Regarding side effects, the answer is simply "no." Simply because you have side effects does not mean they will occur in a subsequent dose, likewise, simply because there are none does not mean you will be symptom free in a follow up dose.
I don't generally care at all if people want to take Meto for a month before ctb, but I do care about accurate info. First, very well meaning individuals have created unsupported fear surrounding meto encouraging everyone to test meto first. Why is this bad? Other than adding anxiety, the major concern surrounding meto is eps. Eps becomes MORE likely with repeated dosing. Again, this is a very low incidence reaction, but the well meaning advice here actually INCREASES the likelihood of this occurring.
I'll just further add that the eps symptoms for meto typically occur 24-48 hours after administration. This is a point not mentioned (or likely not known) by most posters. Just fwiw.
They don't give any explanation for the Meto 20-30mg range. Other groups say 30mg. I can't take 30mg at once, so I'll just take the meto over a 48 hour period.
I think the "diet" parts of any method should be described as a BRAT diet. It'd make it easier, simplified and is always given to people to go lighter on their body. Banana Rice Applesauce Toast.
I think the "diet" parts of any method should be described as a BRAT diet. It'd make it easier, simplified and is always given to people to go lighter on their body. Banana Rice Applesauce Toast.
This is not a "comprehensive" write up. You should read the peaceful pill handbook (see forum resources area), plus learn to use the "search" function on this forum, etc. As always, do your own due diligence to check possible interactions, side effects, etc. Apply your own judgement and take responsibility for your choices and actions, doing your own research where needed. Apply the information intelligently to your case.
These regimes are not an exact science. People often make modifications to the details based on individual needs.
There are 2 broad regimes :
1) take the meto over a 48 hour period
2) take a larger single meto dose, called a "stat dose"
Sample regimes :
Example times assume taking N at midnight (adjust to your timing accordingly)
48 hour regime
Day 1
08:00 1 x 10mg meto
16:00 1 x 10mg meto
24:00 1 x 10mg meto
Day 2
08:00 1 x 10mg meto
15:00 begin fast
16:00 1 x 10mg meto
22:40 eat some tea and toast or something light - reduces vomiting risk
23:00 1 x 10mg meto (or possibly 3 x 10mg = 30mg)
24:00 take N
"stat dose" regime
15:00 begin fast
22:40 eat some tea and toast or something light - reduces vomiting risk
23:00 3 x 10mg meto ( = 30mg)
24:00 take N
Notes :
During your "planning" phase, a meto "test" should be done, using 1 x 10mg, to see if you get any "EPS" symptoms (involuntary moments/spasms), which could sometimes be sufficiently severe/disturbing to prevent any attempt. Most people don't get EPS, but if you do, then you may wish to re-evaluate (eg switch to domperidone anti-emetic). Apparently 50 mg of Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) can be used to treat EPS, so it may be wise to have that on standby. See "wikibooks antiemetic regimen" below for more info.
Some people believe the 48 hour regime gives better protection against vomiting and lower "EPS" risk. However, many prefer the stat regime as it's less "drawn out". Dignitas use the stat regime very successfully. The way to choose between the two is not very well defined, so make your choice based on your feeling and judgement after reading these notes.
( Derek Humphry - Final Exit author - suggests another alternative method of 1 x 10mg meto every hour, for 6 to 10 hours prior to taking the N, so you could go with that if it seems to better fit your situation ).
People who get unpleasant but "manageable" side effects from the meto test might opt for the stat regime, to avoid 48 hours of those effects.
Although the meto test (see above) is strongly recommended, some people skip it, and go for the stat dose, with the view that if they get EPS symptoms they won't last long before the final dose it taken. However, if the EPS were bad enough it could still prevent the attempt or make it difficult, so as ever you have to weigh the risks based on the specifics of your situation.
On the 48 hour regime, some people take 3 x 10mg for the final meto dose for extra anti-vomit protection, however some consider this an EPS risk, although you could do extra meto testing to check (see below).
The "old" meto doses were 60mg for stat, and 2 x 10mg at each interval for the 48 hour regime. These got revised to the "new" doses of 30mg for stat, and 1 x 10mg for the intervals. Some people use in between doses, eg 45mg stat dose. I don't have any data on how advisable this is. If using this approach, it may be wise to do additional meto testing.
Further meto testing notes : If planning to use the 30mg stat regime, if testing with 1 x 10mg goes smoothly, you might later wish to test with 2 x 10mg, and then later with 3 x 10mg. If planning to use the 48 hour regime, if testing with 1 x 10mg goes smoothly, you might later wish to test 1 x 10mg every 8 hours for 24 hours. To be as certain as possible, you could re-create the full meto schedule you plan to use.
i did´t know about this
i thought it was enough having the antiem once, only before N
do you think it will be necessary have empty stomach
if you are going to drink a good N dosis?
(They are made out of glass. The liquid is completely clear. Pay close attention to the silver seal & the ML ribbles at the side of the bottles.)
If they don't look like this, then something's completely off. Please be careful.
I wouldn't post these pictures normally but if the bottles that are being sent right now are in someway fake, they could be dangerous.
(They are made out of glass. The liquid is completely clear. Pay close attention to the silver seal & the ML ribbles at the side of the bottles.)
If they don't look like this, then something's completely off. Please be careful.
I wouldn't post these pictures normally but if the bottles that are being sent right now are in someway fake, they could be dangerous.
I was wondering if anyone knows the interaction between N and antisphyotic ? I take Quetiapine pregabalin and dulexotine. Do I have to stop these? If so when ?
Also I see here it's advised to stick to water but I have also read alcohol potentiates N and was hoping for a couple of tipples prior to taking n
(They are made out of glass. The liquid is completely clear. Pay close attention to the silver seal & the ML ribbles at the side of the bottles.)
If they don't look like this, then something's completely off. Please be careful.
I wouldn't post these pictures normally but if the bottles that are being sent right now are in someway fake, they could be dangerous.
This is not a "comprehensive" write up. You should read the peaceful pill handbook (see forum resources area), plus learn to use the "search" function on this forum, etc. As always, do your own due diligence to check possible interactions, side effects, etc. Apply your own judgement and take responsibility for your choices and actions, doing your own research where needed. Apply the information intelligently to your case.
These regimes are not an exact science. People often make modifications to the details based on individual needs.
There are 2 broad regimes :
1) take the meto over a 48 hour period
2) take a larger single meto dose, called a "stat dose"
Sample regimes :
Example times assume taking N at midnight (adjust to your timing accordingly)
48 hour regime
Day 1
08:00 1 x 10mg meto
16:00 1 x 10mg meto
24:00 1 x 10mg meto
Day 2
08:00 1 x 10mg meto
15:00 begin fast
16:00 1 x 10mg meto
22:40 eat some tea and toast or something light - reduces vomiting risk
23:00 1 x 10mg meto (or possibly 3 x 10mg = 30mg)
24:00 take N
"stat dose" regime
15:00 begin fast
22:40 eat some tea and toast or something light - reduces vomiting risk
23:00 3 x 10mg meto ( = 30mg)
24:00 take N
Notes :
During your "planning" phase, a meto "test" should be done, using 1 x 10mg, to see if you get any "EPS" symptoms (involuntary moments/spasms), which could sometimes be sufficiently severe/disturbing to prevent any attempt. Most people don't get EPS, but if you do, then you may wish to re-evaluate (eg switch to domperidone anti-emetic). Apparently 50 mg of Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) can be used to treat EPS, so it may be wise to have that on standby. See "wikibooks antiemetic regimen" below for more info.
Some people believe the 48 hour regime gives better protection against vomiting and lower "EPS" risk. However, many prefer the stat regime as it's less "drawn out". Dignitas use the stat regime very successfully. The way to choose between the two is not very well defined, so make your choice based on your feeling and judgement after reading these notes.
( Derek Humphry - Final Exit author - suggests another alternative method of 1 x 10mg meto every hour, for 6 to 10 hours prior to taking the N, so you could go with that if it seems to better fit your situation ).
People who get unpleasant but "manageable" side effects from the meto test might opt for the stat regime, to avoid 48 hours of those effects.
Although the meto test (see above) is strongly recommended, some people skip it, and go for the stat dose, with the view that if they get EPS symptoms they won't last long before the final dose it taken. However, if the EPS were bad enough it could still prevent the attempt or make it difficult, so as ever you have to weigh the risks based on the specifics of your situation.
On the 48 hour regime, some people take 3 x 10mg for the final meto dose for extra anti-vomit protection, however some consider this an EPS risk, although you could do extra meto testing to check (see below).
The "old" meto doses were 60mg for stat, and 2 x 10mg at each interval for the 48 hour regime. These got revised to the "new" doses of 30mg for stat, and 1 x 10mg for the intervals. Some people use in between doses, eg 45mg stat dose. I don't have any data on how advisable this is. If using this approach, it may be wise to do additional meto testing.
Further meto testing notes : If planning to use the 30mg stat regime, if testing with 1 x 10mg goes smoothly, you might later wish to test with 2 x 10mg, and then later with 3 x 10mg. If planning to use the 48 hour regime, if testing with 1 x 10mg goes smoothly, you might later wish to test 1 x 10mg every 8 hours for 24 hours. To be as certain as possible, you could re-create the full meto schedule you plan to use.
Looks very thorough, but I always thought it was a much simpler process, nothing more than just consuming the N. This is the impression I get from watching the documentaries about the Swiss non-profit organization Dignitas, which includes scene of the client drinking the N and going to sleep, eventually dying.
It's recommended to fast for 8 hours before taking N. As a last meal (not the light snack consumed an hour before N) what exactly is safe? What size should this last meal be? Can this be a big last meal or do you also have to consume something light? I was considering having one of my favorite foods (which is a big, heavy meal) 8-10 hours before at like 10-12 am and then I'd be consuming the N at around 9-10 pm or later until everyone is asleep. Is it all right to do this? Or do I have to eat something very light for the last meal 8 hours before too? It would make me happy to have my favorite food for the last time but if there is any risk I don't want to take it. Could a large meal 8-10 hours before slow absorption? I can't find very detailed information about the fasting protocol for N.
It shouldn't slow absorption. Your stomach would be empty by then. The light snack should be eaten after the 8 hour fast. You take meto shortly afterwards. The light snack is to help prevent vomiting
I am going to fast for at least 8 hours. I was planning on eating something light an hour before as the PPH recommends but I have decided not to. I will just take 30mg Meto 1 hour before and 2 bottles of N afterwards.
The reason being is the protocol before surgery states to fast overnight (roughly 8~12 hours) and cut off fluids a few hours before. General anesthesia is just a medically induced coma. A similar effect we are trying to achieve with N but to completion (death). The PPH has some good advice but also some bad advice. This is just my personal take on it as someone who has had countless surgeries over the years. I will just follow what I know.
Dead Meat, dyingalone123, PeacefulTonic and 1 other person
I am going to fast for at least 8 hours. I was planning on eating something light an hour before as the PPH recommends but I have decided not to. I will just take 30mg Meto 1 hour before and 2 bottles of N afterwards.
The reason being is the protocol before surgery states to fast overnight (roughly 8~12 hours) and cut off fluids a few hours before. General anesthesia is just a medically induced coma. A similar effect we are trying to achieve with N but to completion (death). The PPH has some good advice but also some bad advice. This is just my personal take on it as someone who has had countless surgeries over the years. I will just follow what I know.
I understand where you're coming from, but I think the purpose to have a light snack is to counteract all the excess stomach acid after fasting. At least a couple crackers or something, that's what I'll be doing
I understand where you're coming from, but I think the purpose to have a light snack is to counteract all the excess stomach acid after fasting. At least a couple crackers or something, that's what I'll be doing
I am not trying to advise anyone, I have no medical training. I already go long periods of fasting anyway (never really hungry). I was also planning on drinking alcohol but now decided just to drink the N. I want the least amount of complications as possible.
I think vomiting is rare even without antiemetics. As long as I take some Meto I think I will be okay. Everyone has their own protocols and reasons, I am simply sharing mine.
It's recommended to fast for 8 hours before taking N. As a last meal (not the light snack consumed an hour before N) what exactly is safe? What size should this last meal be? Can this be a big last meal or do you also have to consume something light? I was considering having one of my favorite foods (which is a big, heavy meal) 8-10 hours before at like 10-12 am and then I'd be consuming the N at around 9-10 pm or later until everyone is asleep. Is it all right to do this? Or do I have to eat something very light for the last meal 8 hours before too? It would make me happy to have my favorite food for the last time but if there is any risk I don't want to take it. Could a large meal 8 hours before slow absorption? I can't find very detailed information about the fasting protocol for N.
A large meal 8 hours prior would negate all the efforts of a fast so honestly I would have that last meal the day before. It still serves the same purpose. I guess technically if you're fasting for 8hrs it could start at the end of your last big meal but I don't feel like an 8hr fast is going to be much of a useful fast overall so starting it with a large meal seems a bit of a bad idea though I may be wrong if you have a good/fast digestive system. Personally I've come to think that a 25hr fast is more appropriate/substantial and worthwhile and will have my last meal in line with that.
A large meal 8 hours prior would negate all the efforts of a fast so honestly I would have that last meal the day before. It still serves the same purpose.
No, it needs time to work. The recommendation is a stat dose of 30 mg one hour prior to N. And I wouldn't skip the fast. You don't want competing elements in your stomach.
No, it needs time to work. The recommendation is a stat dose of 30 mg one hour prior to N. And I wouldn't skip the fast. You don't want competing elements in your stomach.
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