Um, I've been here for a few months, but just saw this thread now. I'm middle-aged, female, and have had suicidal ideation since I was about 11. I've never tried, but have been reckless at times with situations and chemicals, though obviously not reckless enough to make any difference. Related to that I have SH'd a number of times, the last one about a year ago. In addition to the garden-variety treatment-resistant depression and anxiety, I have a chronic illness that unfortunately will never kill me on its own, but is part of the reason I'm here.
The other part, ridiculous as it is, is because of a boy. He was my best friend for a number of years, and I love(d) him deeply. Turns out every single part of it was a lie. Everything. He was married, which I knew, but he told me he wanted just me. What he really wanted was a shiny new toy, and just to see what would happen with me. I wasn't his only toy (I found out recently), and after what I thought was a frank, honest conversation, he was bored with me and cheated on me with a stranger on vacation and wanted my empathy when that toy wasn't 100% on board with him (so he took a road trip and fucked another toy he said was just a friend). Then, his wife contacted me and I had to be honest with her, and as horrible as it felt to be betrayed, it was multiplied a thousandfold by also being a betrayer. I got what I deserve, and with all of that and not being able to provide for myself because of the depression and chronic illness, I just can't do this anymore. The only reasons I'm still here are my animals (the people will be fine, but it will be a shock to the animals), and the ideal method of N is basically impossible to achieve, so I'm having to take time to figure out another way that's clean, simple, and as painless as possible for everyone.
There's more, but that was rambly and whiny enough, but I appreciate being able to say it nonetheless. Thank you for this community where these sorts of things are more safely said.