

Jun 13, 2021
well, at least i hope he still has a way out of the situation...if that is what he wants...
No one should be forced into suicide, the system takes enough lives already.
he deserves it in full. how many people did he get into trouble with his boasting and bragging and sloppy work ethic? how many people risk eviction or even more stress and humiliation? he cared about his money, not the wellbeing of his customers. the ebay guy didnt get sentenced or investigated, neither did CCS or XYZ or ABC.

he's a pig and i hope that he rots 😄
Bit harsh, innit? He wasn't being careful, but he never promised us security and we still bought from him.
We knew we were sending IDs without knowing what happens to the data and that Paypal is not safe.

P.S. 🐷 is not an insult, call him human.
Hes stupid. Just shouldnt have given consultations and instead been adamant on the ""its for food"" cover up.

do you have a link to this specific article? i am curious about the phone call

not only was he stupid, he was smug, too. a logo with the letters S and N sticking out? who tf even KNOWS that abbreviation except people on here? to him it was all just a masturbatory cheeky little enterprise, very thinly veiled
He doesn't deserve to be called stupid. An eccentric character who wanted to mock the system.
Despite everything, he still helped a lot of people, it's disrespectful to insult him like that.
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-flying rat
Apr 16, 2023
I respect K but his attitude got him caught and now many people dont have a reliable source anymore. Not to mention all the welfare checks. Ngl he kinda fucked us all up now with this
I was planning to order from him but oh well now
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Jun 13, 2021
He didn't fuck us all up.. he helped us in a way he chose for as long as he could.
He owes us nothing, especially knowing how easily people turn on each other.

Sounds quite entitled, sorry he got busted and it ruined things for you.
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ever so lonely

ever so lonely

terry joseph williams
Apr 17, 2022
may i just chime in here and say my two cents ?, these people never learn do they ?, this saddens me man, truly, i feel he was giving many people an out, or the option of an out, nothing more nothing less, some of those people are already gone, but the article doesnt tackle what led to those deaths in the first place just the guy who sold them the sn, who isnt to say they wouldnt have opted for more brutal violent and very public suicide methods such as by train or hanging ?, without his sn sales ?, should we ban the sale of rope entirely ?, blame train use as a mode of transportation ?, lol, it is laughable folks, or blame the driver of any train ?, i mean honestly society never says look ok what would drive somebody to actively searching up these methods and how can we help them, nah, dont be silly, lets just vilify and scapegoat the pharmacist who sold the product, i mean they never look into the deeper picture, why would people in a good place be searching this stuff up much less act on it, that is what society should focus on, just a thought, but nah lets just arrest the culprit providing that way out, we are al troubled here, otherwise we wouldnt be here, i feel sorry for him, his life is essentially over lets be honest about it, hearing this is just horrible, they will make an example of him now no doubt to prevent anybody else entering the market, and to think this substances is legal !, just now highly restricted, i feel it i seems over for KL tho i wish him well, mind you with canadas lax justice system who is to say ?, i wish him well, he has kind of martyered himself hasnt he, and who would blame if he himself goes on to take his own life over this farce, and you can bet ur bottom dollar, society isnt focused on everybodies wellbeing and mental health, what an absolute absurd crock of dooky that is folks, how many of us have been let down and failed by the mental health system, i mean arent we testament to that ?, i mean if that were the case we wouldnt have found ourselves here and in this position to begin with, so i beg to differ, i hope he will be ok, i still have my product from him, will be hanging onto it when i feel the time is appropriate to go, there will be more deaths soon no doubt, many of us just dont want to be here, when will they suss that out ?, and as for that article ?, virtue signalling springs to mind, arseholes.
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Jun 13, 2021
how many of us have been let down and failed by the mental health system, i mean arent we testament to that
Not just mental health, but the whole system.. as if anybody cares if you tell them 'nobody will hire me or I'll be homeless soon or anything else people are complaining about on here'. They'll give you a shrug and contact details of equally uncaring paper pushers. And then suicide becomes the tragedy.

many of us just dont want to be here, when will they suss that out ?
Not only deluded to the bone, but can't even accept it's possible to have different views about the world.
"Why don't you love this prison, it's the only one we have.."
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your local nursery mobile
May 2, 2023
well, shit.
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the satanic mechanic
Jul 29, 2018
He doesn't deserve to be called stupid. An eccentric character who wanted to mock the system.
respectfully, be fucking for real and rejoin the real world for a moment. this is not the time for your tyler durden pseudo bullshit, this man endangered the stability, peace of mind and even familial relations of many people. i count myself super lucky in all this, but what about people who had the police turn up at their university campus? people whose families have cut ties with them? get the fuck outta here, kenneth deserves every single day he spends in jail, and he is arguably stupid, ignorant, criminally negligent and all the adjectives he has coming his way
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ever so lonely

ever so lonely

terry joseph williams
Apr 17, 2022
Not just mental health, but the whole system.. as if anybody cares if you tell them 'nobody will hire me or I'll be homeless soon or anything else people are complaining about on here'. They'll give you a shrug and contact details of equally uncaring paper pushers. And then suicide becomes the tragedy.

Not only deluded to the bone, but can't even accept it's possible to have different views about the world.
"Why don't you love this prison, it's the only one we have.."
you put it better than i ever could bud, you hit the nail on the head with that statement for sure, it ian like lack of empat
Not just mental health, but the whole system.. as if anybody cares if you tell them 'nobody will hire me or I'll be homeless soon or anything else people are complaining about on here'. They'll give you a shrug and contact details of equally uncaring paper pushers. And then suicide becomes the tragedy.

Not only deluded to the bone, but can't even accept it's possible to have different views about the world.
"Why don't you love this prison, it's the only one we have.."
well said bud, you said it better than i ever could there, you hit the nail on the head, it is almost as if lack of empathy and being a general dick to people is in the mental health professionals rule book isnt it, tired of these pricks invalidating many of us here, you only need to skim some posts here to understand that the system is archaic and crude, cant imagine why it wouldnt work for most, i believe we place wayyyyyy too much faith in there expertise if they have any, how many on here have stated they tried therapy only to discover they felt worse coming out as opposed to when they went in ?, i guess if that is the purpose it works relatively well, most of em i have encountered have had the empathy and care of a wooden teaspoon, and i use that term loosely, honestly your bang on the money, the whole stinking thing needs severe upheaval, or prepare for ever more suicides society, i mean with the police visits going round, and then using these shitty little bully boy antics of intimidation on many people, to get sn confiscated, well i can only imagine what KL is going through, i mean rather than reach out to these nerks i would much rather sooner talk to people on here, it has been more productive and interesting speaking to people in a similar situation than any pencil pushing tick box mental health advocate, they aint got a clue, i dont feel they give a shite neither, so why should we, leave em to it, never reach out to them, esp them, just try to find likeminded people, to feel understood is key, these mental health professionals (are they even professionals rly ?), are as out of touch as modern day scheming lying politicians, for reals, when they realise none of there approaches work they resort to the old blame game, its then our fault we arent improving from a mental perspective, as if we get a choice, they blame the individual for there woes, for there problems, it is a joke, it is why i dont reach out to them nomore, havnt done and never will since around the time of the covid pandemic hitting, around march 2020 time, not only do they not give a flying fuck about people, but they also profit off of our misery by prescribing countless drugs and referrals, once you look into you realise it is a great big money and profit driven con, i read an article the other day that touched on anti depressants and anti anxiety meds, and it was claimed that these medications though mind altering and powerful are in many cases nothing more than your average placebo, and now i know why they never did jack, certainly makes sense, and i am guessing why they seldom work for many others, but well said mate, you articulated it better than me, hope KL is ok, sure he made mistakes, but he was giving us options along with it 🙏, he doesnt deserve this treatment being meted out to him by canadian LE.
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"Please, finish my story."
Nov 25, 2020
Regardless of KL's recklessness, there's no denying the service he provided for 2 years. @OceanBlue is right, it's not like SN is a lucrative business, otherwise there would've been competitors to IC. If IC hadn't existed, there wouldn't have been a reliable source for 2 years. Of course he could've handled things better, but complaining about the fact that we don't have a reliable source isn't KL's responsibility in the first place. He did it because he wanted to, despite the risks.

At the same time, I understand @ge0rge 's POV as well. My take is that we all knew there was a risk buying SN, but it's highly unfortunate it turned out this way. He didn't even consider upping security after the high risk of multitudes of people ordering in 2023. If families are cutting ties with people over owning SN, it's the family's fault for being so shit anyways lol.

In the end, KL was trusting his customers to hide the source post CTB... as I imagine with what with Loudwolf (they're never coming back so I'm just namedropping), it only takes ONE person who CTBs to ruin it for the rest by not hiding the source. And it's not exactly fucking unbelievable that people are selfish enough to not take precautions for the sake of other people. The mentality being 'once you are gonna die, who cares what happens to the people who want to CTB after you leave the world?' Those people are equally negligent for exposing authorities to KL, and then causing the domino effect of arrest, police visits, and no more IC.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
I respect K but his attitude got him caught and now many people dont have a reliable source anymore. Not to mention all the welfare checks. Ngl he kinda fucked us all up now with this
I was planning to order from him but oh well now
That news organization caused the police investigation of KL and the police visits. Everything was ok until that London times or whatever investigated set up and told police about Kenneth Law.

No that news organization went after him to take him down. They set him up. And the news organization twisted things to make him look like that and a villain. He did nothing wrong . Assisted suicide or selling products that give people the option to escape extreme torture should be legal at least for adults. Every human is going to die anyway. What kind of evil upside down world is this that an adult is sufffering or will suffer extreme pain and wants to be able to escape that suffering but can't buy a product to help themselves? Even though they and everyone will die anyway.
That news org caused the police investigation of KL and the police visits.

The most important right for a human to have is the ability to easily escape extreme pain , suffering and torture. KL was the only person brave enough to provide that right to people. No one wants to risk being put in prison. This is one reason no one else sells SN or real nembutal anymore. The news and police and govenrment want to make an example of Kenneth Law so that nobody does it ever again. they did the same to Dr. kevorkian and again a news organization got him to say things and set him up . then the gov put Dr. Kevorkian in prison .And dr kevorkian was only helping very old people with terminal illnesses and they still put him in prison.

The police did similar visits after D from Nembutal from D was busted last year. If the news or government want to take down someone or do anything to us they will . None of this was KL or D's fault .they provided a peaceful way to escape torture. D was diefied here as a saint. And I agree both are just like Dr. Kevorkian . The only 3 brave individuals willing to risk inprisonment to give people an option. yeah PN too but he only deals with people over 50 years old the news can't use the excuse that he's killing children "youngsters" "teens' the evil media said ,when only 1 17 year old did it so that 's a lie there that they use plural and KL did require over 18 . They would like to get PN too but it's harder to get people to hate PN giving 50 year old plus people a way out. they use that KL was "killing children" to get hate against him.

In 130 years all 8 bilion humans alive now will be dead. wtf doesn't anyone get it that we are all going to die anyway no matter what. Why prolong this hell . I as an adult want to leave this evil world . Where does some evil reporter or government agent get it into their head that they have the right to tell me that no I have to stay here?

And assisted suicide was legal until evil people put great time and effort into writing laws and manipulating the world to make assisted suicide a crime. There is or was a bill in the U.S. congress put forth to ban this website and to make comments of people here "assisting suicide" also.
A dog cat has that right . but a human has to suffer .A human is just a machine anyway and Chatgpt alone proved that.

The news government and police thugs did the police visits oppression to enforce their suicide prohibition state not KL . The government and police can do what they want and they deserve all the blame for the police visits oppression
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-flying rat
Apr 16, 2023
That news org caused the police investigation of KL and the police visits. Everything was ok until that London times or whatever investigated set up and told police about Kenneth Law.

No that news organization went after him to take him down. They set him up. And the news organization twisted things to make him look like that and a villain. He did nothing wrong . Assisted suicide or selling products that give people the option to escape extreme torture should be legal at least for adults. Every human is going to die anyway. What kind of evil upside down world is this that an adult is sufffering or will suffer extreme pain and wants to be able to escape that suffering but can't buy a product to help themselves? Even though they and everyone will die anyway.
That news org caused the police investigation of KL and the police visits.

The most important right for a human to have is the ability to easily escape extreme pain , suffering and torture. KL was the only person brave enough to provide that right to people.

In 130 years all 8 bilion humans alive now will be dead. wtf dosn't anyone get it that we are all doing to die anyway no matter what. Why prolong this hell . I as an adult want to leave this evil world . Where does some evil reporter or government agent get it into their head that they have the right to tell me that no I have to stay here?

And this was legal until evil people put great time and effort into writing laws and manipulating the world to make assisted suicide a crime. There is or was a bill in the U.S. congress put forth to ban this website and to make comments of people here "assisting suicide" also.
A dog cat has that right . but a human has to suffer .A human is just a machine anyway and Chatgpt alone proved that.
Governments want you here to profit off you
If they made profit from suicides their attitude towards it would change very fast
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Jun 13, 2021
respectfully, be fucking for real and rejoin the real world for a moment. this is not the time for your tyler durden pseudo bullshit, this man endangered the stability, peace of mind and even familial relations of many people. i count myself super lucky in all this, but what about people who had the police turn up at their university campus? people whose families have cut ties with them? get the fuck outta here, kenneth deserves every single day he spends in jail, and he is arguably stupid, ignorant, criminally negligent and all the adjectives he has coming his way
Users here knew and discussed the risks and still bought from him. I actually did not see many blame KL for the visits, bc it's not rational to blame him.
Please have a go at the system instead, why we needed KL in the first place. You're not being respectful at all.
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Oct 12, 2022
I don't think giving instructions is a crime as such but rather knowingly providing the necessary materials.
In Canada, the crime is "counselling or aiding suicide" – so giving advice, encouraging someone or helping them. Selling the material itself wasn't a crime, selling it once he knew someone's intentions was, but instructing people how to do it would be as well.
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Nov 2, 2021
No, it is ABSOLUTELY NOT. This faux facade must stop.
Yeah I thought that quote was a laugh too, mental health services are a complete joke!
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
respectfully, be fucking for real and rejoin the real world for a moment. this is not the time for your tyler durden pseudo bullshit, this man endangered the stability, peace of mind and even familial relations of many people. i count myself super lucky in all this, but what about people who had the police turn up at their university campus? people whose families have cut ties with them? get the fuck outta here, kenneth deserves every single day he spends in jail, and he is arguably stupid, ignorant, criminally negligent and all the adjectives he has coming his way

Are you sure he handed over everyone's personal details- or- do you think they were obtained from Paypal or Shopify? I mean- yeah- if he's sold us up the river for leniency- I can understand your anger but I'm not sure he would necessarily NEED to tell the police anything. When it's a matter of 'public safety', you can bet they get access to everything- including Paypal transactions. He could well have deleted all his records and they still found out what they needed regardless. Do we actually know how they found out everyone's details?

I'm not denying that this has been catastrophic for some people. It's been REALLY unpleasant for me.

Still- I was very hesitant about buying it to begin with. I knew it was a substance that was under a lot of scrutiny. I guessed it was only a matter of time before it got picked up in the news and the whole situation blew up. I'd also seen the odd wellfare check here and there because of it and for a while- that put me off. Ultimately though- I took the risk. So did you presumably- and many other people here- and- here we are.

What I am surprised about is how our local police forces were briefed. Or rather- not briefed. It seems obvious to me that they were told we had purchased entire 'suicide kits' that we intended to use immediately- hence- 4am raids, doors being kicked in etc.

Still- I definitely agree with you that this whole business has been TERRIBLE for most people and it will likely have only intensified their want to CTB- maybe sooner than they had originally planned too.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
Seems like the news reporters set him up. He provided a product . then the news reporter pretended to be a customer asking how to use it etc. After the seller provides help on how to use this product and then the news labelled that as "consulting" "assisting suicide" to get him.

imo 1. D from Nembutal from D who provided Nembutal here for years. 2. Kenneth law who provided SN and nitrogen mask kits for sale . 3. Dr. kevorkian . 4. PN of the PPH . are the only real life heros . These individuals are the only ones in my memory to risk imprisonment to give people an option to escape extreme torture extreme pain and extreme suffering. They are the only individuals to give people that option to escape torture.

It takes a lot of courage to go against the suicide prohibition state to even say something. Much more to work so hard to create products risk imprisonment to help people escape suffering.

Law said the allegations in the Times of London article were "false."

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On my way out. Yayyyyy
Apr 21, 2023
I think we should start an anonymous go fund me legal fund
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Jun 13, 2021
Seems like the news reporters set him up. He provided a product . then the news reporter pretended to be a customer asking how to use it etc. Then the seller provides help on how to use this product and then the news labelled that as "consulting" "assisting suicide" to get him.

imo 1. D from Nembutal from D who provided Nembutal here for years. 2. Kenneth law who provided SN and nitrogen mask kits for sale . 3. Dr. kevorkian . 4. PN of the PPH . are the only real life heros . These individuals are the only ones in my memory to risk imprisonment to give people an option to escape extreme torture extreme pain and extreme suffering. They are the only individuals to give people that option to escape torture.

It takes a lot of courage to go against the suicide prohibition state to even say something. Much more to work so hard to create products risk imprisonment to help people escape suffering.
Exactly. People are afraid to merely state their opinions on the right to die using real names and they made such risky moves.

I didn't know about Dr. Kervokian (from wiki):

According to his lawyer Geoffrey Fieger, Kevorkian assisted in the deaths of 130 terminally ill people between 1990 and 1998.

"What difference does it make if someone is terminal? We are all terminal."

He had spent eight years and two and a half months in prison

He was diagnosed with liver cancer,

Philip Nitschke, founder and director of right-to-die organization Exit International, said that Kevorkian "moved the debate forward in ways the rest of us can only imagine. He started at a time when it was hardly talked about and got people thinking about the issue. He paid one hell of a price, and that is one of the hallmarks of true heroism."

So he got vilified, censored, and spent nearly a decade in prison. All he tried to do was help the foolish.
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Jul 23, 2022
In Canada, the crime is "counselling or aiding suicide" – so giving advice, encouraging someone or helping them. Selling the material itself wasn't a crime, selling it once he knew someone's intentions was, but instructing people how to do it would be as well.
If so then I wonder why Canada hasn't banned this site like Italy and Australia unequivocal counselling suicide is part of what is done here...
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
Exactly. People are afraid to merely state their opinions on the right to die using real names and they made such risky moves.

I didn't know about Dr. Kervokian (from wiki):

According to his lawyer Geoffrey Fieger, Kevorkian assisted in the deaths of 130 terminally ill people between 1990 and 1998.

"What difference does it make if someone is terminal? We are all terminal."

He had spent eight years and two and a half months in prison

He was diagnosed with liver cancer,

Philip Nitschke, founder and director of right-to-die organization Exit International, said that Kevorkian "moved the debate forward in ways the rest of us can only imagine. He started at a time when it was hardly talked about and got people thinking about the issue. He paid one hell of a price, and that is one of the hallmarks of true heroism."

So he got vilified, censored, and spent nearly a decade in prison. All he tried to do was help the foolish.
Yeah They took huge risks of being put in prison . Only you and I see that everyone is afraid to even make a public statement supporting the right to die using their real name . People are much more afraid to work so hard to create products to help people escape torture, because of the threat of prison. .

And Dr. Kevorkian was helping ONLY very old terminally ill people who were in pain and requested his help . He only provided the machines . They couldn't use the excuse that he was killing kids because these were all very old people with terrible terminal illnesses. And the news media and government still demonized him , twisted things, and put him in prison for helping people escape torture. Just for that another reason for me to exit this evil upside down world.

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Deleted member 31858

In the end, KL was trusting his customers to hide the source post CTB... as I imagine with what with Loudwolf (they're never coming back so I'm just namedropping), it only takes ONE person who CTBs to ruin it for the rest by not hiding the source. And it's not exactly fucking unbelievable that people are selfish enough to not take precautions for the sake of other people. The mentality being 'once you are gonna die, who cares what happens to the people who want to CTB after you leave the world?' Those people are equally negligent for exposing authorities to KL, and then causing the domino effect of arrest, police visits, and no more IC.
This is very true, I am almost sure that most of those who have taken SN either from IC or from another provider do not take precautions by removing the label at least. I know that your pain is so great to have reached the point of ctb but I don't know you can be so selfish with those who are not yet ready and think that if the sources are discovered they take away other people's opportunity to ctb peacefully. On the other hand also many new members entering SaSu immediately asking for a SN source and most specifically asking for the IC source, I know we all went in desperate for the first time looking for a method but they don't bother to googling a bit first or go through a time here and show that they are trustworthy people and others even suggest that they make posts in the counting game thread and things like that to be able to access the mp quickly and be able to send them the source, I think that's also wrong, but hey they're just my thoughts
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Jun 13, 2021
In 130 years all 8 bilion humans alive now will be dead. wtf dosn't anyone get it that we are all doing to die anyway no matter what. Why prolong this hell . I as an adult want to leave this evil world . Where does some evil reporter or government agent get it into their head that they have the right to tell me that no I have to stay here?
The news government and police thugs did the police visits oppression to enforce their suicide prohibition state not KL . The government and police can do what they want and they deserve all the blame for the police visits oppression
I agree with this, the world is truly upside down.

I think we should start an anonymous go fund me legal fund
KL could set something up, asking help for legal fees can't be illegal. He didn't make as much as D..
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Jun 12, 2018
If so then I wonder why Canada hasn't banned this site like Italy and Australia unequivocal counselling suicide is part of what is done here...

It's very simple. Because we don't sell anything. I already explained a while ago why this forum isn't illegal in this thread:

But here is a short rundown of the facts. Giving someone else a physical item to commit suicide, knowing it would be used for suicide is assisted suicide. In Canada they call it counselling or aiding suicide and that's what he has been charged with. Of course Law is innocent proven guilty in a court of law and will see how the legal process plays out.


Long story short, he is in trouble because he gave other people a physical item. In this forum we simply exchange information. That's not action, that's speech. In most jurisdictions, simply talking about suicide (methods) isn't considered a crime. And regardless what the fixers claim, this forum doesn't provide "assisted suicide", as I already explained - in most countries someone needs to give another person a physical item in order to "commit" assisted suicide in a criminal context. What we do and what Law did are two very different things. And you're not allowed to use this forum as a marketplace for a reason because that could get you into legal trouble. But nothing about this forum is illegal because we enforce the rules properly.

I hope I managed to clear up the confusion.
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ever so lonely

ever so lonely

terry joseph williams
Apr 17, 2022
It's very simple. Because we don't sell anything. I already explained a while ago why this forum isn't illegal in this thread:

But here is a short rundown of the facts. Giving someone else a physical item to commit suicide, knowing it would be used for suicide is assisted suicide. In Canada they call it counselling or aiding suicide and that's what he has been charged with. Of course Law is innocent proven guilty in a court of law and will see how the legal process plays out.

View attachment 110005

Long story short, he is in trouble because he gave other people a physical item. In this forum we simply exchange information. That's not action, that's speech. In most jurisdictions, simply talking about suicide (methods) isn't considered a crime. And regardless what the fixers claim, this forum doesn't provide "assisted suicide", as I already explained - in most countries someone needs to give another person a physical item in orde to "commit" assisted suicide in a criminal context. What we do and what Law did are two very different things. And you're not allowed to use this forum as a marketplace for a reason because that could get you into legal trouble. But nothing about this forum is illegal because we enforce the rules properly.

I hope I managed to clear up the confusion.
it doesnt seem to stop or deter them targeting this site tho 🥺, if ever this place was taken away where would our safe spaces be then ?, i bet it is watched constantly, honestly this modern society sucks so bad, so much about it reeks man, thanks for clarifying moderator, not that you need to, i mean this site even has a recovery option for people who have changed there minds so like you say contrary to popular pro life opinion it far from encourages anybody, i feel these people who criticise the site probably never take the time to join or even use the site as a visitor, how long a stretch do you peoples think KL is looking at ?, it doesnt bode well does it, i am just thankful he sold me my sn for a rainy day.


"Please, finish my story."
Nov 25, 2020
This is very true, I am almost sure that most of those who have taken SN either from IC or from another provider do not take precautions by removing the label at least. I know that your pain is so great to have reached the point of ctb but I don't know you can be so selfish with those who are not yet ready and think that if the sources are discovered they take away other people's opportunity to cbt peacefully. On the other hand also many new members entering SaSu immediately asking for a SN source and most specifically asking for the IC source, I know we all went in desperate for the first time looking for a method but they don't bother to googling a bit first or go through a time here and show that they are trustworthy people and others even suggest that they make posts in the counting game thread and things like that to be able to access the mp quickly and be able to send them the source, I think that's also wrong, but hey they're just my thoughts
Mmhmm. I'm a conspiracy theorist—to me, it's not just a coincidence that they started investigating IC in 2023 after more people found out about the forum. Then again, no real consequences happened when people found the forums after the NYTimes article. Is this just because more people watch YouTube than read the news...? It's a crazy timeline we're living in.

Ironically, if this conspiracy theory were true, that means the youtuber who "spread awareness" caused SN sales to be at an all-time high.

Just an FYI here, KL was monetarily profiting off suicidal people, which is what most people had misconceptions about this forum and was disgusted about. As nice as it was to have IC as a resource, his existence will always be considered taboo in the eyes of the public. Personally I have nothing against the guy and I don't mean to paint him in a bad light. I'm just putting it in an objective perspective.


the satanic mechanic
Jul 29, 2018
Seems like the news reporters set him up. He provided a product . then the news reporter pretended to be a customer asking how to use it etc.
Then he should have taught them how to make sausages. That was the point of the website, wasn't it? Images of food, even a fake salt in addition to SN -- which was always questionably unavailable. My question then is: why bother? Why create a fake website for fake purposes if you're going to LARP as doctor death the second someone asks you how to kys? Why did he trust a random phone call, which by rights he should have had the foresight to see coming, and why did he provide information that was readily available here? I'm surprised he made it this long.
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Oct 12, 2022
It's very simple. Because we don't sell anything. I already explained a while ago why this forum isn't illegal in this thread:

But here is a short rundown of the facts. Giving someone else a physical item to commit suicide, knowing it would be used for suicide is assisted suicide. In Canada they call it counselling or aiding suicide and that's what he has been charged with. Of course Law is innocent proven guilty in a court of law and will see how the legal process plays out.

View attachment 110005

Long story short, he is in trouble because he gave other people a physical item. In this forum we simply exchange information. That's not action, that's speech. In most jurisdictions, simply talking about suicide (methods) isn't considered a crime. And regardless what the fixers claim, this forum doesn't provide "assisted suicide", as I already explained - in most countries someone needs to give another person a physical item in order to "commit" assisted suicide in a criminal context. What we do and what Law did are two very different things. And you're not allowed to use this forum as a marketplace for a reason because that could get you into legal trouble. But nothing about this forum is illegal because we enforce the rules properly.

I hope I managed to clear up the confusion.

Rain, thank you for all you do. I've looked around and can't find an answer, many people have brought it up. Why is this forum public instead of just for registered users? There are people with just a few followers on social media posting screenshots and making trouble. Is it just too much work for it to be private? The other forums seem fine public, but people are sharing really personal things and it feels like a door is open. Of course, totally respect any decisions that have been made, just respectfully wondered why.

Really liked this retweet from SaSu (maybe the only thing I agree with Elon about):

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Apr 12, 2023
Governments want you here to profit off you
If they made profit from suicides their attitude towards it would change very fast
Please answer this.
How are they profiting off a disabled wretched in pain me who is worth absolutely nothing and has nothing?


Jan 7, 2023
I agree with others in this thread that KL could have/should have been more careful about what he said to people. But ultimately, he is a persecuted hero. Countless people throughout history have been punished by governments for doing what is morally right. Just because something is illegal, doesn't mean it is bad in an ethical sense. Even though KL will sleep in a prison bed, he should still sleep soundly knowing that he fought the good fight against a totalitarian system that restricted personal freedom and autonomy.
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