China is certainly guilty of its fair share of human rights violations. Between the big 3 however (China, Russia, and the USA), they're all pretty much as bad as each other. The world, and doubly so for the people that actually have to live inside these countries, would be much better off if these irredeemably oppressive states disappeared overnight. Having said that, next to China, the USA is the most eavesdropped on, wire tapped, and surveilled population in human history. Its militarized police forces more resemble a domestic army, than an actual civil service. They run black sites across the globe where acts of torture are regularly conducted. Whether at the now infamous Guantanamo Bay, or at just as heinous sites present in places like Abu Ghraib and Bagram. The pentagon and their political duopoly poses the greatest threat to world security bar none.
USA Greatest Threat to World Peace:
USA Voted Most Dangerous Country On The Planet:
To this day, the US wants Julian Assange's head on a platter. And all for the crime of trying to report the truth to the people and holding those in power to account. Julian Assange was the creator of wikileaks and was integral in revealing the thousands of war crimes committed by the US armed forces in the middle east and elsewhere. Most infamous of which being the release of the "collateral murder" video, where a US gunship was authorized to gun down innocent journalists, along with children who were nearby. Bradley Manning who released this information to wikileaks was tortured by the US for years and was often kept in solitary confinement. Last time I checked, he was thrown back into jail for not be willing to testify against Julian, who is now awaiting extradition to the USA where they will most probably execute him under the espionage act. China is bad with its human rights violations, that much is certain, but the USA is right there with them. They both ought to be wiped off the face of the planet.
Collateral Murder:
Julian Assange:
The USA, through the NSA, has the most advanced surveillance apparatus in the world. Not even Eastern Germany's infamous Stasi state comes close to matching it, which you can see illustrated in films like The Lives of Others.
By the way, I'm not saying that China isn't awful. Of course it is. The USA, for the last 70/80 years, has designed a world where monsters have now risen to supplant them. At the end of the day, it's not far fetched to say that it's primarily the USA who is to blame for everything that is wrong in the world today. They oversaw decades of geopolitical barbarism and now the chickens are coming home to roost.
While we're on the topic of people's rectums though, US torturers at Abu Ghraib would often smear human feces on prisoners for fun. The personnel at this base were most amused by this and would regularly take photos of them in compromising positions, along with doing many other sadistic acts like stripping the prisoners naked and making them climb on top of each other in a pyramid, or sticking guns in their mouths/asses, or just playing with them as if they were their own personal human toys.
Abu Ghraib Torture and Prisoner Abuse:
No one in the US military was ever punished for any of this, by the way. At leas not to the extent they ought to have been for committing literal war crimes and other crimes against humanity. From the collateral murder, to Abu Ghraib. Just like with cops and wanton police brutality, the US turns a blind eye to any and all evil it otherwise directly/indirectly supports and encourages.