu Salzen werden, was sie sehr wasserlöslich macht. Dies macht aus Alkaloiden auch freie Basen, idealerweise Taxin. Und da das freie Ephedrin in Wasser löslich und nicht steuerpflichtig ist, haben Sie im Wesentlichen reines Taxin. Lassen Sie es mindestens 45 Minuten ruhen und rühren Sie gelegentlich in einem heißen Wasserbad.
9: Perkolieren und verwerfen Sie den Extrakt wie das unpolare Lösungsmittel und lassen Sie das Kraut trocknen.
10: Extrahieren mit wasserfreiem Reinigungsalkohol für einen Tag oder so.
11: Perkolat in einem großen Glasbehälter und das Kraut werfen; Sie werden es nicht mehr brauchen.
12: Verdampfen Sie den Reinigungsalkohol. Sollte am Ende zum Schlamm werden
13: Kratzen Sie es auf einem Stapel und mischen Sie etwas Reismehl, Calciumcarbonat oder was auch immer in Pulverform, bis es mindestens eine teigartige Konsistenz hat oder leicht zu verarbeiten ist.
(Hinweis: Sie können dort aufhören, wenn Sie möchten, aber dies führt zu einer kurzen Haltbarkeit. Es ist ratsam, es in Salz umzuwandeln, wenn Sie es verlängern möchten.
13.5 (Optional): Wenn Sie genug von dem unpolaren Lösungsmittel übrig haben, z. B. genug, um das Konzentrat abzudecken, entfetten Sie, verwerfen Sie das Lösungsmittel und verdampfen Sie es.
14: Das Konzentrat in ein kleines Gefäß (3-5 oz) geben und mit etwas hochfestem Ethanol (mindestens das dreifache Volumen zur Entnahme der Alkaloide) abdecken. Ab einer Woche vor einer Woche belasten.
15: Gießen Sie den alkoholischen Extrakt in eine kleine Glas-Tropfflasche und fügen Sie eventuell etwas Zitronensäure hinzu, um die Alkaloide in Salze umzuwandeln.
16: Bewahren Sie das Gerät an einem kühlen / trockenen Ort auf, bis es einsatzbereit ist.
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Old and tired. Ready for this to be over !
Nov 8, 2018
How I came to the conclusion was through trial and error. Though I've yet to tincture the concentrated powder, the final weight of it is just about 10 grams. That's about 1/8 of what it was before the defat, freebasing and whatever. And that's small enough for an ounce of alcohol to extract... or should be.

Am doing one more attempt though just to make sure.

The suicidal dosage of leaves and seeds needed are at least 2 grams/kg or
1.45 g/kg respectively.
I was just thinking that I could soak the dried and crushed leaves in some grain alcohol and then strain and evaporate the alcohol for a concentrated version. Boy was I wrong !!
Thanks for all the info you've given on here. I'll continue to follow your posts.
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Mar 17, 2018
I was just thinking that I could soak the dried and crushed leaves in some grain alcohol and then strain and evaporate the alcohol for a concentrated version. Boy was I wrong !!
Thanks for all the info you've given on here. I'll continue to follow your posts.

That was what I thought too at first and when I tried it, with pure rubbing alcohol (works with grain alcohol too), it evaporated into this overly vicious goop, which is a concentrate. So, you're not all that wrong. The only thing is that the concentrate is so sticky and viscous that you won't be able to handle it and will result in a mess if you try scooping it.

Sure thing!
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Old and tired. Ready for this to be over !
Nov 8, 2018
Please forgive my many questions. I'm just trying to understand. So is Taxine not soluble in alcohol ? In your method when you soak the plant material in alcohol for 24 hours and then discard the liquid, aren't you discarding a lot of the Taxine ? If not then if I just did the soak and evaporate with alcohol I'd just have a concentrate of useless goop . Am I correct on this point ?
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Mar 17, 2018
Please forgive my many questions. I'm just trying to understand. So is Taxine not soluble in alcohol ? In your method when you soak the plant material in alcohol for 24 hours and then discard the liquid, aren't you discarding a lot of the Taxine ? If not then if I just did the soak and evaporate with alcohol I'd just have a concentrate of useless goop . Am I correct on this point ?

No. The taxine is soluble in alcohol either in salt form or as a freebase. So, the goop isn't useless as it's crude taxine alkaloids, but covered in residual oils. So keep the goo and keep mixing in pinches of flour until you at least make it easier to work with and extract from there perhaps after another non-polar wash to remove the residual oils.
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year of birth: 1972
Nov 30, 2018
Last edited:
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Old and tired. Ready for this to be over !
Nov 8, 2018
I'm wondering if there is less of the unwanted oils and other residuals if you use only crushed or ground seeds instead of leaves.
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Mar 17, 2018
I'm wondering if there is less of the unwanted oils and other residuals if you use only crushed or ground seeds instead of leaves.

About the same, if not more. But even so, on the plus side, the oil is actually much easier to handle, considering it's just fatty oil.
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Old and tired. Ready for this to be over !
Nov 8, 2018
About the same, if not more. But even so, on the plus side, the oil is actually much easier to handle, considering it's just fatty oil.
That's good to know. Maybe it would be less likely to make you vomit ? Maybe less volume too ?
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Making death amazing journey
Oct 7, 2018
How I came to the conclusion was through trial and error. Though I've yet to tincture the concentrated powder, the final weight of it is just about 10 grams. That's about 1/8 of what it was before the defat, freebasing and whatever. And that's small enough for an ounce of alcohol to extract... or should be.

Am doing one more attempt though just to make sure.

The suicidal dosage of leaves and seeds needed are at least 2 grams/kg or
1.45 g/kg respectively.

How much raw material: leaves did you have: 80g?
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Mar 17, 2018
That's good to know. Maybe it would be less likely to make you vomit ? Maybe less volume too ?

I'm quite certain that the oil is still capable of making you vomit. The volume part, will be about the same as if you're extracting from dried leaves of equal mass.

Whatever the case, it would be recommended you take some datura seeds or pepto bismol (if you don't have any way of getting the seeds) before consuming the extract.
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Mar 17, 2018
How much raw material: leaves did you have: 80g?

My last completed batch, I started off with 230 grams, reduced to 83 when dried.
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Making death amazing journey
Oct 7, 2018
My last completed batch, I started off with 230 grams, reduced to 83 when dried.

Thanks. 230g of fresh leaves - in terms of volume: is it a full 1 liter jar or more?
I have a large jew tree 100m from my place but its in public, busy place
when I go there at night to pick few branches: how many do I need?
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Mar 17, 2018
Thanks. 230g of fresh leaves - in terms of volume: is it a full 1 liter jar or more?
I have a large jew tree 100m from my place but its in public, busy place
when I go there at night to pick few branches: how many do I need?

Hmmm... well... for fresh leaves, I'd just use a gallon sized ziploc bag. But yeah, I think that's about a full litre, if not more. But when you dry and grind them down into a course powder, it's about a quarter.
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Making death amazing journey
Oct 7, 2018
Hmmm... well... for fresh leaves, I'd just use a gallon sized ziploc bag. But yeah, I think that's about a full litre, if not more. But when you dry and grind them down into a course powder, it's about a quarter.

Thats a lot then, 1 gallon is almost 4 liters.

Did you have any problem finding the right species of yew tree [if you are in US]?
Can you tell the difference between European and Pacific yew genus?
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Dec 6, 2018
This truly is fascinating and admirable work you have done, nixonnate32 - thank you very much for sharing! I'd have liked to spend the time needed to create such a tincture myself, yet I do not have the energy nor capacity any longer. I wish you the best of luck!
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Mar 17, 2018
Thats a lot then, 1 gallon is almost 4 liters.

Did you have any problem finding the right species of yew tree [if you are in US]?
Can you tell the difference between European and Pacific yew genus?

Oh, no... it just takes up a litre of space. The bag was just for a little extra room and to not dirty up a mason jar. You will need a gallon pitcher to wash the leaves though.
And no, it's not all that much. Just a few large branches will do.

It wasn't difficult. The one thing to know is that the branches hang more pendently and the leaves are thinner when it comes to pacific yews.
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Making death amazing journey
Oct 7, 2018
Oh, no... it just takes up a litre of space. The bag was just for a little extra room and to not dirty up a mason jar. You will need a gallon pitcher to wash the leaves though.
And no, it's not all that much. Just a few large branches will do.

It wasn't difficult. The one thing to know is that the branches hang more pendently and the leaves are thinner when it comes to pacific yews.

Is it a strong smell when you dry in in the oven?
Does it smell like a pine tree oil?
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