Fentanyl. The PPH, after reading it, seems incredibly biased against opioids.
They bring up vomiting as a major downside (if orally administered), but seem to be fine recommending SN as long as you have a very strong, difficult to obtain anti-emetic. They also seem to dismiss completely the idea of boofing opoids despite bringing it up as a solution to other methods.
They bring up illegality despite N obviously posing a significantly greater risk of involvement with law enforcement due to the importation of the drug from a foreign country (unless you live in latin america I guess) - I mean, they (in a roundabout way) tell people they can just head over to South America to obtain N, despite it having no guarantee of working and despite requiring a very serious crime of drug trafficking in a foreign country. Also, you need a significant sum of money to travel or import it.
They talk about how difficult it is to obtain, despite being able to order it and other strong opioids on the DN and being able to literally walk up to any homeless person in any large American, Canadian, or European city, offer them 10 bucks to bring you to a dope dealer. Yeah, I know people don't wanna do that, but I feel like it's better than fucking traveling to another continent.
They bring up how people can't IV themselves, which is valid, but don't address the fact that one can learn easily if they don't have a serious needle phobia and that there are people who already know how and still deserve advice. The main issue they have with opioids, is allegedly the issue of dosage - they cannot recommend a dose, because lots of old people are on opioids already and have tolerance (and if you don't already know, Exit only cares about old people). They say, because it is so illicit and it is sold on the street, that you'll never know what you're getting, but you can just buy it and get it tested in a lab; yes, you can do this with illicit drugs in America, well, "unknown substance..." Just the same way they say testing is absolutely required of using SN, a method they popularized. If you don't want to go through all that, Fentanyl test strips or panel test strips for common recreational drugs are readily available and affordable - no this won't tell you what else could be in there other than Fent, but knowing there is Fent at all is very reassuring considering it is lethal at such a low dose.
They also talk about how if you did IV it, that it would be so fast acting that the individual would run the risk of passing out before finishing injection, which is silly if you just do a little research and use common sense by using a low volume of solvent (water or saline) in the syringe. And also, that sounds like a pro to me anyway, like "oh no! it's going to render me completely unconscious too quickly!" As low as 10mg of fentanyl is a lethal dose, especially when IVed, and it would take less than 1/4 a teaspoon of water to dissolve it. You can inject that within a fraction of a second. If you can't IV, intramuscular injection, snorting, and boofing are all options without the risk of lowering lethality due to vommiting.
It's mode of lethality is exactly the same as N, the drug they literally mention every page as being perfect and sent from jesus himself (CNS depression to the point of hypoxia while unconscious).
They also have an issue with the fact that there is an "antidote" to an opioid OD in nalaxone, or any other opioid antagonist for that matter, but this could be a benefit for some who may dose themselves and then regret the decision - nalaxone can be readily available OTC, so you probably won't even have to seek medical treatment if you regret your decision. You won't run the risk of getting locked in a psych ward (this is obviously not an option for IV, as the individual would be rendered unconscious almost immediately). And as long as you are aware of that risk and take steps to make sure you are not found, I don't see how that's very different from many other methods they recommend. Such as SN, which has an antidote to my knowledge.
I genuinely get the impression they just don't want to be associated with the opioid epidemic and crime. N is used for suicide and euthanasia. Opioids are for junkies or something. As someone who has lost several "friends" to fentanyl ODs, people with serious physical opioid addictions and high tolerance, if you managed to IV anything marketed as fentanyl on the street, and did like 40mg, bitch, you are gonna fucking die. That's just my opinion. I gotta stop writing so much, no one cares lol.