Frstly apolgies tht ths = lng & apprci8 ur patnce -- am awre tht blcks of txt frm slf r nt easy 2 nor pleasnt 2 read
2 clarfy @Chinaski tht ws nt a targtd attck on u - am syng tht collabrtve effrt mkes protctng th/ ste & ppl on th/ ste easr & mre effcnt
Slf d / nt knw whch mod sd tht 2 u & Y -- am srry tht happnd 2 u -- bt wld agree tht postve rlatnshp btwn mods & membrs = importnt fr ppl 2 fl cmfrtble approachng mods wth issus & subsequntly trustng tht thse cncrns wll b acknwldgd & actd on whre possbl
A persnl Xample recntly ws tht thre wre multple ppl in cht dscussng hw thy wre unhppy wth mods -- whle slf ws in cht thre wth thm -- slf askd wht bettr modratn wld lk lke 2 thm & thy mentnd thngs lke reactng 2 certn thngs mre quckly & makng sre tht thngs wre pt in spoilrs & nsfw cntent = monitrd e.t.c -- whch slf hve mde priorty --- agn mre mods r bein rcruitd 2 try 2 mke sre tht happns also
On tht sme dy or dy aftr thre ws usr opnly dscussng wth cht membrs tht thy wre 16 yrs old & thy hd also mentnd thr age on a thrd & no1 rportd tht persn in eithr plce dspte dscussng thr age wth thm -- slf sw tht usr l8ter whn goin thrgh cht lgs & bannd thm --- am nt 'blamng' othr membrs per se bcse = modr8trs jb aftr all & cn undrstnd tht mny ppl d/ nt wn2 gt othrs in trble e.t.c bt @ same tme tht = Y collabr8tve effrt = bettr fr evry1 bcse minrs b-ing allowd 2 pst & intract also reflcts bdly & damges ste as thy shld nt b hre -- bt pls undrstnd tht thre wll b frstratns on own prt also in sch circmstnces whle simltansly dealng wth thse critcms
If = is of n.e reassrnce 2 knw - issus rgardng scammrs r b-ing heavly dscussd rght nw amng mods & xtra measres r b-ing takn 2 try 2 mke spottng thm earlr easr - espclly wth th/ recnt N scms -- if u or @𖣴 nemo 𖣴 or n.e els hve negtve xpernce rportng smethng t/ 1 mod pls remmbr tht thre = team s/ u cn stll tke thse cncrns 2 sme1 els -- nt evry issu = takn dirctly 2 RaS & n.e.1= hs own perspctve & =humn &/or cn mke mstkes
Rgardng creepy psts -- agn - a crpy pst ds nt necssrly warrnt a ban bt kpng tht pst visble = nt hlpfl eithr s/ thre = obvsly a balncng act 2 ply thre bt = lkely tht warnngs wld hve bn distrbutd in thse instncs & rpeatd b-havrs wld thn rsult in a ban - rgardlss am sre th/ collctve mod team wll b takng lessns frm MtG & wht hs happnd arnd hm
Lke @Dead Ghost sd - evry1 cares fr ths frum whch = importnt -- rgardng dscussng issu in Sanctry nt evry1 hs accss 2 tht prt of ste
I mean no disrespect to you personally here but if the answer to these problems is "report to mods" it's got to be acknowledged that there are very obvious reasons as to why people will decide against doing that. The mods are individuals with their own judgement just like any other person on here and when you see a mod faving posts stating "99% of sexism is against men" and then responding with an unfunny meme about snowflakes being "triggered" when challenged on it, when mods publicly defends an incel's use of offensively objectifying terminology to describe women as sex objects when people raise their obvious discomfort with it (but do tell someone off for "invalidating" the incel in the same thread), when mods defend one individual's right to have a misogynistic spree-killer as an avi despite the obvious offence this causes because Free Speech (Rodger also being described as "suicide activism"), when incels can post about how their problems equate to paraplegia and terminal illness and the only person receiving disciplinary action is the person refuting this obvious bullshit, when a mod hug-reacts an incel posting about his actual murder fantasies but then deletes a post critical of incel attitudes for being mean, these things kind of add up and you will see it's not about number of staff, it's about attitudes of staff and where lines of tolerance are drawn. You cannot blame people for not reporting things to staff who consistently establish a dubious line of tolerance, particularly when staff were clearly made aware of Mark the ghost being a creep long before he got booted.
This is not meant as an attack, it's your site, do what you want, but my point remains that so long as offensive output is essentially encouraged here, people who can read it will use it against the site. If you're sick of being considered an incel sister site, get rid of the nasty incel shit. If you don't want objectively bad content (which even users of the forum often find offensive) being used as a weapon by people with a target on you, then you have to actively moderate that content, if you want this place to be a forum for mature and rational discussion on a taboo subject rather than a holding area for public posts which present us as a secondary forum for incels, a smorgasbord for creeps, or a dumping ground for angsty bigotry then this requires a shift in attitude from that regularly presented by staff and a heftier intervention when these things present.
Again, you can take this constructively as is intended, or you can do the "banned for prolifing" nonsense, up to you. You can even choose to just ignore it, it's your site after all - but the site is responsible for the content within, and when actually suicidal people log on here and see some bloke asking for advice on strangling women, a daily thread about someone's penis, yet another diatribe about how women are shallow, vapid, despicable creatures, they're probably not going to want to stick around.