• Hey Guest,

    If you would still like to donate, you still can. We have more than enough funds to cover operating expenses for quite a while, so don't worry about donating if you aren't able. If you want to donate something other than what is listed, you can contact RainAndSadness.

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Lonely af
May 25, 2018
As the title says, it's now confirmed Patrick is a scam.

I had some information passed on regarding the person who purchased some and here is what I was told

"The conclusion about Patrick on PPH forums is that it's most likely a scam. The only member who ordered is still waiting for his package but unlikely he'll get anything; the supplier is not replying to emails and the package is not traceable even after a few days after supposedly being sent."

There has been an update on the exit forums, saying he won't make it to the PPH. So keep away! I'm glad i locked that thread and posted a PSA when I did. See attached screenshot

What does this mean?
Don't buy from patrick and keep away from this scam, await for A to return to business in mid november, who is a trusted source.


  • Capture3.JPG
    26.5 KB · Views: 239
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Jul 13, 2018
Thank you for this information, Rex.
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Oct 27, 2018
What a shame. :( Thanks for the heads up.
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Nov 2, 2018
Yes that is such a shame, but it did seem too good to be true that there was an EU supply.

Thank you for your vigilance Rex :smiling:
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
The user WayOut deserves thanks here also for being the first to pull up the person pushing Patrick as a legit seller in my opinion.
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Oct 1, 2018
Glad didn't order from him
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Oct 22, 2018
Good sleuthing. Hope the didn't rip off too many ppl.
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Oct 26, 2018
The only member who ordered
It's incorrect and misleading that the person who passed on the information said "the only member who ordered..." Someone there who you're talking to is covering their ass and in damage control. With very good reason.

"Patrick" wasn't the scammer. He doesn't exist. The scammer is the person who provided Exit with the false lead. It was someone known to Exit, and Exit even admitted that their intel was the problem. Getting conned is an embarrassment for them. It also shows the guy is clever, and he is connected in these organisations. Similarly, here, the real scammer is the person who was promoting him, who appeared out of no-where for this one purpose.

It is impossible to know how many people have sent money to this guy. I'd say between the exposure here and on Exit, he would have already have had many hundreds of enquiries, if not thousands, and many orders sent by desperate, gullible and naive people, who act immediately if they get a contact from a reliable source like Exit, or on this forum where the mod stated he was going to order. The harm is that retractions don't work with these people. They want to believe. This is the basis of real world advertising, and it works for scammers.

Rex, could you please go and change the warning you gave at the end of that thread, which is strangely not really a warning as such. All you were saying was don't buy until he is confirmed. You repeated this same phrase many times. If someone stumbles on that thread, they should not think that the supplier is still waiting to be confirmed by Exit. They should get the message, in that thread, that it's a scam.

I'm making this point because this is not a one off. He's been around for quite some time, even before he arrived here, and he's not going away. The worst part is that he is clever, effective. and he is convincing enough to get into organisations, and use forums like this one and the Exit forum, to run his scamming. Once he gets mods endorsing him, he's home.

The user WayOut deserves thanks here also for being the first to pull up the person pushing Patrick as a legit seller in my opinion.
Thank you so much for that! I usually get aggression and negativity because of what I try to say, never thanks. Very much appreciated, but the small group, including you, achieved a good result.
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Nov 1, 2018
Accept my thanks too, WayOut. I wasn't quite at the point of reaching for my wallet, but I was close. I am an easy dupe when I am desperate.

And thank you, Rex, for posting this follow-up. Damage has been done, but perhaps it can be minimized in the future.
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Oct 26, 2018
Accept my thanks too, WayOut. I wasn't quite at the point of reaching for my wallet, but I was close. I am an easy dupe when I am desperate.
You're not an easy dupe. This person was very convincing.
Damage has been done, but perhaps it can be minimized in the future..
Yes. That's the best we can hope for.
Last edited:
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Going Home

Going Home

Sep 21, 2018
I think I asked for his info, good thing I never got it.
I desperately want to exit via a peaceful method.
If sadness was a poison I'd be good n dead.
"Violent" methods are becoming more of a realistic option for me as the days go on, but I've had enough violent disgusting crap happen to me.
So conflicted now.
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
Would it be worth incorporating a policy on here where all similar "hey guys! New N supplier!" posts are shut down until the vendor has PPH endorsement? I know this site has no responsibility towards its users in terms of protecting them from scams, but in light of this it could do with being a bit more vigilant when it comes to propelling scammers.
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your pathologist

your pathologist

Sep 5, 2018
Thank you so much for that! I usually get aggression and negativity because of what I try to say, never thanks. Very much appreciated, but the small group, including you, achieved a good result.

Thank you for your clever commentary about someone like this. I enjoyed reading the post and people like "Patrick" are some of the real scum of the earth. I cant believe someone can feel okay about a scam targeting people who already wanna fuck end their lives.
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your pathologist

your pathologist

Sep 5, 2018
The "guy" vouching for him smelled so bad from the get-go, I'm not very surprised.
His username was SanctionedSuicide like it seemed weird cuz that is the website title and without being a mod I believe it ended up making it look a little more official than it would've looked at first glance.
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Part human, part cat.
Oct 1, 2018
Sad news but we really must remain vigilant. It makes me feel sick that people are ready to extort large amounts of money out of the vulnerable and desperate :(
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Part human, part cat.
Oct 1, 2018
His username was SanctionedSuicide like it seemed weird cuz that is the website title and without being a mod I believe it ended up making it look a little more official than it would've looked at first glance.
Yeah that username got me
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“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
I'm not a member of the Exit forum, but it has to be said that this does not reflect at all well on them.
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Oct 3, 2018
That entire thread was fishy. But I have to be honest, if I were in the EU, I'd likely have been scammed. Preying on desperate people who want to die, and who sometimes invest all their savings in this attempt... this is so despicable.
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Apr 30, 2018
If this is the guy who I think it is he goes to any lenghts (and with this I mean, he's able to convince you on literally all levels imaginable up to simulating his own death to perfection if needed - ever heard how frighteningly easy it is to kill yourself on offical papers? Voila!) and I could write pages full of him and you wouldn't even believe me (Can *I* believe it? Hardly!). He's the sweetest, most lovable, most convincing and (pc-)intelligent online scammer I ever met. Yes we were close. Everything is set up so scarily accurate and refined that it's still impossible for me to let all peaces of the puzzle fall at its place. And ow fuk I've tried for many months! This guy cares the most and is blending into the ctb herd like he's one of us and who knows what more. I wonder how many identities he already put up. WOW, still WOW for me as well... and then it's not only Nembutal he's playing with. But also Fentanyl he might be offering/sending you for free to make you an addict and order more and this all under the pretext of an enormous empathy. It's so much more complex I'm afraid... but I lack hard proof and I've given up by now to get that. The other thread opened my eyes .. just one simple phrase was needed to let him rise from the ashes again.
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Oct 26, 2018
The comments being made in this thread are the best thing I have heard in ages. Seriously. All sorts of people are saying what they think about calling out a scam. The most powerful thing is people speaking up.

I came out of no-where, and haven't hid the fact that I was here only to stop a scammer getting a foothold here. Everyone could have distrusted me and ignored me. But you all listened with an open mind, and formed your own conclusions.

A small compliment to this forum generally. This was the place where "Patrick" was exposed, not the Exit forum, and Exit have benefited, as have countless people. (Keep in mind people who register and post on an open forum are only the tiniest percentage of the reach.) So, this forum has gained serious cred points imo. It's a good place, well run, and it has a lot of reach.

All of the other small things that people here have mentioned are spot on, in terms of hints that something was fishy. I saw a lot of them, though not all, but couldn't comment on each individual thing that was off because firstly, the post would have been too long, and secondly, I would have sounded like a nutter. So I just went for the biggies, as did other people like Chinaski in that thread.

I've been looking at the cunning person behind this and other scams recently, and to be honest, it does my head in after a while. I hate finding what I'm looking for. It's murky, grubby and completely abhorrent. So I need to step back often, and get on with my real life.

However, I came to this forum for one reason, but I will be sticking around for other unexpected reasons. Most threads aren't my thing, to be honest, but I think it is powerful to have a place where people can really talk without being censored. Most people are young. I'm older. And there are similar people I have "met" here that I find interesting, so will be sticking around after I've had a break to clear my head.
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
If this is the guy who I think it is he goes to any lenghts (and with this I mean, he's able to convince you on literally all levels imaginable up to simulating his own death to perfection if needed - ever heard how frighteningly easy it is to kill yourself on offical papers? Voila!) and I could write pages full of him and you wouldn't even believe me (Can *I* believe it? Hardly!). He's the sweetest, most lovable, most convincing and (pc-)intelligent online scammer I ever met. Yes we were close. Everything is set up so scarily accurate and refined that it's still impossible for me to let all peaces of the puzzle fall at its place. And ow fuk I've tried for many months! This guy cares the most and is blending into the ctb herd like he's one of us and who knows what more. I wonder how many identities he already put up. WOW, still WOW for me as well... and then it's not only Nembutal he's playing with. But also Fentanyl he might be offering/sending you for free to make you an addict and order more and this all under the pretext of an enormous empathy. It's so much more complex I'm afraid... but I lack hard proof and I've given up by now to get that. The other thread opened my eyes .. just one simple phrase was needed to let him rise from the ashes again.

Jesus, that's screwed up. I'm not inclined to think of myself as foolish, but l remember the time l logged on here for the first time, desperately looking for info on a suitable method. At that time, A was out of commission due to a postal strike, people complained that there was a delay, his communication was bad, he might even be scamming. Had 'Patrick' posted his thread around that time, given the state l was then in I'd have ordered, no question. This really shouldn't be allowed to happen again.
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Nov 1, 2018
All of the other small things that people here have mentioned are spot on, in terms of hints that something was fishy.

The one that raised red flags for me was his trumpeting how he was so experienced at spotting scammers. I still would likely have blundered into the trap, though. Desperation is blinding, and that was --literally-- the first thread I read after becoming a member here.
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Not 2B
Aug 22, 2018
I also have to commend @WayOut and thank them as I was in the middle of a mixed episode, my judgement was severely impaired, and I almost ordered, before I began to stabilise and reconsider the evidence. Ironically the advertiser's behaviour was a deterrent to me—so I have to doubly thank the users who were able to draw this person out—but Patrick's details had already begun to circulate on the Exit forum and here, and people were speculating hopefully before that person came over. I think @Chinaski also reinforced an observation that the timing was ripe to prey on any desperation related to A hiatus (wrt. Exit), which was grounding.

I have no idea if the advertiser was bilaterally related to the scam or just meddling for their own gratification, but their tactics were concerning as well. I think a rule against implying any affiliation with SS might be necessary, if we don't have one. It might seem unnecessary, but a lot of users on here are desperate and also not thinking at their best 24/7. The site should have a username filter in the admin CP. Plus r/SS etc. are gone so previous identities are awfully difficult to confirm at this point publicly if people claim them (not that claiming to be someone who hooks people up with N dealers on reddit is a good credential).

The general rule against advertising new sources seems good to me too, although maybe that should not be SS's province, idk. The thing with A is he is in the PPeH, although we are reliant on it currently.

I personally underestimated the appeal of this board to N scammers and apologise for posting to that effect by the way. Aside from its growing notoriety on reddit/8ch, which I assume the P scammer is familiar with, I noticed that when googling certain suicide-related queries, SS is indexed well.
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Oct 26, 2018
If this is the guy who I think it is he goes to any lenghts (and with this I mean, he's able to convince you on literally all levels imaginable up to simulating his own death to perfection if needed - ever heard how frighteningly easy it is to kill yourself on offical papers? Voila!) and I could write pages full of him and you wouldn't even believe me (Can *I* believe it? Hardly!). He's the sweetest, most lovable, most convincing and (pc-)intelligent online scammer I ever met. Yes we were close. Everything is set up so scarily accurate and refined that it's still impossible for me to let all peaces of the puzzle fall at its place. And ow fuk I've tried for many months! This guy cares the most and is blending into the ctb herd like he's one of us and who knows what more. I wonder how many identities he already put up. WOW, still WOW for me as well... and then it's not only Nembutal he's playing with. But also Fentanyl he might be offering/sending you for free to make you an addict and order more and this all under the pretext of an enormous empathy. It's so much more complex I'm afraid... but I lack hard proof and I've given up by now to get that. The other thread opened my eyes .. just one simple phrase was needed to let him rise from the ashes again.

The guy's been around for a while. He lays the groundwork of setting up a persona, and often a couple of others (with VPNs). He is so credible that he conned Exit. His talents are:

1. Sounding credible and presenting himself as in touch with or part of the inner circle of reputable groups. (Exit)
2. Using a technique of establishing his message, then going on to use "deflection" by superficial cautions that a source may not be genuine, sometimes in tandem with another identity. They reinforce each other.
3. Even when they are acting like they are recommending people are cautious, and even saying it could be a scam, they still run the sub commentary promoting the scam. Except the we I use here is one person, so, he.
4. Most people fall for this. Smart people. The "deflection" is the way he gets to say, hey guys, you don't have to believe me - see for yourself.

The important thing is that no-one should feel they were gullible. We all are. The analogy is real world advertising. It drives our world economically, socially, and most other ways. But advertising is only selling a dream, making you want what you don't actually need. Scammers do that. And our guy here has already done his work and collected his payday. His scam doesn't need a single product, even a fake, one sent out. it only need a bitcoin wallet to take money. I have no doubt may many people have sent money. The market of people out there who get the information, fall for it and pay, is larger than anyone realises. It's global, and mostly hidden.

Sadly, if Exit specifically said to Rex that only one member had paid, well, I don't know what to say. It's just wrong. I think Exit are genuine, but Rex's contact is either a bit suss, or just not well informed. Only one member posted. 90% + of the members on that forum are lurkers, but there's a lot of secrecy in that you can't see who's online, and it's tricky (though possible) to know how many forum members there actually are.
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It is what it is
Aug 19, 2018
I'm (unfortunately) related to a sociopath. No-one should feel bad for falling for this.

These people are extremely manipulative, intelligent and charming. They are also completely devoid of any sort of morality.
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Nov 1, 2018
The important thing is that no-one should feel they were gullible. We all are.

This is a forum of intrinsically desperate people. For a skilled scammer, it's like shooting fish in a rainbarrel. Thank Fortune for those of us who remain level headed enough to spot the danger and warn the rest of us.

Now, WayOut, if you turn out to be a scammer with an exquisite sense of long-range foresight, lulling us all into complacency, I will be deeply, deeply annoyed. ;-)
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
Interestingly, this person waited for someone else to filter the 'good news' from Exit.


3 days later his thread appeared. Definitely an idea from now on that any posting with info on a vendor not recommended by the PPeH and offering contact details, however innocuously, is reported and subsequently deleted.
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“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
I'm (unfortunately) related to a sociopath. No-one should feel bad for falling for this.

These people are extremely manipulative, intelligent and charming. They are also completely devoid of any sort of morality.
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Oct 26, 2018
I noticed that when googling certain suicide-related queries, SS is indexed well.
This forum is growing in size, relevance and credibility. A forum is not the software, and only partly the organisers. I'm saying the obvious - it's the content produced by the members.
Now, WayOut, if you turn out to be a scammer with an exquisite sense of long-range foresight, lulling us all into complacency, I will be deeply, deeply annoyed. ;-)
Haha. Agreed. I will also be deeply annoyed at myself, and geez, I hate that. When I start offering something for sale, or start giving references out, plz, let me know.

Btw, the sanctionedsuicide guy also made comments about how he could be a scammer, and made it into a joke. So, I'm kind of stuck here. Plz don't go there. There's no answer I can give that I wouldn't consider highly suspect.
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