Getting better would solve everything!!
How do you figure that would solve everything? thats a pretty blanket statement thats isnt always true.
Its not going to make my back pain stop. its not going to magically make parents that love me appear, people arent magically gonna stop being a$$holes
Sorry it took me so long to respond, my functioning moments are spars lately...
what kind of things do you intend to do to quit smoking weed?
ive tried basically everything from using bigger filters so it displaces the amount of weed, timers, one day on one day off, things like that. ive tried just stopping but that causes nightmares, i have more than enough of those. i dont think ill be quitting until i move...
Do you have to live with him until the divorce is final?
no, i cant even get a damn divorce until i move out (frustration at the situation). hes all like "you have to be separated for 6mnths before you can get a divorce, or we can just put adultery" if he fucking puts that im putting the truth (abuse

. it doesnt count as cheating when ive begged and lied and everything under the sun to end this relationship, this is your damn fall now, not mine). and because i cant get a job i cant have any proof of separation. and i cant move out because of my eating disorder. my "health and stamina bar" is chronically low, i get sick often and struggle to take care of myself (dont have the energy to make food). so i need someone to take care of me which makes me stuck here until i can take care of myself..
(and the system has done nothing except fail me, i
refuse to be part of it. plus i have a cat and MH and the system would only f everything up. they need to realize their ways arent always whats best

do you think he's dragging his feet on purpose to essentially keep you trapped there?
most likely. not entirely im well aware of the pay checks and what goes out and everything. hes not lying but at the same time "if you really need it i can come up with the money"
(this is what pisses my bf off, you can supply me $100-$300 of weed a month but im sitting here mentally deteriorating. and i dont disagree with him for that. however i dont say much because to say anything would most likely create withdrawal and no, not ready for that.*)
*and yes "youre never ready for something like that" or however the saying goes, but i literally mean in a better place to deal with. i dont need another problem on top of 5+ others and sometimes.....that means something has to suffer until theres room for it....
its not all bad (and my bf isnt happy with me "defending him" but im just stating facts. am i defending him?) i can ask for literally basically anything and its mine to help with my MH. he
just said to me, id rather you ask me for something that have to worry about getting stressed out. i dont disagree that hes probably creating a co dependency thing, but it is saving me energy to repair my ana and take care of myself again