Hello guys, I'm a almost 30 years old from Italy. In my life I struggled with both mental and internal issues than the external one. Until a certain age, I had a more endogenous depression, i was like life has no purpose, i just didn't want to be on this planet. I thought "life is like a videogame, i reached this point and i don't feel like i want to go ahead, why shouldn't I press exit?". I thought people were too in awe with this thing called "life", that is just a random thing. Of course I valued a lot the life of others, of the animals etc, but not mine.
Then I started to enjoy things more, to be the kind of person who's able to appreciate the so called little things. A walk, a concert, listening to music, traveling, even just a sunny day.
But as I tried my way into the world, I was literally smashed by everything, because of my external problems, that I didn't ever considered that much. Psysical issues, like a malformation, hearing and manual problems. Unability of creating bonds. Unabality to find a stable job. An horrible genetic and an abusive and toxic family. I've started comparing myself to others. I saw them with their normal (not perfect, I know, but normal!) genetic, I saw them having a normal family (again, not perfect, but normal), saw them achieving thing with a an effort of 10, while me with an effort with 100, I could afford not even the half they reached.
But I'm not someone who blames others, I blame them only if they wrong me. It's not their fault if I'm abnormal. So I just think I'm a failed experiment, I'm someone not made for this world, I don't want to live a life in which I have to put 100 to reach half of the things people reach with 10. I don't care if others have it worse etc. My destiny is to kill myself and i'm 3 years late, at least. I'm a parasite of the human race, someone who in other societies would have been euthanased at birth. Now i'm with people who don't know my struggles, and they still demand that i'm completely normal. In Italy if you dont laugh everyday speaking aloud etc you are bullied by everyone. I just dont want to laugh everyday I had concrete problem since i was born, i've never had normal parents, i have many psycal defects etc. I just want to die. I had too many constraints, I can't do this anymore. Despite all these constraint I was able to live abroad. to reach a good position, to have 2-3 friends along the way (that now i lost completely, and i have never had a group of friends, just morbose situation), but now i just cant anymore, i surrend