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Nov 13, 2018
When I joined here the atmosphere was really supportive and everyone cared for each other but now I feel it's all upside down. This person is twisting my words (and other's aswell), I've reported her to @RainAndSadness and @Marquis because I don't think this kind of behaviour should be tolerated:

There are also people cheering for her in this post. Can you explain yourself, why do you support this kind of harrasment?

@Albus Dumbledore
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Bucket of Chicken
Mar 31, 2021
When I joined here the atmosphere was really supportive and everyone cared for each other but now I feel it's all upside down. This person is twisting my words (and other's aswell), I've reported her to @RainAndSadness and @Marquis because I don't think this kind of behaviour should be tolerated:

There are also people cheering for her in this post. Can you explain yourself, why do you support this kind of harrasment?

@Albus Dumbledore
I liked the template.
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Nov 13, 2018
Has nothing to do with you. Like I said: I liked the template. Tbh didn't even read the whole beef you have.
It has everything to do with me. By liking this post you're hurting my feelings, you're making me feel horrible.
Bat 17

Bat 17

Bat 17
Mar 30, 2021
I've had another look at the thread and I just can't see where you were being bullied. Of course your feelings are important.

My last post on that thread was complaining about how derailed it had become. Also descending into pointless bickering.
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Aug 12, 2020
The template could come across as patronising. This is literally a suicidal website. Clearly people need to consider that others are unstable and may take offence.
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Nov 13, 2018
I've had another look at the thread and I just can't see where you were being bullied. Of course your feelings are important.

My last post on that thread was complaining about how derailed it had become. Also descending into pointless bickering.
In this 'template' the user invalidates everything I say, questions my competency and intelligence, mocks, humiliates and makes fun of me. This hurts my feelings, what else there is to say?
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Jun 12, 2018
I'll look into this. Give me some time.
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Bat 17

Bat 17

Bat 17
Mar 30, 2021
In this 'template' the user invalidates everything I say, questions my competency and intelligence, mocks, humiliates and makes fun of me. This hurts my feelings, what else there is to say?
Ok - fair enough. I don't believe I supported the 'template' and it was one of many diversions in the thread that I was complaining about.

To be fair, the 'user' also had her feelings hurt on several occasions, and twice said she was leaving. At times it appeared she was being rounded on and it felt unpleasant.

And yet, there were also a number of users with really important points to make about J, his negative role in the forum, and the history of this place. At times it appeared they weren't being listened to either.

It's annoying the thread veered so far off topic and ended up getting silly in places and hostile in others. I'm sorry your feelings got hurt along the way. This should be a safe and supportive place, we all agree on that.
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Jul 27, 2020
Wow, that thread is more confrontational than I thought it would be. Right or wrong you don't deserve to be treated like that OP, especially not here.
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Aug 12, 2020
This is what there is to say (and I'm not taking sides):

SS doesn't stand for Saints Squad.
I'm not trying to come across as a saint. I don't know the full story but people on here in general need to be a bit more mindful of how they talk to others. I've noticed it in several threads. We clearly don't have healthy minds. This is supposed to be safe space.
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Dec 4, 2020
I'm not trying to come across as a saint. I don't know the full story but people on here in general need to be a bit more mindful of how they talk to others. I've noticed it in several threads. We clearly don't have healthy minds. This is supposed to be safe space.
Oh come on! I'm taking your point. Nobody is a saint. No need to get defensive.


Melon Master
Aug 19, 2019
Man, it really sucks to see beef on this website OUT OF ALL PLACES. Why can't we all just get along? ;-;
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Exhausted. RadHomo.
Feb 11, 2020
We're all playing right into whatever @x_LittleAmy_x's agenda is. That whole thread is a case in point.

'Amy' has no interest in engaging with the thread's topic or any of the more constructive ideas put forward. They only defend Jeremy, push the App idea and get other members riled up; they break the forum rules quite blatantly and then get members to do so themselves by making light of it.

In my view, it's manipulative and serves some purpose of worsening divisions in the community and showing that rules are not upheld. Meh

There are many problems with SaSu's links to, and the encouragement of suicide from a minority of members. But I feel that the intention is not to discuss but to paint us all with the same brush.
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Jan 22, 2021
A lot of time I come on here because I can't get my head straight in real life. A couple if times I've been outta line with people because I perceived that they were being arsey with me 1st and I've snapped at people I didn't agree with. We're all adults so either ignore people or politely disagree. I'm sorry you feel bad but you should've just unwatched the thread. A lot of time people crack jokes and try and take the heat out of the conversation trying to be lighthearted. In the uk that is how we do things and sometimes it's easy to forget that it is a global site and not everyone uses the same tools for the same situations. Take care
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Mar 18, 2021
We're all playing right into whatever @x_LittleAmy_x's agenda is. That whole thread is a case in point.

'Amy' has no interest in engaging with the thread's topic or any of the more constructive ideas put forward. They only defend Jeremy, push the App idea and get other members riled up; they break the forum rules quite blatantly and then get members to do so themselves by making light of it.

In my view, it's manipulative and serves some purpose of worsening divisions in the community and showing that rules are not upheld. Meh

There are many problems with SaSu's links to, and the encouragement of suicide from a minority of members. But I feel that the intention is not to discuss but to paint us all with the same brush.

I tried to make the thread go back on topic several times in the first few pages.
@Albus Dumbledore will confirm this, as will others.

Just because I then chose to engage with what others were saying on the thread, doesn't hold me solely accountable for it going off topic.

Now, run along.
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Bat 17

Bat 17

Bat 17
Mar 30, 2021
It can't be easy to be accused of being Jeremy's sock puppet, or a troll account of fix the 26, or to be some kind of provocateur, just because you started a thread on an interesting podcast that most of us otherwise wouldn't know about.

At the same time, newer members like me received valuable education about the damage and harassment Jeremy and fix the 26 did to this forum, and why there was suspicion of anyone apparently sticking up for him (not that I think LittleAmy was really).

But we don't need to fall out or behave like some sort of paranoid cult. I honestly believe that if we were sat around a pub table with a round of drinks, this would be sorted in minutes.
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Oct 13, 2020
When I joined here the atmosphere was really supportive and everyone cared for each other but now I feel it's all upside down. This person is twisting my words (and other's aswell), I've reported her to @RainAndSadness and @Marquis because I don't think this kind of behaviour should be tolerated:

There are also people cheering for her in this post. Can you explain yourself, why do you support this kind of harrasment?

@Albus Dumbledore
What!?????? Amy's response was to you saying 'Wow you're so nasty'
That was a totally rude and uncalled for remark on your part. Her response.. the 'template' was as far as I'm concerned, her rising above the level of throwing insults and just finding a different way to respond to your unpleasant comment.
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salt shaker, rule breaker
Jan 29, 2021
OP you kinda started it, everyone should just chill out... or not, i don't really give a fuck tbh. [makes popcorn]
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May 21th 2020
Aug 26, 2020
Excuse me, but everyone have six years old here or what?

This is pointless.
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Nov 13, 2018
What!?????? Amy's response was to you saying 'Wow you're so nasty'
That was a totally rude and uncalled for remark on your part. Her response.. the 'template' was as far as I'm concerned, her rising above the level of throwing insults and just finding a different way to respond to your unpleasant comment.
Oh c'mon, I was saying it's nasty to twist my words like that, not a person being nasty. But I guess you're only able to see her side here.
And once again, this thread turned into some carefree talk between these two people, totally ignoring my point and once again twisting the truth.
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Bat 17

Bat 17

Bat 17
Mar 30, 2021
Well I was hoping for something jollier and more congenial, and more befitting of a Friday...

but with two threads locked already and this one not looking too hopeful, maybe I'll have to join you in ordering 'the SS house vintage' :ohhhh::pfff:
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and now we rise and we are everywhere
Apr 19, 2020
Oh c'mon, I was saying it's nasty to twist my words like that, not a person being nasty. But I guess you're only able to see her side here.
And once again, this thread turned into some carefree talk between these two people, totally ignoring my point and once again twisting the truth.
Ok dude let me break this down for you real simply. We're all here on what is literally a forum for people that want to kill themselves, and you're taking time out of what could be the few last moments of your and other's lives to engage us with your claims that people are "bullying" you. Now I could be completely mistaken here, but I'm going to guess that some bullshit that someone said to you or about you in an online forum is probably on of the LEAST of your troubles. If I'm wrong and this and your "bullying" incident is more towards the top of your "life is shit" list, if I were you I just might stop for a moment and re-evaluate life in general. I won't bother to get into the specifics of why I turned to the idea of self-murder, but I'll just tell you that I'm going through some pretty serious shit to have gotten to that point where ending my life is looking like the most alluring prospect. I found this place accidentally when I googled "best suicide methods." I'm not here for Facebook thumbs ups or Reddit likes, I'm here because I'm struggling with the constant idea of killing myself.

What do you want here exactly? Did you find yourself an appropriate method of killing yourself yet? You've been a member here for quite some time according to your profile, so I suspect you've got your method of dying all sorted out. Do you want friends? Are you looking for a reason to live just one more day? Getting into arguments with people (and this goes for everyone) is simply a waste of everyone's time. If you want to connect with people, I suggest private messages. Send me one. You and I can start communicating if you like and become friends. My door is always open to everyone who wants a connection, even if it's their last one ever.

Unintentionally putting yourself on blast like this isn't going to help you or your situation. You're not going to win over people and get friends by engaging in arguments. You want a caring soul to help you walk through this before you make that final decision for eternal sleep, send me a message and I'm here for you.
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May 8, 2020
This is why so many members have left the forum. There's no respect here anymore. No courtesy, no compassion.
This is not the community I joined.
This place has become more toxic than a YouTube comments section.
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