One of the few options I have is full suspension, although the spot I have is not ideal. The anchor point seems sturdy enough (tested as much as I could), but there're vertical surfaces that I'll bump into, I don't know if that'll interfere. It's a built in floor to ceiling wardrobe (approximately 2,5m and my height is less than 1,7m).
I'm thinking of putting my back towards the green padding, that should (I hope) allow me more freedom of movement, to dangle freely at least in back and front direction, being only obstructed on my left side by the main closet door (in white). Seems to me a better option than to be with my back towards the white door. Am I wrong in my assumptions? Would like to hear your opinion guys.
And I don't know if I should use a bit of padding with a small thin towel in the front...?
Also one more thing that troubles me greatly - where to position the noose on my neck? I've read conflicting opinions on that... some say that it should be as high up your jawline as possible, others say in the lower part of your neck. So which is the best placement for full suspension?
I know that for partial is different and you better find your "sweet spot", but I tried a lot and can't seem to find it, only managed to press on my jugular and get the nasty high pressure feeling in my head because of it. Same reason I failed the night-night method I gues, despite educating myself as much as I can in the short time I have. I don't have much time for experiments and every failure spikes up my anxiety.
So if there's an optimal position for the noose on your neck (for full suspension), please do share.
I'm also debating if before hanging I should drink antifreeze - monoethylene glycol (although the expiration date is 2016 and I don't know how effective it'll be...). I'm thinking if I don't get unconscious and it gets agonizing, then go for the hanging option.
I live alone and there's no one to interrupt me.