I just listened to the podcast and found it quite interesting, but I don't agree with host conclusions and I found them both quite backwards and not really knowledgeable about the advancement in methods.
The first indication of being totally oblivious is acknowledge that people now call exit bag a "hood". The female host asked if hood was a new name for exit bag which he confirmed. If he'd been aware of the rise of ELSA hood to perform inert gas hypoxia he would surely correct her.
I found him often referring the abandonment of "face mask" which apparently happened a decade ago in the right to die movement and quite stuck on that statement and felt unwilling to change.
He mentions the flaws of using a mask, but didn't specify if the problems were only apparent in "hospital style mask" or full face mask. What I gather he referred most of the time to the hospital style mask.
His main concern is creating an absolute airseal against the face is not possible and twitching and face muscle will willingly or unintentionally break the seal letting air in. This is quite a real concern with hospital mask since there are not designed for 100% seal and more of one size fit all design. So his concern is valid for these kind of mask or any that's not designed to keep out hazardous environment.
But suggesting no mask is functional to keep out air is quite ignorant, how well would a gas mask work if outside gas would sip in though the cracks and poisoning you. There is a reason we tested teargas in the military, improper use of the mask would be bluntly apparent, I experienced no exposure of teargas in my respiratory system when I tried.
SCBA system that firefighter use would also not be especially efficient if the mask leaks, they may have to go through far more dangerous environments then smoke and the equipment is still up to the task.
I just found his argument quite repetitive and well rehearsed, like he as said the same speech for 10 years and not bother researching anymore, he mentions talking at seminars.
Anyone who's ctb the last years with either scuba or scba would prove him wrong, but since he's not aware of the usage of a "hood" I'm doubtful he's even aware of the latest leaps forwards.
His "incredible" knowledge about nitrogen hypoxia he showed is equal to reading though the inert bag mega tread, I was most unimpressed and frankly scared they chose him for any publicity scene.
I may have time this weekend to make a rough transcript for you.
It's a shame Exit doesn't provide transcripts, as far as I know.
Spotify appears to have a beta feature transcribing the whole podcast, maybe one can translate that.