I was born into the cult of scientology. My upbringing was very much full of isolation. I first began feeling suicidal at the age of 10, I'm 32 now. It all began when my dad started making some good money. He shipped me off to boarding school for a full year when I was 10. I was so very homesick, had no friends there and their schooling program was weird as fuck because, I think, it was based off the teachings of scientology. Suffice to say, I did not excel at learning in that environment. I tried everything to go home, and then the magical word of suicide popped into my head and off I went.
I returned home, went to some scientology program for trouble kids for a few months, that did nothing and I went back home. I stayed out of school for 5 years because the school that I was going to at home was.. surprise surprise.. affiliated with scientology. Because my dad didn't want to pay for the full year of tuition for the boarding school, my private school wouldn't accept me back unless it was paid off. Public school wasn't even considered because my parents feared that they would put me on psych meds. Thanks dad.
So I'm home alone, gaming, learning from online weirdos and people. I didn't think much of it at the time, sure I missed hanging out with friends like I used to, but this was a "fine" alternative.. Shortly into my prison stint, my dad quit his job because he thought he was the shit and could make it on his own. He didn't. My mom quit shortly after. Blah blah blah, my dad comes up with genius ideas to make a lot of money, never worked. He spent all our money on his ideas and porn and shit. We ate garbage, fed the dogs rice and beans.
Now I'm 15! Do I get another shot at learning? Probably not. Dad sends my mom and I to a hole in the wall boarding school. My mom works there so I can attend. Shortly after, he divorces my mom, leaving her totally fucked and penniless. There's no schooling program, just chores and shit. Had some fun, nothing major happened. Went back "home" after 10 months. Went to a tiny school and learned.. I think

also my mom is working there.. so I can attend. Money problems! Fuck money man.
She hooks up with this weird dude, I tell her there's something off about him, she doesn't listen. Cool. He's a diehard scientologist, fucked up in his head. So, my mom gets fired and I have to leave school, again. We move in with weirdo, I do some online scientology program for my diploma. Fuck that shit, I feel cheated out of my learnings! Now I'm just sitting home with no goals or aspirations.
My dad reaches out after being out of my life for about 3 years now. He tells me he got married and wants me to visit him, so I do. I end up staying with him for 6 months. While I'm there I join staff at the scientology org there. All is well and fine until I tell his wife about his porn addiction. The next morning I'm living in a hostile environment, she hates my guts, dad is angry at me, life sucks now. I want to go back home. No one listens to me until I threaten suicide.
So now I'm back home, I'm 19, join staff again, had some fun, grew to hate it, threatened suicide and they let me go. I did some scientology courses here and there, lots of money down the drain. That shit is expensive and does nothing. So I stay home gaming until I'm 24. Join staff at a different org, same story, threaten suicide, let go.
Now I'm 28 or 29, we eventually had to sell the house because of major debt, scientology swooped in and took their cut from the sale of the house??? Ok.. We move into an expensive apartment because my step-dad is crazy dumb and needed to be in the same area. My mom is constantly being badgered by scientology to buy their services, to which she can't say no or else get in trouble. So we're in the red, constantly circling the drain.
When covid hit is when I woke up to scientology being a cult. I lost my life's purpose. I always felt if I could just fix my problems or get better in whatever way, I could be accepted into the community for once and join the sea org (Hardcore scientologists that devote their life to the cause. Essentially slaves). I tried telling my mom, she was on the fence, but still believed in the teachings. Whatever I guess.
So now I'm 32. My mom takes a turn for the worse, collapses, goes to the hospital and it turns out she has diabetes that she never told me about. She left it untreated. They also discover a large mass in her pelvic area. They stabilize her and send her to a nursing home. I have to take over the finances as my step-dad is an imbecile and doesn't know shit about shit. Neither do I, but I'm the hero of the story, so surely I can be forgiven, right?
Anyways living with dumb dumb by myself becomes a nightmare. He cracks and crumbles, gets hospitalized, his daughter comes into the picture, how convenient. She's evil, fucks me over any way she can. She takes him to live with her, now I'm alone. Can't pay 3600 a month by myself. I move out, best friend blocks me. Time moves on to the jolly month of December. I learn that my mom has terminal cancer. Fml. I learn of SS about a month ago, start researching SN. I have a short lived hope until I skip through that massive fucking thread and find out SN is banned in the US. My mom died 2 weeks ago. Now I'm alone.
What to do.. what to do..