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Jul 15, 2022
I find it unbelievable that there is such a long publication dedicated to one user. Sounds like fanatic

She is a user like any other
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Feb 21, 2022
I just find it concerning that at least two people have been banned in the past few months merely for challenging said blindly favored member's perspective.
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Dec 21, 2022
We're just a few days after a total meltdown regarding a youtube video which frames this community as a "death cult". Do you at least acknowledge that FC's posts are a treasure trove for anyone who would want to make that argument? If it were my goal to persuade people that this site encourages death and suicide, I would be so happy to have all the quotes of the stuff FC writes over and over and over.

Also, what you call compassionate responses I perceive as someone just telling people what they want to hear. I honestly cannot tell whether FC is in earnest because they never give any inkling of who they are or what they believe besides the stuff that has caused so much controversy and disagreement. I almost always get some sense of what a person is like through their writing, but FC's posts are so formulaic and repetitive that they truly sound more like political or religious recruitment more than someone's thoughts.

Personally I do think it is very problematic to have someone so aggressively telling people who are already suffering and hopeless that death is the ultimate good, life is unmitigated evil etc, etc. It shocks me that so many people here see nothing wrong with that or even encourage it.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
I understand your logic, but I think you miss overall purpose of this website.

Maybe I am wrong, but the primary purpose here is to be heard and get some comfort. Neither one of us can offer a solution to anybodys problems. You can't fix somebodys life or lessen their suffering. Sure, you can offer a word of advise to get mental help ( I think everybody knows that thats available so they dont need reasurance for that) or you can offer advice how to ctb. While having possible option to exit this world might be comforting, probably even for even most people, the truth is many people dont immediately ctb after coming to this website. Many acquire the method and then still wait for the right time. In this time they still seak a comforts of this forum cause your suffering wont magicly go away just because you know you have N in your drawer.

I understand that her posts can come of as dark and hopeless but sometimes simply being heard and knowing that there is a person who actually read your thoughts might be comforting.

I hope you understand I am not trying to attack you here in any way, just having a healthy argument and of course if you feel like putting her on ignore list it's totally fine, that's your absolute right.

I hope you have a good day :)

(Although I do want to say that legitimately putting someone on ignore only to continue talking about them to such an extent on the public forum is…eyebrow raising.)
I just find it concerning that at least two people have been banned in the past few months merely for challenging said blindly favored member's perspective.
What was the context and who were the members?

I mean I've seen one member in particular get away with the equivalent of murder on here (figuratively speaking) and they most certainly are not favored by those running the show, as far as I can tell.
I used to think they must be, but I've since seen evidence to the contrary.
(Which in this case, it's deserved.)

Not to say that biased mods and those with grudges or a loose interpretation of the rules aren't something I worry about…they are.
I always became frightened and disturbed when I saw someone I had a bad run in with, request to be a mod or try to get cozy with them.
(Maybe around a year ago or so, one person actually tried to get my comments altered or asking a mod they were pals with.
That was fucked.
They didn't like that my reasons for suffering didn't jive with their view on their own existence, that's all.)
Even for myself, unless I was always some neutral party toward every and any member, I would not feel comfortable being put in a position of power.
(I miss the mod far as I can remember she always tried to be as empathetic and evenhanded as she possibly could.
I've seen Rain put up with opposition that spits in the face of her own struggles in order to avoid any abuse of power as well. Surely that should be somewhat reassuring, no?)
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Jan 7, 2023
We're just a few days after a total meltdown regarding a youtube video which frames this community as a "death cult". Do you at least acknowledge that FC's posts are a treasure trove for anyone who would want to make that argument? If it were my goal to persuade people that this site encourages death and suicide, I would be so happy to have all the quotes of the stuff FC writes over and over and over.

Also, what you call compassionate responses I perceive as someone just telling people what they want to hear. I honestly cannot tell whether FC is in earnest because they never give any inkling of who they are or what they believe besides the stuff that has caused so much controversy and disagreement. I almost always get some sense of what a person is like through their writing, but FC's posts are so formulaic and repetitive that they truly sound more like political or religious recruitment more than someone's thoughts.

Personally I do think it is very problematic to have someone so aggressively telling people who are already suffering and hopeless that death is the ultimate good, life is unmitigated evil etc, etc. It shocks me that so many people here see nothing wrong with that or even encourage it.
You make some good points in here. But I have some counter arguments to some bits. I am bit drunk but I will do my best to be as eloquent as I can. I apologise if it comes of opposite.

I think we should not blame members for putting this forum in 'wrong light' in the eyes of public. After all this should be a place where we can all avoid this overwhelming censorship around death and suicide. By self censoring our posts we would go against the idea of this place.
In past century or so law enforcement and information outlets go into incredible lenghts to protect the public from the sight of death. The truth is death is a part of life, from.the most simple organism to the most complex.
I think that creating this cover and presenting death as unimaginable terror is one of the reasons (there are more obviously) why society absolutely cannot and doesnt want to understand suicide.

In my opinion, in the eyes of the public guides of how to commit suicide peacefully or the posts like of the person we talk.about, create the same image of a death cult. Yet I don't see anybody critising existence of 'Stans guide to peaceful death'. In eyes of normal person that guide is as bad as posting 1000 times that death is the only way. Even though you can argue that it is to give a person a dignified way to exit.

As to the youtube video, I will cite (although not very accurately ) a words of a person who made that video when he had account here

"Me: zero minor deaths on conscience
Sasu forum: allows death of a minor"

Citation is from my memory but that should give you idea how narrow minded this person is. It is sad how not thought through response like that is. It truly shows that he has absolutely no idea what goes through suicidal persons mind even though he claims his family are professionals in mental health field.

Don't get me wrong, I am not some death cultist, I am pro choice and fully support everybody whether they want to recover or go the other way.
I think we need to allow a bit more compassion here towards everybody because it is already enough that we can't say what we think outside of this forum. If we censor it than we back to square one.

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Global Mod
Feb 13, 2020
Everyone has their personal opinion. Treads like this will only cause more conflicts and arguments.

Closing this for now
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